
There once was a family of Jackson's. The moms name was Kristy, the dads was Holden, the oldest siblings name was Tristan, the middle sibling was Yvonne, and finally the youngest of all was Sadie. Kristy always tried to be a optimistic person. All she wanted was to get all her family together and and get a couple of days were her family wouldn't ignore her because they wanted to be on there electronics. She decided take to her friend Jen because Jen always had something to help her. Weather it was words or objects. Any way she called Jen and collapsed everything on Jen.

"Listen Jen you don't get how my life has been for the past few weeks. All I wanted was for my family to hear all my begging to do something together, but is that to much to ask of someone?" Asked Kristy

After a lot of talking Kristy hung up and called everyone down for a family meeting. She gently explained that everyone need a technology break and that they were going to spend a little of there winter break in a cabin about an hour away. Everyone seemed to have a little complaint, but after a while everyone decided that this isn't the most devastating thing that happened and they wrapped there brain around the fact that they were going to live! Fast forward to the exact moment that they got to the cabin. Holden had not been at the family meeting, but later found out and was ecstatic to be leaving work for a little while! Kristy had been the first one in and as Holden and the kids were unpacking the car they had heard a scream and came racing to the rescue only to find out that they cabin was nothing like what had been built up in Holden's mind! There was a ginormous tree in were the center of the cabin should have been! Everyone just looked in awe.

"I knew we shouldn't have come." Blurted Yvonne

All the sudden everyone was talking a mile a minute expect Kristy.

"NO" shouted Kristy

"We are staying, you will be sure of that!" Kristy said

Holden had then decided to talk to Kristy.

" Hey Kristy whats up? You haven't been the same!" Holden said

" There's something I have been meaning to tell you." Kristy responded

All the sudden Kristy had crashed into the floor. Everyone rushed to her, but it was to late.

She told everyone as she was dying, "All I wanted was to be with my family and make memories without technology."

January 07, 2020 01:35

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