Inspirational Creative Nonfiction Friendship

Ruach, the Breeze

   Elovis could feel the breeze blowing over her face and body, as she walked into her Secret Garden. Eyes closed, standing in place, as she took in a deep breath, letting out a slow sigh of contentment. “Thank you Lord,” she whispered, as she opened her eyes and the place was bare of flowers, bare of lucious green grass, bare of decorations, but the breeze was there, warm against her skin and coming in waves. So much love, peace and contentment came with the breeze. It was so beautiful, even though it was barren land, except for a few trees.

   Elovis always wanted to have a Secret Garden, but was never able to, for one reason or another. Even as a small child, she dreamt of it. One afternoon while watching her favorite show on t.v. She sat still and quiet, not thinking about anything, when all of a sudden she felt a soft breeze brushing up and down her arms, caressing her but not feeling it anywhere else on her body. She pulled in her arms from the arm chair and held them close to her. What is this? What is happening she thought? She was startled by the breeze but was not afraid as it seemed a bit familiar to her in some way. She relaxed her hold and let her arms down again and continued watching her show. All of a sudden, the breeze brushed up and down over her arms, again so she sat still and closed her eyes to soak it up so it would not stop. It seemed as if the breeze began to beckon her to come to a secret place where she could rest alone and in peace. She followed as the breeze lead her to a quiet room downstairs. The breeze seemed to have a mind of it’s own. A personality, a body that she could not see but only feel with every single one of her five senses, but especially with her mind and heart. Every time she closed her eyes, the breeze was present and began to blow on her. She laid down on a bunch of blankets and pillows that were on the floor, closing her eyes to rest and fell fast asleep. She was hearing a still small voice whisper of His love for her. The whispers came from the breeze of one who creates. “Who are you?” Elovis asked through hazy eyes, not able to distinguish between a sleeping dream, and a hazy, foggy room. “I Am Ruach, The Wind of Life.” He said in a thunderous but soothing voice. “Ruach, here I am, please don’t leave me, ever!” She said in panting breaths of desperation. She heard herself and woke up from the dream. But was it really a dream? She hugged herself as she remembered the breeze. Everything felt so real. She felt so tingly all over too. She briskly rubbed her arms in a shiver and ran upstairs to start dinner.

  Running back and forth from the cupboards to the table to the stove, mixing and preparing for dinner, she had a lot more energy than she normally does at this time of the day. She was in a celebratory mood but she wasn’t sure why. She stopped to think a minute and remembered the dream. She saw herself laying on the blankets and pillows, face down. Then she saw a lighter version of herself almost ghost like, lifting like she was coming out of her body, and then she came back down into herself. She heard a word within her chest. Infusion. She remembered the whispers, the breeze, the breath, and her cry of desperation. “Ruach, please don’t leave me ever!” Tears streaming down her face she couldn’t believe the love that was enveloping her entire body at that very moment. “It is real. He is real.” She proceeded to finish dinner. Any little breeze she felt reminded her of her new found strength and energy. Immediately she knew Ruach was present.

   The next day Elovis woke up early with out an alarm clock. She’s never up with out an alarm. She even woke up two hours earlier. She washed up and grabbed some coffee sitting down at the kitchen table, wondering what she was going to do being up so early. She didn’t want to do anything just sit and relax. Then she remembered the quiet room down stairs that no one ever uses. That’s where Ruach lead her to that afternoon. She picked up her coffee cup, grabbed a pen and notebook, headed downstairs. She found a small lamp. She could sit on the blankets and pillows that were still there from the day before. As soon as she sat down and relaxed, she closed her eyes and sipped her coffee. She took a deep breath in and immediately she felt the breeze, very light at first. She felt it on her face. She even felt her hair move as the breeze grew stronger. She was trying not to be afraid, as this was something totally foreign to her, but still seemed so familiar. She could not remember how or why she felt this way.  Who was Ruach? Was He a ghost or a spirit? She had never heard this name before. She remembered the dream again and the things He whispered to her.

“Ruach,” she whispered. “Who are you? Why is this happening to me? What do you want?!” She added fervently. She heard nothing in return. She began to write down her dream so she would not forget it. She remembered what she had said to him. Never to leave her. “Why would I ever say something like that to a dream?!” She wondered. She had to find out so she finished her writing and ran upstairs to her laptop and began to google search Ruach.

   What she discovered left her speechless. She learned that Ruach is a Hebrew word meaning, breath of God, the wind of God and life giving to all living things, including humans. This means that this is God? It couldn’t be. But she remembered how she felt when she would think about the breeze. The wind. The strength and energy she noticed and especially the love and peace! The breeze blew in to the room and caused her hair to wisp onto her face. It seemed as if Ruach was reassuring her that he is the breeze that brings her peace. He is the wind of life. “How do you know me? How do I know you?! I feel like I’ve known you all of my life but I couldn’t have!” She said with deep concern, waiting for a response. The breeze brushed across her face like feathers caressing her skin. She fell into another deep sleep as the breeze rushed over her from head to toe. She dreamt of her mother being pregnant. She saw her in different places, at different times during her pregnancy. Some were happy times like when she first found out she was pregnant, twirling around outside in the warm breeze, as she left the doctors office. Other times were sad even ugly, like the time her dad wasn’t happy at all when he found out he was going to be a dad. She saw her mother crying, rubbing her stomach, as her dad ran out the front door. Mother falling to the floor, sobbing as she realized he was gone and she was alone, except for the breeze rushing through her living room windows. The breeze brought her comfort. It was soothing and warm and enveloped her like a hug. The next time she saw her she was in the hospital room screaming at the top of her lungs as she was pushing and grunting to bring forth little Elovis, into this cruel world.  She saw herself come forth as a little babe, with mother holding her close to her face and staring lovingly at the tiny eyes and nose. She kissed her tiny lips. What joy mother had on her face at that moment. Mothers hair was always being wind blown, Elovis noticed. The breeze and wind seemed to be the only ones present through all of these years. She stirred from her sleep as she felt the breeze blow over her. She opened her eyes. The breeze continued to brush against her face and body and she realized he had been with her all of her life even from the very beginning. “Ruach is with me,” she said out loud, “and He’ll never leave me.”

The End.

March 08, 2024 11:14

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