Historical Fiction

It's interesting to hear from many people about the time when the Sun disappeared. However, it's hard to imagine a celestial object vanishing as if it was never there. 

Although some may believe that the Sun departed from the divine plane, I tend to think that it just dimmed for a moment. It's fascinating to consider the different perspectives and ideas around this so-called phenomenon.

On one side of the coin, those Sailors cannot be trusted. These individuals tend to abuse their power and authority over their crew and the vast ocean waves just to take advantage of others for their selfish gain. How unruly and reckless. They like exploiting their subordinates, manipulating situations in their favor, or even resorting to violence or intimidation to get what they want.

Now they go and spread rumors that their navigators "think" it's going to happen here in town. Really how awful could they be to get the whole population of Edlington Bay afraid of this day in particular? Seems rather suspicious if you ask me.

While I was getting my supplies at Abby's General Store, I overheard a conversation between two women. One woman was rather heavyset with a darker complexion and seemed uninterested in the conversation. The other woman had a fair complexion, was round for her size, and appeared to be nervous. She seemed worried about rumors that were spreading.

"I heard the sun is disappearing," the nervous woman said, her voice full of panic. It was as if what she was saying was going to be the death of them. I rolled my eyes in annoyance because some people would believe anything.

"Yes, I have. What about it?" the other woman responded with newfound interest in the conversation.

The nervous woman played with her hair while trying to find the words to say. "I hear it's happening today. My husband heard it from the sailors."

I stopped listening after that. Their conversation was rather annoying. I approached the counter to pay for my items this is when both women noticed my presence.

"Mr. Gallagher, have you heard anything about today?" Her question threw me off. I was debating telling them my opinion or the truth. I decided both would work.

"I have no interest in this so-called 'eclipse' as some have coined it. I believe this is all a hoax; those sailors are finding this whole situation rather hilarious." I huffed, leaving the building. If this was the start, today was going to be a very rough ride.

Clutching my small bag tightly, I made my way back home from the store. The once bright and sunny day had suddenly become slightly darker, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Despite knowing full well that looking at the sun was a bad idea, I still tried to catch a glimpse of it. 

As I walked, I noticed that the street was slowly becoming more and more empty, as if people were retreating inside their homes in fear. In the distance, towards the bay, I could hear sailors shouting and screaming. Their cries of "WE WERE RIGHT!" and "WE TOLD YOU!" filled the air with an ominous sense of foreboding. 

Suddenly, a group of people standing outside a nearby building caught my attention. They were frozen in shock, staring up at the sky with horror. I followed their gaze and saw that the sun was slowly being blocked by something. 

Despite the growing sense of unease in the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and stayed rooted to the spot, determined to figure out what was happening.

As the minutes ticked by, the sky grew increasingly dark and the atmosphere around me became more intense. The temperature dropped significantly, even making me shiver. As I stood there in awe for almost half an hour, I gazed at the spot where the Sun once was, and what I saw left me stunned. It was a round object with a white ring around it, something I had never seen before. It was an end that everyone could see, a moment that would forever be etched in our memories.

My mind was in utter shock by what I had just witnessed. Did the sun disappear? It seemed as if it vanished from the celestial plane and left humanity in a state of despair. The people around me were whispering and talking about the same event that I was observing, and they too were unable to contain their terror and sadness. As their once beloved radiant light faded into the cold abyss, they felt a sense of loss that was indescribable.

That darkness lasted only a few moments, but it seemed like hours. It was a moment of complete and utter darkness, a moment that made me feel as if I was lost in space. But then, as if by a miracle, we saw the blinding light that is our sun, and we felt the heat return to the earth. It was a moment of relief and gratitude that we would never forget. The warmth of the sun's rays felt like a blessing after the darkness that had engulfed us. I could hear the sound of people cheering and shouting with joy, as they too embraced the return of the sun.

As I walked back home, I couldn't contain my relief and joy at the glorious return of the sun. However, a question lingered in my mind - if something was blocking the sun from view, what could it be? Aliens? That seemed too illogical. Perhaps it was some government experiment? While plausible, it was highly unlikely. Then I realized what could be big enough to fully eclipse the sun - the moon. I found it funny how stupid my other ideas seemed in hindsight. 

It was a truly fascinating and somewhat horrifying experience, but overall, the people's fear, as well as my own, was misplaced. Looking back, my reaction was rather dramatic, but expected. Others would have thought the same if they didn't think about it and the Moon blotted out the sun. Wouldn't you?

April 13, 2024 03:12

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