
I stood inside the lobby waiting for my keys.

The Victorian Hotel stood in all its glory, with a chilling view.

Her boyfriend was waiting for her at home for it was a tradition to spend the night with him during Halloween.

But alas, fate had something else for her. The storm outside stopped her drive back home. Should not have stayed late at work, she thought gloomily. But work is work.

Thanking the old man at the lobby she took her keys in one hand and her small carry on in another hand. She searched for the lift.There it was, standing rather haunted like in its state. She would have rather took the stairs that this old nearly broken lift but the wailing sound of the wind and the condition of this hotel itself prevented her. A look at the card told her that this task would have been impossible for her room for the night was Room 13, floor 13. How weird, she thought. Can't this hotel get any creepy?

Sighing to herself she took the old leap of faith and entered the lift, which was in fact, an old mechanical one. You know, the one which

has that swinging door which sounds like a creaking old metal door? Yeah.

She could barely see the numbers on it. Squinting hard, she finally found it and jabbed at Floor number 13.

As the lift ascended it seemed to be struggling a bit with her weight. She felt it moving sideways. She prayed for her safety.

For a Halloween night, this hotel surely was empty. It seems like she is the only one here.

The lift took forever to get to her floor. Not to mention that the lift stopped at each floor like some creepy thing. But no one entered. To make things more scary she saw that as the lift passed each floor, the lights sizzled, blinking on and off. She is a fan of paranormal activities. But there is one thing watching videos on YouTube and experiencing it.

As soon as she reached her floor, thunder boomed, sending her clutching her heart in a frenzy.She made the quick walk across the foor, impatient to get to her room of the night. She could not shake the feeling that she was been watched. The old frames on the wall, The dulled color of the once bright walls did nothing but sped up her heart rate.

At this rate she was going to get a heart attack if she did not calm down.

She spotted her room at the very end of the corridor and made a dash of it. The whole floor seemed quiet.

She wondered the the lobby man gave her this particular room.Not to mention it was a Friday night.

The door to her room seemed broken. She considered going back downstairs but refrained from doing so. She seemed to be alone and she did not want to make her way back down and face that creepy old man.

She slowly pushed the door open. It closed behind her but the lock seemed broken. At least it closes, she reassured herself.

The room was an old Victorian style room. Faded green in color. It seemed to have been unoccupied for years. She was tired,hungry and sweaty. She approached the bed and felt it. The bedding was comfy. It seemed clean. The lights did not work in this room but the moonlight shining through the big window casted a light white light across the window illuminating the room.She felt comforted by this.

She immediately jumped into bed and closed her eyes waiting for sleep to lull her away from this awful night. The storm outside finally lulled her to sleep.

As she was asleep she was unaware of the things occurring around her. Her door opened. Someone stepped in. She was still sleeping. Not knowing what was going to happen on this Halloween night.

Something that will take her away from here.

Quietly the shadow went to her bed, with each step approaching her. The storm, seemingly having sensed trouble, wailed loudly, as if begging the girl to wake up. Before it was too late

But alas, even that did not wake her up. The shadow went under her bed. Suddenly her quilt which was covering her started sliding toward the foot of the bed. She sleepily got up and tried to pull the quilt back up, not liking how the skin felt cold. But when the quilt refused to budge, she started to awake from her half cosmatose state, becoming aware of her surrounding.

High on her guard, she crawled toward the foot of the bed, wanting to see what had a hold on her quilt. As she peeked downward she suddenly felt a gust of wind. Then the feeling of a large thin hand grabbing her by the face and pulling her toward whatever it was. She struggled to get out of its grip, almost succeeded, but alas no one had ever win against it. No one.

With that she went in a faraway land, her fate seemingly sealed.

Her cries muffled by the hand on her face, tears staining her pretty face.

October 28, 2019 07:01

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