Drama Fiction Sad

This story contains sensitive content

Please be advised that this story contains some sensitive content, e.g. emotional/mental and language.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we're arguing over this again." repeatedly bringing up the same subject, "money," leading one to wonder why everything is focused on financial matters. No matter how much or how little money we have, you are not in any way mortified by it. Be thankful that my siblings and I are making an effort to provide for this family. I understand that our efforts are not sufficient to meet your needs, but that does not give you the right to scold us constantly as if we are uncaring about the welfare of the family. I pleaded for my father.

"What exactly is the contribution that you are referring to? You believe that having a monthly income of seven or eight hundred dollars will be sufficient to cover all of your expenses, including food, gas, electricity, laundry, internet, and phone bills. while simultaneously folding his hand and smirking at me.

You are unbelievably annoying, and I don't know how my mother, my siblings, or I have put up with you for all these years. I can't believe it.Do you know what you are doing to us? How suffable are you? Of course you don't because you only see your side of the story. I bickered back.

"Shut up. You are useless. You have been living here for the past three years, but you haven't contributed a single penny to my household expenses. And now, after having worked for only two months, you have the nerve to come at me with that dirty mouth of yours. He argued in a furious manner.

Due to the fact that I have been attending school full-time for the past three years while still holding down seasonal or temporary work, it was challenging for me to make a contribution because I had my own financial obligations to pay off, such as student loans and credit card debt. I responded back.

"Oh my goodness, this is dreadful news; I have obligations as well." I maxed up two of my credit cards in order to ensure that this family would not have to live on the street. Even though none of you ever show any appreciation for everything I do for you, I continue to look after all of you. he stated.

You don't have the word "appreciate" in your dictionary, dad. You never express any appreciation, thanks, or pride for anything that we have done. We put in a lot of effort to satisfy your needs in any manner that we can, yet you never give us anything in return. Permit me to pose one question to you. When I've been working every now and then for the past three years, have you ever asked me if there was anything I needed, like new clothes, supplies, or help paying off my debts?

No, since I have been taking care of myself while also watching out for the rest of the family, and all you did was pay our bills with the contribution that was made by my sibling, and then you complained about how we don't do anything. I am at a loss for words when it comes to communicating with you... honestly, since over all those years, it has never been any different than now. You may be forgiven for wondering why we don't just go out of the house and get on with our lives. The reason for this is that, unlike you, we are not self-centered. You are well aware that we do not take pleasure in being a part of this household, and my siblings and I do not have the compassion to abandon my younger sister and my mother in your care when we are not happy here. The final phrase was yelled out.

After everything that he had put us through, my father was staring at me with a hostile expression on his face, as if he was getting ready to disown me. However, I couldn't care less about what he thought of me.

You remark that you can't believe that I am acting like this; nevertheless, have you given any consideration to the things that I have been through? He stated this with a tone of sadness, "No, because all of you have abandoned me, and not a single one of you is on my side for once in my life."

" It's interesting when we all sit down together as a family and have a normal conversation without turning it into an argument and ending up hating each other more." You tell me... when we have guests over, you want all of the attention to be focused on you, and you don't want anyone else to interrupt. Even when the questions are directed at specific individuals, you still reprimand us in front of those individuals in order to demonstrate that you maintain some level of authority over our lives. You believe that we enjoy it, but the reality is that we do not, and we do not enjoy it each time you insult us or discourage us in any way, shape, or form. We have increasingly grown to despise one another. I bickered.

When did I ever insult you in front of our guests? When did I ever disrespect your sibling? When did I ever insult your mother? ...and if I did, it was meant to be a joke the whole time. He continued to argue back.

"Joke, OMG, you might think it is a joke, but our guests will think otherwise, and our guests don't interfere because they know our reaction to it, so they stay silent instead." You might think it is a joke, but our guests will think otherwise. "Joke, OMG, you might think it is a joke, but our guests Do not fool yourself into believing that you are performing a heroic act simply because you are paying our bills; in reality, you are making our lives more difficult than it may appear on the surface. You are putting unnecessary stress on us, dad, but you don't seem to notice the anguish you're causing us. It's not that we have anything against you or the idea of splitting the bills, but the more you belittle us, the less we care about what you have to say. I have belief that you will one day come to terms with your behaviour and reevaluate it before it is too late.

July 02, 2022 12:11

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