"And They Call Her Eva"

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write about someone who’s desperately trying to change their luck.... view prompt

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African American

It's somewhere around the year of 1957. Eva lived in the beautiful city of Slone Valley, North Carolina . She always wanted to travel and do what she wanted to do. But because she lived with her grandmother, and other siblings, that was out of the question. Eva was smart, beautiful, and always thinking "there's got to be another way!" She always did what she was told, but there was something very special about Eva. She had a way of seeing things, hearing things, and not revealing them to anyone. Her grandmother sent her to the grocery store with a list and told her to come straight back as soon as she finished shopping. Being Eva, that went in one ear and out the other. She went merrily on her way, humming and singing. She seemed to have an old soul according to her grandmother's friends. They assumed that because the songs Eva would be humming and singing were the songs that they heard at Revival. As she entered the store, she got a basket and started getting her grandmother's list. She was almost finished when she heard a loud noise at the back of the store. Someone had passed out, and the lady in the store was yelling for help. She asked Eva to put that basket down, and go get some help. She did just that. When Eva and a few others returned, they found the lady still laying on the floor and not moving. Someone had called for the doctor to come to the store because someone was sick. Dr. Hayes came in and asked that everyone clear the store. He didn't know who the lady was but he knew that something was wrong.

Eva knew that her grandmother was probably wondering where she was and what she was up to. She knew that there was something wrong with this lady, but exactly what she didn't know. The doctor asked the store owner if he could move her off the floor and put her in one of the rooms in the back. Mrs. Tingle said, no problem do what you have to do. Dr. Hayes got some help, and some of the men in the store helped him get the lady to the room with the bed in the back. As he continued to examine her, Mrs. Tingle asked everyone to go on with their shopping and the doctor would take care of the lady. Something just didn't sit right with Eva. Why did the lady pass out to begin with, and who was she. Mrs. Tingle told Eva to finish her order and go home because her grandmother would be looking for her. So, that's what Eva did, but when she got home grandmother was not happy. Eva was trying to tell her what happen but grandmama wasn't hearing it. She told Eva to go to her room, and not to come out until supper time.

Eva was mad because she hadn't done anything, and was being punished for nothing. She kept saying, when I get old enough, I'm leaving this place and never coming back. Grandmama called her for supper, and Eva had nothing to say to anyone. She finished her supper, did her chores and went to her room. That night, Eva could not sleep. She kept thinking about the lady in the back of Mrs. Tingle's store. Eva felt that there was more to her story, then her just passing out in the store. Eva finally drifted off, but not until she started dreaming about the lady in the back of the store. Eva sat straight up in the bed, and decided she needed to tell the doctor who this woman was.

When morning came, Eva got up, did her chores and headed straight to the store where the lady was still at. Mrs. Tingle asked if she was there to get some more things for her grandmother, and Eva said no, I need to see Dr. Hayes. When doctor Hayes came into the store, Mrs. Tingle jokingly said, our helper has some news for you Dr. Hayes about your patient. As he headed to the room in the back he asked Eva to come with him. What can I do for you this morning lil lady? Eva said, it's about that lady back here. I know what's wrong with her. Dr. Hayes sternly said, how can that be when I don't know what's wrong with her. Trust me Dr. Hayes, I do know what's wrong with her. He never would let her say what was on her mind. Someone knocked on the door, and it was Eva's grandmother. When she walked in the first thing she said was, "why are you bothering Dr. Hayes?" Eva said, I'm not grandmama, I'm helping him by telling him what's wrong with her. Child if you don't get out of here, and get out right now!!! Eva said, Dr. Hayes, please........Dr. Hayes said, okay Eva what's wrong. She's not sick - sick Dr. Hayes. This lady came to find her children. Her heart is broken, and she came to find her children. What are you talking about Eva, and how do you know? This lady has come and long ways and is very tired, but she came to find her children. She has three children - 2 boys and a girl. They're in this town, she just doesn't know where.

Eva stop telling these tales, and stop it now. But, I'm not grandmama. I saw them last night. Now that's enough Eva! I'll take the switch to you for that lying! Suddenly there was movement on the bed. It was the lady. The doctor went to her and gave her a sip of water and asked her if she knew where she was. The lady said yes, but how did I get here. Grandmama took Eva by the hand and said let's go missy, I'll take care of you when we get home. The lady said, no I know that lil girl. Grandmama said, how do you know my Eva. I saw her in my dream. Eva's grandmother began to ask questions and told Eva to stop telling stories about this lady. The lady kept saying she's not telling stories. She knows things about me. Grandmama said Eva is known for lying and telling a lot of untruths. The lady kept saying she's not telling untruths, please believe her.

Dr. Hayes got some information from the lady while Mrs. Tingle got her some warm broth and coffee. While the lady was trying to explain why she was there, the doctor had some of the town's men do some investigating for him. Three days later, Dr. Hayes found out that the lady did have children here, and on her way here the lady was robbed, was travelling alone, and was just exhausted. They located her children, and brought them to their mother. Eva was so excited because she finally was able to prove that she wasn't lying or as her grandmother always said "telling untruth." Her luck had finally changed. She knew that the only reason it changed is because God's Grace with upon her. Thank GOD for HIS MERCY & GRACE!

Submitted By,

Minister Evelyn Williams

June 19, 2021 00:03

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Alicia Roberts
17:54 Jun 24, 2021

Wonderful story!


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