The Opacity of Hope.. Ouch! to TP parchment paper😉

Written in response to: Set your story in a desert town.... view prompt


Christmas Drama Teens & Young Adult

Thinking on your feet.

On your feet.

Ouch to the dry gulch.

What is your favorite crayola box color?

Mine is: Opaque.

Not transparent.

Not translucent.

Like Goldilocks(scj) says: Just right!!

When you look in the mirror. What IS staring back at you? You. Yourself and You?

A “problem”?

Our reflections tell us so, so much. Either can be diffuse, reflecting off of a white wall, or specular (not spectacular, no mis spell here), light reflecting off of a mirror.

I choose the later. (Sounds like “ladder”.)

Opacity depends on the frequency of the light being considered.

Score one for Jesus🙏🏻, the land of liberty, home of the brave, freedom and soil for growth.

Who needs Kleenex when the farmer’s “blow” is available.

Ask the baker where he gets the wrap for the goodies, before you take a bite of the delicious sugar.😝

If it happens to be wrinkled, good chance/chances are it has been.

Used already.

Shame on you.

Shame on me.


Use it anyway.

Go ahead and give it a try. At your own risk.. It may also be rough around the edges too.☺️

Used already.

Shame on you.

Shame on me.


Use it anyway.



No thank you.

Not me.

You do you.

Better advice from a wise life coach: Be you.

You can take it or leave it.

I will take it and run with it.

There is a trend. And for some it is moving in the opposite direction. Of up.

The Supreme Decision has been made.

That we are all and have been created equal.

How absolutely, positively positive.

Wouldn’t you agree?

There were many warnings. Heeded ones and quieter ones.

To declare your deeply held beliefs.

Perhaps you lost it.

Literally. Figuratively. And the like. The “like”. The “likes” messed with you, your head.

My apologies.


”What’s grosser than gross?”

A lot.

Too much.

Let’s see how it goes, plays out…..

Hint: (EN13432) Abroad. At home.

Another hint: If you happen to see the price of Charmin go up… to say the cookies and cupcake prices have skyrocketed as well..

Ouch! To parchment paper. Hope it was worth your time, that the gooey mess of frosting and sprinkles and whipped cream tasted as yummy as the gooey mess slid down. Your pipes.

The Opacity of Hope.

Mass Communications.

Mass Attenuation Coefficient

aka/Mass Absorption Coefficient.

I might as well be speaking Espanol.

I might as well be speaking Ebonics.

I might as well mouth the words in hopes of being



But. No.

My first language is


My second language is


My third language is


My fourth language is


And so forth and so on.

My other language is tears. Crocodile, happy, sad depending on the gravity of the situation.

Straining to hear.

Straining to go.


Should have appreciated Charmin more than I did.

Well. there is always coffee.

For now……..☺️💃👯‍♂️💃👯‍♀️✌🏻


Ebonics is dialectally different. A difference.

And the glorious new decision that we are all created equal puts the onus somewhere……on someone……..but on who..will step up..step back….step down.

Since the 1996 controversy over its use by the Oakland School Board, the term Ebonics has primarily been used to refer to the sociolect African-American English, a dialect distinctively different from Standard American English.(wk)

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Ebony is “a portmanteau of the words ebony and phonics, and is a term that was originally intended to refer to language of all people (hurray=all people) descended from African slaves, particularly in West Africa, the Caribbean, and North America.

The term was created in 1973 by a group of black scholars who disapproved of the negative terms being used to described this type of language.(wk)

Fair enough.

We live in a free country—last I checked—-gotta love the ‘70’s of free thinking. Changing the conversation kind of debates, conversations and discussions.

The ability to object without the violence and oppression that can follow one for a very, very long time.

I get it. I really do. Get it.

But today, after yesterday, we are all equal. Hurray. And thank goodness for goodness.

Throw ya some “shade”. That is one way to skin the cat. Let me know, please how that goes for you.



Acquiring budgeted funds. Check mark.

Differences celebrated in emphasis on differences on its claimed African roots and independence from English. Check mark.

Code switching. Check mark.

Occurs when a speaker switches to a different language, or language variety. Check mark.

Well. The change DOES tick all the boxes.

Of hope.

Of change.

Gotta love the “fun” in fundraising. The race to the top. The ESSA act. The ADA. NCLB. And all the fluffy, sugary “stuff” and words.

Good and honorable.


Good and honorable.

Motivations. (Open to interpretation, of course)

When all else fails,

Open your heart to real change.

Time will tell.

It usually does.

When things dry up.

They dry up.




Erosion overtime.

Before one looks in the mirror and asks the hard, hard question:

”Dear God, what happened?”

To the person I used to be.

Too much sugar?🫢

Not enough hydration?

A narrow deep cove. Check mark.

A narrow salt water channel. Check mark.

Variety of landforms. Check mark.

The ability to walk about freely. Blank space. Blank stare.

A beautiful and spacious gully. Blank space. Blank stare.

Golly for gullys.

The ability to walk freely through hindered by the fact the passages resemble large ditches. Ouch. Where is the Charmin……. Ugh. All that is left is the ouchy parchment paper. Difficult to think on one’s feet when the hurt is so deep.

Bring it on? The machinations.

Digging ditches. Digging for gold. Same difference? Required. A mighty, mighty big and strong machine for that task. Provided the gas line hasn’t dried up too.😳

Erosion can progress.

Yikes. And. No!

How? Deforestation. Over-grazing……

Over hazing…..🍺🍺🍺🍺. ………….




Come again?

An affluent is a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or main stem (or parent) river or lake. Ohhhhh…….

It takes a village “mentality or mentally.”

Depends on the change one may suppose.

The Opacity of Hope.

The conversation being “changed”.

I dunno ‘bout you.

I am a bit parched.

For things to return to the new normal.

Or the old normal.

Or somewhere in between.




A thirst trap.

Please do not get yourself trapped into one of these.


And traps they are.

Worse than food traps.

Colloquially speaking, of course.

Frustrations abound.

It is slang for enticement.

Believe me.

It is only temporary.

The rush of excitement of the likes.

Validation, personal branding, bust ups and break downs.

In spite.


The cycle is vicious.

And during the virus-ey fight things got “crazy”….

The endorphins ran amok with the pleasure of your virtual company.

Social isolation and the sneaky little virus knew this and the TikTok’s continued with the clicks, and took with them the clocking, docking and stocking of your personal information.

So much for the Opacity of Hope.

And change.

June 30, 2023 15:36

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