The Rise Of An Argument

Submitted into Contest #31 in response to: Write a short story about someone heading home from work.... view prompt



"oh it's 5:30 , i should probably head home" I told myself . I packed my things and was ready to leave. I was walking along the street and thought about the weather and about work then I spot a huge crowd across the street and it looked like they were having an argument. I went closer to have a look at what was happening and was surprised with what i heard . I was still in shock hearing the fact that the crowd over there were arguing to see which was better - Idli with sugar or Dosa with jam.

No one knew how this conversation started but it did and then later everyone started getting involved. It was very funny and I wanted to laugh but I didn't because if I did I thought the people would turn against me. No one really had an answer to this so they just said whatever they wanted to and to be honest it was very funny. I was thinking about weather i should continue listening to them or whether i should interrupt the argument or if i should just join them. I couldn't really decide because I couldn't think because the conversation they were having was just too funny . Then a man who I thought was wise interrupted the argument and said "none of them was better " and that Cheetos with milk is the best. Then the argument started all over again and everyone was talking about which one was better . Then the whole neighbourhood came by and looked at what was going n and they looked at it as if they were watching a movie. I just couldn't keep it in anymore so i laughed.

When I laughed everyone was staring at me and the place was filled with silence . Then suddenly everyone started laughing and I laughed with them. Then all of us went our way home but I just couldn't stop thinking about the argument I witnessed . I was still laughing and thinking about it . It was almost like I would never forget this day my whole life .I loved this experience so everyday after work when I was walking along the road I would always think about the argument . After a few days I even made friends even though they were old they were very nice and energetic but their son only came home once every year so I thought maybe I should visit them everyday and so I did . I brought them groceries and even cooked for them few times and it was amazing spending time with them.

March 01, 2020 04:11

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