
There I was. I was engaged to a Godly man who was very tall but frail. We wanted a house in a forest away from town. He wanted an old house even though I told him that wasn't a good idea.

We found our dream house or it seemed like our dream house at first. When we moved in we decided to go on the balcony and look at the sunset. Just when the sun went down we heard whistling. My fiance shouted, "Who is there?" No one answered. This repeated for 5 weeks except each time the whistling got even louder.

We decided to move out because we didn't know what else to do. Once, we moved into a different house the whistling started again. We were really freaked out. We called the authorities but they thought we were crazy.

A month later after we moved into our new house. The whistling stopped but something else started happening. Screaming. It sounded like a baby who was yelling for help.

There were storms after storms. The screaming got even louder. One night my fiance went out and said: "We are not scared of you." The clouds screamed " You are scared of the storm. Therefore, you are scared of me.'' My husband screamed back and said "I am the storm and you will never separate my fiance and me.

"You can never be safe. I will haunt you until the day where your fiance and you will separate. If you don't separate I will tear your wall of happiness down." the unknown species called.

You will never feel happiness again. I will tear your family apart. You will never smile again. I began to smile and said, There is nothing that you can do that will make me feel like I have to break up with my fiance.

"Don't you see? I am already tearing your family apart. Since I have been scaring you your fiance and you have spent more time arguing than being happy." He said.

From the sky, he heard "Do not be afraid. I have destroyed the one who is terrifying you. You don't have to move. Stay right where you are. You are safe. I have even made a barrier between you and the storm." I asked, Who is there?" There was no answer. I asked again and there was still no answer.

Months and years after that we heard and felt nothing. Not even a peep. Everything was still. I began to feel like myself again.

January 14, 2020 23:09

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