Science Fiction

Alternative Timelines: By Tiffany Snyder

The year was 2073 and the use of technology rapidly took over the world. Humans became ten times smarter and more adaptable to the revolving but constant changes.  They became more conscious of their health and financial needs and there were less broken homes in the communities. People focus most of their time on finding resources and unlocking the universe’s secrets. As life became easier to manage many humans became restless and extremely bored with their day-to-day routines.  The government, who was concerned for their citizens came up with a plan. Since, winning the lottery became less intriguing and more of a child’s game. The adults no longer wish to win the lottery because they had the skills to live in abundance. The government’s plan was to create a drawing like the procedures of playing the lottery, but the winner would get a chance to hop between alternative timelines.

Although most people lived a life of prosperity a few still struggle to find a way to make ends meet. Others walked around feeling empty and longing for something spectacular to happen. Flora, one of the top neurosurgeons in the country, had a beautiful life. She loved her husband, career and lifestyle. She had everything she ever wanted at the tip of her fingers but every year around the same time she would dread the anniversary of her mother’s death. Flora was raised by her father, and they had an amazing relationship. Flora’s mother died over a brain tumor complication and that led to her career as a neurosurgeon. Flora’s heart ached and her curiosity weighed in heavy when she thought about what might have been. So, when she got the notifications that she won the chance to hop between alternative timelines, she was ecstatic. Flora broke the happy news over dinner to her father and husband. The two men look at her with empathy in their eyes. Neither man was very happy about the news. A little disappointed by the men’s behavior. Flora spoke in a snappy attitude “I don’t understand I thought that this was good news.” Flora’s father Johnathan cleared his throat and began speaking. “Flora time is something that is not man made, there will be consequences. I know you always wanted a mother and daughter relationship but for some reason that life wasn’t in the cards for you”. Flora’s husband Jerry chimed in and said, “you have a good life I wouldn’t risk the chance of jeopardizing everything you worked so hard to gain”. Flora loved her husband and was drawn to him ever since the first time she laid eyes on him in medical school. Flora just finished her meal in silence. Her mind was already made up and she had one week to get to the destinated area for the chance to get a preview of another timeline. A timeline in witched her mother lived, the week had come faster than she had expected but nevertheless she was still very excited.

Flora’s father and husband said their goodbyes despite their concern. She had to get dropped off at one location and then taken to a private location. She was then asked to leave behind any electronics devices. Such as phones, watches, glasses or earplugs, anything that could track her whereabouts. Even though the SUV that picked her up had tinted windows she was still required to wear a blindfold. The time travel experiment was highly private and was not completely open to the public. The government knew how dangerous timeline hopping could be for the world and placed specific protocol restraints in case things went wrong. Flora signed the required documents and spent half an hour asking questions and soaking in their responses. She was asked what was she hoping to gain and what was she looking for within this experiment? Flora replied, “I want to see what might have been if my mother was still alive”. After the proper paperwork was completed, flora was led to a room that was set up like a college classroom and a doctor’s surgery room. Flora’s vital signs and reflexes were checked before she was told to lay down on her back on the table. A round face women with soft eyes and a soft touch said one last thing. “You are to observe and not to interfere, do not disturb the natural flow of things, you and the other you can not occupy the same space and lastly by hopping into another timeline you risk being stuck in that other timeline, and the other you will live your life here”. “Do you understand”? Flora felt an uneasiness come over her but was willing to take the chance. So, she agreed. She also knew that she would only see glimpses and short moments from the alternative timeline. It was highlighted on one of the pages she had to sign before being allowed to proceed. The table was hooked to what resembles a full body computed tomography scan machine and was set for three days from now. The last thing Flora remember was the woman saying close your eyes and count back from five and when you wake you will be in another timeline.

