Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



 A young teenage boy lived with his parent in a small town known as Seattle. They were so poor and coulv hardly pay the rent of their small apartment nor could they afford their daily expenses, they coul not pay for their son's school fees and as a result he was not able to go to school. Raymond decided to look for a job so that he could pay his school fees. He searched and searched and searched for a job but it was not easy to get finally on a faithful Monday after one month of searching for a job he finally got a job, he got a job in a Cafe which was not so far from his new school. From this job he could pay for his school fees and take care of some small house bill. Raymond worked hard for some days, paid his school fees with his salary andhe was able to go to school. One day Raymond's eye spotted something, he sab a young man about his age dropping the lifeless body of a young lady by a tree. Raymond hid in the bushes and when the young man left, he went to check on the lady. On reaching there the cops saw him and without any further questions, accused him of murdering the young lady. Raymond tried a lot to explain but the cops didn't seem to be interested in his explanation and arrested him. One of the cops searched for some evidence and finally saw a knife by the daed body, the cops took this evidence. Raymond was kept in jail cause his parents could not afford a lawyer, Raymond was punished severely for a crime he never committed. Raymond was sent to s special room for interrogation a day to when the result of the evidence where going to be out, Raymond was asked a few questions but when he kept saying he did not do it one of the investigators got angry and whacked Raymond on the head with a metal which he couldn't bear and then he died. When this news started going viral, suddenly a well known lawyer found the case interesting and decided to stand as their lawyer for free. Immediately the lawyer agreed the cops were sued, the cops that arrested and killed Raymond were scared but later calmed down because after the evidence would be confirmed Raymond would would be found guilty and the cops wouldn't have to pay. On the day of the judgement Raymond's lawyer stood up and said "My lord this cops have a lot of charges against them", Firstly, they arrested a young boy under eighteen years old secondly he was punished with hard labor without the proof of Raymond being guilty,thirdly he was brutally murdered for no reason. My lord this are the charges against them, the cops lawyer stood up and said " My lord this are the evidence that shows the boy was guilty". The judge checked it and said "the name on this file don't match with the young man's name" the whole court room gasped, the name here is James Tom and that was the name of one of the cop's son. The cop tried to cover up for his son's crime but as they say JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED.All the cops that arrested Raymond lost their job and one that killed him was also lost his job and was arrested while James Tom was interrogated and agreed that he was the one who killed his girlfriend because she wanted to break up with him so he was arrested too. Raymond's parents were given a house, a car and some money. Injustice is one of the problem in the world today, so let's change and make the world a better place, let's change for the better. Raymond parents ended up adopting a son and named him Raymond. Many cases have happened like this in many countries, not getting attention needed due to poverty, mostly in hospitals, stations and lack of education.Poverty is now one of the things contributing to the world's problem because poverty makes you steal, poverty makes you kill poverty makes you go into a life of crime,it makes you desperate so you can do anything to get money.For example kidnappers kidnap for the money, prostitute do those jobs because they need money some go into drugs while some perform what many knows as black magic or ritual . Let's try to reduce the rate of poverty so as to reduce the rate of crime.while many sleep on piles of money, some sleep on dirt.while some spend lavishly, some could hardly eat . Everything on this world that happens to you is a test from the greatest teacher (God). when you are rich God is testing you so instead of lavishly spending,why not just use your money to do something good.And if you are poor the best thing is to worship God and have patience. Let's make a change in the world and reduce poverty.Let's make the world a better place. In this story, Raymond's parents couldn't get a lawyer due to poverty, the cops didn't believe Raymond due to poverty.But imagine in this story if Raymond's parents were rich, they could just bribe them and even if Raymond was guilty he would go Scott free.Bribery is another problem in the country so as corruption which people use money to cover for their crime. Many successful people have a secret to their success, some might be a gift from God, while some worked day and night to night to earn it.Dont think God hate you, it's just a matter of time before you too will be successful.Some people commit suicide thinking that God hates them which means that they will never ever make it in life but God created us so he will definitely love us which means we must worship him cause he is the one and only true God. So let's make a change and worship our one creator.
June 10, 2020 17:19

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