To Save The Bot...

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt


Science Fiction Kids High School

The boy started to make absurd noises, very similar to the ones machines make when they are in dire need of repairs. That's it, you think. That's it! The boy is not actually a human, it's a machine! That's why when you pushed him so hard to run faster and faster, probably more than his capacity, he fainted and is lying down there, lifeless, if that's possible for a machine.


You knew that you had to do something. You whack your brains at the problem in hand. You weigh down your options. What if you go to the nearest mechanic? 

No, that would be very unrealistic, mechanics fix cars, not robots! What else can you do? 

There's just one option left - fix him yourself. You had studied robotics for a few years at school. You did pay some attention in the class...surely, this won't be any harder than that after all, and science might not have drastically improved in the time when you graduated from high school and now. Would it?

You start doubting yourself if you'll be able to do it. 

As the Sun rises, you realize that there is only about an hour more before students and teachers start flooding in into the corridors you see totally empty right now. 

Your mind starts rewinding. It rewinds all those years you spent training yourself for this job that you have, a P.E. teacher. It rewinds through those wonderful years when you were in school and was still considered a 'senior'. It pauses right at the start of fifth grade, the year which introduced you to the world of robotics.

You smile a little, thinking of all those moments, wondering how fast life spins by. 

Back in the present, you perceive the harsh reality. You never did learn how to fix robots. You just learnt how to make them move and stop them.

'This is going to be a BIG problem.' you think.

Still, not sure what to do, you decide to search for the control panel or the motherboard or something on the boy that will help you gain access of his systems. While searching, you think of all the days you spent observing the boy.

At first, he had looked like a pro athlete. You were delighted to have him in your class. Then the tantrums began. "No, I can't do this." "I am not cut out for this." "I can't breathe properly while running" "I just can't do exercises!"

Gradually, he began to bunk off each and every lesson by giving you some or the other excuse. Fed up with this behaviour, you had decided to investigate what the matter was yourself.

He ate a lot of fatty, oily things, almost everything greasy. After a month or so of observation you had pondered why the boy wasn't gaining any weight with all that he had eaten. 'Maybe he works out at home', you think, 'but then why does he refuse to do so at school?'

You decide that there is only one way to get this boy up and running - train him. You ask him to come to the school daily, at 5 a.m. sharp, before the Sun rises to train. You believe in him and slowly, he starts to do so to. 

His speed had picked up, he had started running faster and was almost ready to participate in that Inter-School competition you had been looking candidates for. Then it happened, he fainted.

You have now completed searching for any component that would give you the access to his systems, but found nothing. You see something in his pocket and decide to check it out. 

A USB!!!

This must definitely be his charging port or the USB port to gain his access, after all, it was attached to him like a string. You rush to your cabin to get your laptop.

Once back, you start hearing noises. The teachers! They must have started coming in. You drag the boy into the nearby store room and lock yourselves in. 

Now, your laptop screen lights up. You insert the USB stick into the socket. For a moment, nothing happens. Then there is a weird black screen with a lot of coding on it. You scratch your head. 

Then you see it. The code is as simple as normal English. To make the boy move forward, the code literally says, 'Move forward.’ You are really impressed with yourself. 

After a quick pat on the back, you decide to find the problem. It was super easy. The problem code was highlighted, in red! 'How predictable can this get?' you think. 

Post a few quick changes, you charge the boy, or rather, the machine. 

The boy starts whirring again. This time, the noise is pleasant so you know that all has gone well. You jump up in joy as you see the boy coming back to life. His face begins to regain the life it had once had.

He smiles and says, "Thank you, for saving me. Any other person might never have figured it out and went to the hospital, exposing my secret to everyone."

"Secret? You mean no one knows that you're a robot? What about your parents?” you say.

"Yes, I am a robot. My inventor made me come here to blend in with other students to investigate their behaviour. No one can know that I am a robot, else my inventor will be in big trouble. No, I live with my inventor only."

"Okay. I promise, I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks again. Well, you must be thinking, if I am a robot then how do I have emotions like you and how did I end up fainting right?"

"Well, no...Um, yes."

