
                             BANANA JOE.[Bananas are for eating]

                        Joe Keen was seven years of age and felt that he was his own man, in charge of the house when his father was absent. He still had a lot to learn about people and places. One day he had the television on loud in the sitting room. Sarah his mother had a headache, she did not mean to shout at Joe. “You’re driving me bananas.” What is that supposed to mean? ’’Bananas grow in Jamaica; teacher showed us the map at school.’’ “Don’t argue Joe.” Replied, his mother Sarah. It was so hard being a one parent family with Joes father away at sea. Keeping a job down to fit in with Joe’s school; hours. Joe was an intelligent and popular lad at Merryvale School. She would regret shouting at him. It was not his fault she had a headache. Later she would give him an extra cuddle and take him into town to try on the new trainers he liked at Hills Store. Once her headache had ceased,

                 Thinking about things, Joe made his way to see Nick two doors away Nick was polishing his car a blue Mustang. “Mom says I’m driving her bananas.”

         “Do not worry son your moms probably having a bad day adults say strange things sometime without thinking, if their not well. Bananas are good for you look at the nice banana cake Ethel my wife makes.” You always enjoy Ethels cakes Joe.

“Yes, and bananas come from Jamaica there are yellow and green ones.’’

 “Yes, there are all nice and ripe,” said Nick.

    “Then why did Mum say that?”

   “Well sometimes people say the first thing that comes into their heads. She probably thought about a bunch of bananas, did you do anything to upset her Joe?

  “I had the telly on.”

   “Well maybe it was too loud?” I have heard people say “You’re driving me bananas if they don’t like something.” Joe went quite trying to see the reason behind Nicks wise words. After all he was only seven and the whole incident having his mother shout had taken him by surprize.

  “So that’s it?” I never meant to upset my mom, like that Nick.  “Yes.” Son that is it your mother will rest and feel better when you get home. You can always help with the car and visit Ethel and myself.

  “Thanks Nick.”

 “That’s ok son.” Nick then smiled and patted Joe on the back, handing him a sponge to use on the car, Joe helped Nick clean the car. He enjoyed the company of Nick, watching the lather trickle down the car windscreen. It was hard work and Nick made that old Mustang shine. Sometimes they went out together in the old car, and people stared when the car blew out blue smoke. Today Joe stayed for tea with Nick and his wife Ethel. There was no Banana Cake. Joe had settled for coffee and Ginger cake instead.

  Nick and Ethel were his best buddies. They always found time for him, explaining, and showing him things, in story books, cars and any other things Joe felt that he needed to know about. Maybe when he grew up, he would become a car mechanic like Nick. A smile appeared on Joes small face. After tea with Nick and Ethel, Joe made his way home.

 Sarah, gave Joe a big hug “Sorry I shouted at you.”

 That is fine.” replied Joe. Hugging his mother back, he knew she would not stay angry for long. They went for walks together weekends. Sarah had showed him squirrels and how to use his new library card in the library to learn from books. Later lying awake in bed that night Joe thought about his day, well that is something new to tell teacher there are two types of bananas the ones you eat and the ones that get you cross.

       When Joe had gone Nick was deep in thought he hoped he had helped Joe. Ethel had agreed that it was difficult to make a small boy understand, adults sometimes. They both knew that Joe would come through okay. They were always there to give advice. Sarah did not have it easy with Joes Pa away in the navy. Maybe next time she would be more careful what she said to Joe? Growing up an only child wasn’t easy for the lad. Although when his father came on shore leave the three of them went every where together. Such a shame that sometimes the lad’s father was away months at a time. He and Ethel were always there to give a helping hand with Joe if needed.

   Three days later Sarah had been called into the head teachers office at Joes prep school, she had said how sorry she was about shouting at Joe and would be more careful with her choice of words, regarding what she said in future to Joe. Mr Prince the head knew Joe came from a good family and that no harm had been intended. He could not have, Joe going around school telling others they were bananas. He smiled once Sarah had left the office it was all in a day’s work.

  His thoughts went back to Joe trying to explain to his form teacher that there were angry bananas that gave you a headache. His mother would explain to Joe that it was just a slip of the tongue. If only all problems came down to a banana. The head had to smile, at least Joe had not gone around hitting the other kids with bananas.

 In teaching one learnt all the time, even from those so small. Joe was a very intelligent little boy and he was sure that in years to come he would do well. He may well become an engineer like his father. They just had to watch him more closely as he had ideas way beyond his years. Poor Joe trying to solve a problem that should not have been there in the first place. Mothers had bad days, like everyone else.                                                                            

May 10, 2024 23:32

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