Five, four, three, two, one, Flora still felt a little drowsy after she opened her eyes, and it took her a few minutes to fully regain her sight completely. When her vision clear she recognized the street and the house she was standing in front of with sweaty palms. There were two cars in the yard so she knew one must be her mom’s and the other belong to her dad. As she begins to walk towards the door she could hear arguing. Thinking she might be in the wrong house, when the door swung open and out came her father. He was and has always been a handsome fellow, she thought to herself with a smile as she hid by a nearby bush. He had a suitcase in one hand and his keys in the other hand. Not looking back once as he placed the suitcase in the car and the key to the ignition and drove off. Flora saw her chance to rush into the house and find her mom. She could hear her loud sobbing, so she knew exactly where to go. She opened the door of one of the bedrooms and saw her mom facing the window with her back turned towards the door. “Mom” Flora said out loud. Her mom turned around and she was magnetically beautiful even with puffy eyes. Flora remembered the warning, but she also wanted to touch her mom and give her a hug. Flora felt a horrible pain shoot through her whole body. It was as if her skin was pulling away from her flesh. She was being pulled in the opposite direction of her mom and when she tried to see what was going on her heart skipped a beat. The other version of herself had walked in and was confronting her mom. Flora’s mom Evelyn cried in her arms “He’s gone for good this time”. She always imagines her parents living happily ever after. It never occurs to her that it was a possibility of them not being happy with each other. Flora was then zapped into another place. She was in a beauty salon. Since it was crowded, she was able to blend with the other clients. It wasn’t long before she spotted the other version of herself and moved in closer to follow her. She quickly realizes that she was the owner of the shop but she was confused. How could this be? How can I have time to run a shop and be a neurosurgeon. It was at that moment she saw the other version looking in the mirror. Her movements were different from hers and she had a softer but milder personality. She seems less sure of herself but more affectionate and open to the people around her. Flora watched as the other version of herself touched up her make-up and thought for a second that she could see her watching her. The other version of herself felt as if she was being watched and turned around, but Flora was gone. Seconds later Flora was in a new home which she was unfamiliar with. She heard the door open and hid in a nearby closet with just a small crack to see who came in. It was the other version of herself carrying a small child in her arms. Flora gasped. Is that, no I couldn’t be. Do I have a child? Did my husband and I have a child in this timeline? The other version of herself laid the child down on her bed. She kissed and stroked the child’s head gently. She then got undressed and headed for the shower. This gave Flora time to search the house for any pictures of her husband. She was soon heartbroken when she concluded that in this timeline, she was a single parent. Thinking to herself what went wrong? She rushed towards the door and found herself in a restaurant. It was there that she saw her husband, but he was hand and hand with another woman. She wanted to run up to him and the woman and stop their connection. When from a far she heard a familiar giggle. It was the other version of herself. Sitting at a table with a group of ladies. She had to think quick as she saw her husband lady friend get up and go towards the bathroom. Flora’s thoughts were flooded with assumptions about her parents and why they ultimately split. She didn’t know what their issues were with each other. So therefore, she did not know how to help them. So that relationship problems were out of her control. She did how ever feel that if the other version of herself and her husband met each other an automatic connection would occur. Sparks would fly and they would find themselves on a path back to each other. So, she intervened and headed to the bar. She orders his favorite drink alcoholic beverage and asked if one of the hostesses could deliver it to his table. When he asked who sent the drink just point that lady. The lady she pointed to be the other version of herself. The hostess agrees and lays the complimentary drink down at his table. When he asked who paid for the drink the hostess just pointed and smiled. The other version of Flora stopped in mid-sentence. Her gaze caught the stare of Jerry’s attention. When the two locked it felt familiar. A smile swept across their faces. A magical moment took place and everyone in the restaurant felt it, including Flora. Flora watching the encounter just a few steps away was so caught up in the chemistry between the other version and jerry that she did not immediately notice the shift. The shift in the other version of herself was looking directly at her. Flora tried to avoid eye contact, but it was too late. The other version of herself was cautiously moving towards her. Flora mumbled “oh shit she spotted me!” Flora desperately wanted to run and hide but she physically could not move. Time suddenly stops and the two women were now face to face with each other. They compare appearances without saying a word. Flora without thinking raised her hand to touch the other version of herself.

A background noise interrupted Flora’s train of thought. Both ladies could hear a woman’s voice counting down from five. When the woman got down to the last number Flora realize she was no longer standing but laying down comfortable in a bed that did not belong to her. She rolled over on to her side. She saw a picture of her mother. Not only was there a picture of her mother but also the same child she saw with the other version of herself. Flora begins to panic “no, this can be right?” In a different timeline the other version of herself woke up on a table surrounded by people saying welcome back. A round face woman with soft eyes start checking her vital signs. “Now you might experience some memory loss but after a few days things will go back to normal.” She placed her hand on my forehead and smiled.  Besides I know you will be in good hands with your father and husband. The other version of Flora repeated the words under her breath “father and husband”.

The End

May 05, 2023 21:00

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