"Fine, let me tell you. I am a highly advanced robot, so, using A.I., my inventor gave me almost a perfect replica of an average human brain. As for me fainting, that was just a system overload. I hadn't had much of oils of late due to your diet and that made my joints rough up against each other. You know, I need to oil my joints and the oily food helps me to do just that. Aligned with the tremendous use of energy, this made me go into power save mode, or as you were able to see, I fainted."

You open your mouth in the shape of a big, wide O. 


That night, as you lay yourself down to sleep, you play back all the events of the day. You realize that what you did was an amazing feat for someone not even remotely related or knowledgeable about the field of robotics. 

Almost when you drift off to sleep, you receive a message on your phone. It reads, 

"Don't you dare say no,

If you do, just so you know.

The secret will be out, 

Come outside to save the bot..."

May 28, 2021 18:32

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TJ Squared
18:55 May 28, 2021

wow, interesting story! At first, I was also like 'why did the 'boy' eat regular food?' but now it makes more sense. I think it could have been a bit better if you add names. I think you were over using 'the boy' and 'the machine' a little too much, so maybe try he or it instead. The dialogue was really interesting, and I applaud you for that. Good job!


Dhwani Jain
03:58 May 29, 2021

Thanks Of course. I will try to use names, although that is the most difficult part for me. I simply can't figure out what name to use!!! Will try to improve Thanks for the feedback Flow!


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Dhwani Jain
04:08 May 29, 2021

Yeah, I made a few changes as per your suggestion. Now that I think about it, reading 'the boy' again and again had become very redundant. Appreciate your efforts!


TJ Squared
04:52 May 29, 2021

yeah it happens. that's why some things like name generators are helpful lol. you're very welcome, glad I could help :)


Dhwani Jain
05:37 May 29, 2021



TJ Squared
14:43 May 29, 2021



Dhwani Jain
16:36 May 29, 2021



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Dhwani Jain
18:34 May 28, 2021

Hello! I hope you like this story. I have written it in the best possible way and have tried my best to bring the characters to life. I would appreciate it if you would leave a review comment below and read my blog : Thank you for reading and enjoying my story!


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22:36 Jul 06, 2021

Your bio is so aesthetically pleasing omg


Dhwani Jain
06:34 Jul 07, 2021

Thanks! You're lucky you didn't see my previous bio then...THAT WAS SO FUNNY AND WEIRD. Then I had a mind boggling idea to change it and I took inspiration from a lot of bios (including yours).... So, yeah...


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Alex Sultan
03:28 Jul 02, 2021

Talented use of second person POV - once again, I rarely read stories like this. I think you should write more like it.


Dhwani Jain
03:31 Jul 02, 2021

Thanks! I will surely check out your stories too. Where are you from?


Alex Sultan
03:39 Jul 02, 2021

Canada, my friend. A nice and cold place. And you?


Dhwani Jain
03:43 Jul 02, 2021

Cool! J' habite en Inde...


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Esther :)
19:25 May 28, 2021

I wish more people were following you! You are an amazing writer! XD


Dhwani Jain
03:58 May 29, 2021

Awww... Thanks That means a lot!


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Dhwani Jain
04:14 May 29, 2021

Well, until that happens, you can do these things: --> Check out the two quizzes in my bio --> Check out my blog (


Esther :)
05:51 May 29, 2021

Okay! 😁


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17:09 May 29, 2021

This story was such a unique twist on the prompt! At the beginning there wasn't a lot of information, but everything wrapped up so neatly until the cliffhanger at the very end! You did a great job! Will there be a part two??


Dhwani Jain
17:37 May 29, 2021

Thanks for the feedback! I didn't think of it, maybe...if I have an idea at some point of time


17:55 May 29, 2021

Okay! Tell me if you ever do another part! :D


Dhwani Jain
04:39 May 30, 2021



18:33 May 30, 2021

Yaaay!! :DD


Dhwani Jain
18:35 May 30, 2021

I might do it soon...I can see a (almost) suitable prompt.


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The Cold Ice
04:21 May 29, 2021

Wow very nice. I loved it. Lovely. Keep writing. Well written. Great job! Keep going.


Dhwani Jain
04:39 May 29, 2021

Thanks for the lovely comment!


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Arwen Dove
21:07 May 28, 2021

Amazing story! Great job!


Dhwani Jain
03:58 May 29, 2021

Thank you very much!


Arwen Dove
07:26 May 29, 2021



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