Submitted into Contest #213 in response to: Start or end your story with a character receiving a hug or words of comfort.... view prompt



An Angel of God is sent from Heaven to a small town, call Twenty-One Palms to touch the lives of two families who are in desperate need of healing, love and faith.

The Angel we shall call Angelica is sent to earth to Twenty-One Palms to the lives, the families Ortiz and Collins to bring good news. Each of these families is in need of love, faith and healing.

These families have lost their faith in God, they have lost their love for each other and nothing in their lives can heal what they lost. The mission from God is to heal the families, bring love and faith back into their lives. The first family in Angelica's mission is the Ortiz family.

The Ortiz family consist of father Fabian, mother Carmelita, and twin daughters Alejandra and Anastasia are by all accounts a warming, loving family. Their love for each other is as strong as their faith.

Fabian Ortiz is a hardworking man, a family man who works long hours to give his daughters everything he never had growing up. He never wants his daughters to want for anything. Carmelita Ortiz is a proud, strong woman who loves her family deeply. She cares for her family, for her daughters like a mother bear protecting her cubs. The twins Alejandra and Anastasia are a bolt of energy bringing joy to all those around them. A smile as big as the sun. A beauty they are.

The Ortiz family had it all living the American dream but then out of nowhere the unimaginable happened. Alejandra is diagnosis with leukemia. The family was torn to pieces. What love they had left is gone. Fabian and Carmelita lost their faith. Anastasia became withdrawn. In a matter of a year the Ortiz family went from a happy, loving family into three bitter people with no love or faith.

Alejandra is the only one out of her family that is not bitter despite her battle with leukemia. She is brave and has so much courage. Alejandra's faith never wavered. Her love for God is so strong that she prays every night to God not for herself but for her family. Alejandra wants her family to stop being bitter, to stop fighting, to love God and to come back to their faith. One night Alejandra's prayers are answered.

Angelica, the Angel of God came to Alejandra's room while she is sleeping. She touched Alejandra's forehead and said "Heavenly Father heal this child of her illness. Heal her family from the hatred they have. Bring love back to them."

Alejandra wakes-up and sees Angelica. She is scared but Angelica tells Alejandra "My beautiful child, your faith is beautiful. God has answered your prayers. Tomorrow will be a brand new day for you and your family."

Alejandra goes back to sleep. She wakes-up the next morning to screams coming from her parents bedroom. Anastasia, with tears in her eyes enters her sister's bedroom and hug each other.

Alejandra tells her sister "Have faith. Today will be a good day." The screaming stops. The sister's go down for breakfast. They eat in silence. After breakfast the Ortiz family goes to the hospital for Alejandra's check-up.

Alejandra, her sister and parents are in the hospital room waiting for the doctor to come in when her parents begin to argue again. Alejandra yells at her parents to stop fighting. She tells her parents "I'm not sock anymore. God healed me."

Her mother shakes her head and begins to cry. Fabian grabs Alejandra's and and tells her "God doesn't work like that." Just then Angelica, the Angel of God appears. Fabian and Carmelita don't recognize her. "Who are you?" Fabian asks.

"I am Angelica, an Angel sent from God. You lost your way. You have lost faith in God. Miracles happen. One miracle has happened and many more will happen. All you need is faith, love and each other. Never stop believing."

Angelica disappears and leaves the Ortiz family stunned. Moments later the Ortiz family gets the miracle Angelica told them would happen. Alejandra is cured. This left the doctors stunned. Alejandra gives her father some comforting words.

"God loves us. He's always here with us. I'm the miracle he gave to you mommy and Ana." The Ortiz family found the love and faith they lost long ago. The Collins family miracle is next.

Drew and Kelli Collins have been together since high school. They have been together through the good times and the bad times. There love for each other is strong. Their faith knows no bounds. Kelli's smile lights up any room she's in. Drew is strong, kind and caring. He will do whatever it takes to make Kelli happy.

In the past few years Kelli and Drew have been trying to have a baby. There dreams of having a baby haven't been answered. Every night Kelli prays to God to answer her prayers. In Kelli's eyes God has abandoned her. So, Kelli stopped praying and becomes angry and lost. Her relationship with Drew is on the brink of divorce. Her and Drew constantly fight. The love they share is gone.

Drew on the other hand is no longer the kind, caring man he once was. His faith in God is gone. He too feels God has abandoned him. Drew always wanted to become a father and everyday he sees Kelli heartbroken. Then he begins to cry because he can't give her what they both always want. There nights are spent fighting and most nights Drew doesn't come home. He spends his time at the local bar.

Kelli and Drew wish for one thing in the world and that is to have a baby. Angelica, the Angel of God is sent to the lives of Drew and Kelli to give them the miracle that has long awaited them.

Angelica arrives at the local bar where she sees Drew drinking. Angelica sits next to Drew and stares at him. Drew doesn't notice Angelica. He keeps on drinking. Angelica places her hand on Drew's hand. He turns around. Angelica tells him "Drew this is not you. God has a plan for you. Doing this. Hurting yourself is not in God's plan. Your miracle is waiting . Be who you use to be. The man who Kelli loves. Go show Kelli the man you are and the man you can be."

Drew watches as Angelica disappears. He's stunned and unable to move. Drew looks in the mirror and at himself. He looks at the drink in his hand and simply says "This is not you."

Drew leaves the bar and goes home. When he enters his home, he sees Kelli by the fireplace. He goes to her, hugs her and kisses her. Drew tells Kelli he wants to keep truing to have a baby, So, they keep trying. One month has passed and still no signs of a baby. Kelli is about to give up hope when Angelica appears before Kelli. She touches Kelli's hand and tells her "Don't give up hope. God is sending you a miracle."

Kelli takes a pregnancy test. She prays and prays this will happen for her and Drew, Five minutes later, the results are in. Kelli is pregnant. She jumps for joy and right into Drew's arms. "God has answered our prayers." Kelli and Drew kiss.

Angelica appears before Drew and Kelli. She give them these comforting words. "Love each other. Love your miracle. Love God. Have faith he's always with you. Angelica disappears.

Angelica goes back to the Ortiz family, her first miracle. She sees the Ortiz family are once again happy, smiling and laughing but most of all they love each other. Angelica appears before them and gives them these comforting words.

"My miracle girl and her beautiful family. I'm always here with you so is God. Love each other to the ends of the earth. Be one and all will be okay."

Angelica disappears leaving both families with the healing power of God.

August 31, 2023 20:50

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