Coming of Age Bedtime Friendship

This story contains sensitive content

Sensitive Themes:

Reference to man genital which was not meant as a derogatory term towards men! I accidentally spelled it that way or it autocorrected wrong which happpens constantly.

Homosexual (sexual orientations)

Mild poor language for humor

Model stereotype (I don't like this one)

Drunkenness and reference to brain on drugs (egg in pan)

Naked, private areas boobs, butt, reference to being too fat when not (if anyone is anyone is offended by any of this I understand if I get in trouble. I have body image problems too. I'm a single mom I don't date!

I did this at the end and I'm really sorry!

I did it fast and it's inappropriate. Most inappropriate piece I've written.

Behind The Scenes (Reedsy Prompts) by Rachel Anne Lione

Cut!" "Nice method acting Nicky, how did you do that?" "Shhhh, can you keep a

secret?" "Are you kidding me!" "We've been friends on and

off stage for seven years so spill!" "Alright my mom taught me when I

was a kid," Nicky said to Jack. "For real your mom taught you how to

method act, that's slick man!" "No slick, I can keep a secret."

"I don't tell anyone what, when, who, or how, need I go on?" Nope,

your twisted mind just fried my brain into eggs once again." "I'm

questioning why I redirect you like the genius friend I am after cut to save

you from boring yourself all night with your girlfriend!" "Except you

told me six months ago that because she sucks you in with some promise of, I

don't want to know again!" "I've blocked that picture of what you

said out of my mind and please, I'm begging you Nicky don't show me her naked

body in every position again you know I'm a homosexual." Yet again if she

just has a body but no brains, interest, or even a clue of what you do, or how

much blood, sweat, and tears you put into your craft," "What are

you doing man?"

"You’re wasting away your prime and you can't save

that shit for later like leftovers!" "You never cheat, she's always

complaining you won't sleep with her, and she don't know why because she's a

rich famous model and a so-called ten." "I can just imagine how she

whines," "I just don't get it Nicky baby am I too fat, is my butt

flabby, or are my boobs too small!" "Nicky, I'm just telling you

straight up, it's time to move on to someone you can build a life with!"

"No, no, no, not the whole family talk again!" "Are you really

going to give me the wife and kids lecture for the rest of our friendship here

on this God forsaken green and blue planet we call earth!" It's just not

for me," said Nicky.

"Jack we are next up get ready." "Oh

no, what scene is next," says Jack." "Oh my God, it's our

bedtime scene!" "No, not what I wanted to hear!" "They are

tremendously challenging!" "Remember watch yourself don't be getting

any feelings for me!" "Nope never going to happen I have so much

respect for you, my best friend I know you’re not homosexual and I would never

take advantage of you like that!" "Take it easy killer I was just

joshing you bro," said Nicky!"

"Nicky, Jack, there's going to be about a three-hour delay, you up for it," said Richard, the director. "In it to win it, you know how we do Richard! "Beats going home right Nicky?" "You too man?" "I'm sorry!" "None of us mind Nicky as long as it keeps you happy!" "However, need to shit or get off the pot so to speak!" Richard walks out stage left as he says, "don't forget just call me Dick" and laughs! They all laugh as he

shuts the door and Nicky and Jack dig into some of their favorite snacks. They

look at the alcohol mini-fridge and with eerie wide grins make a mad dash to

see who can get the last Pride Cocktail first but, to their surprise Jack took

the initiative of filling the mini-fridge full of Pride Cocktails! Nicky and

Jack roll on the floor laughing so hard for close to ten minutes! They just

couldn't contain their laughter it was acted out perfect on this stage

here in this area of the world.

In this moment it was perfect and the best friends just let that laughter out. In this day and age, you never know how many more moments like these you will have so best drop them if you got them! Drop those beats, take that vacation, take the new job, and buy the new house! So, Nicky and Jack get their Pride Cocktails and Nicky looks at Jack and says, "let's practice in the bed from beginning to cut several times." Jack agrees so they move to the bed scene.

"Jack I just want to thank you for being one of the best friends I could ever ask for!" "Honestly you have saved me from my misery at home every workday without fail dude how many people can say that right dog." "I was in a similar position before

with no friend so to speak." "I feel Jesus put me in your life to help me heal that dark period of my life." "Also thank you for not ever hitting on me out of respect I appreciate that!" "That would've been awkward." "If I were gay, you would be the first one, I'd call.

"One thing we need to talk about, ok?" "Yeah what." Your

girl, she's using you for your money for your fame, she's been riding that

train to stay famous and I couldn't find the words to tell you but felt you

knew anyway but didn't care." "That's where you're wrong, I do

care!" "She's fading and she's riding you out and one more thing, do

you give her money, credit cards, or access to your accounts because she knows

it's coming!" "Make sure she isn't stealing from you or opening

credit cards in your name etc. alright cause that's what's next!" "I

got hit bad!" "But you know me I fall flat on my face bounce right

back up and not a broken bone, bruise, or scratch!" "Nicky, guys and

girls, people of any sexual orientation, and people of any race be doing that

shit!" They hate and discriminate "Robbing people blind before the

expected end." " Yeah, I know I've been thinking hard lately about

wide variety of the details of my life."

Jack then asked Nicky, "what do you truly want out of life once you tell me then I can

guide you down the right path." "Because you talk about what you don't want so,

what is it you want out of life is it the fame, money, acknowledgement, and

awards? "That's all awesome but I want to be with someone who has

substance, who gets me, understands my goals, and helps me grow as a person

instead of ripping me apart and digging a hole for me to fall in then pour dirt

on me and bury me!" They both cried and laughed at the same time which

eventually turned into a roar of laughter sounding like lions. Dick checked in

then exited Stage left!

"You know what Jack I'm breaking up with her after I check the damages and get back what she has stolen." "My gut instinct is feeling like it's a tremendous amount." "How about one more Pride Cocktail?" "I'll take one more, damn right I will!"

As they drank their last intoxicating Pride Cocktail, they felt the complete

drunkenness and started laughing because they were about to enter stage right

and were discussing how they were going to remember their lines and laughed

even harder! So, they get up and hug cause after COVID it's rare to find a friend

to hug and they walked off stage left.

CUT! "Great Job, said Dick! "One take and done!" "One and done unlike the Pride



Rachel Anne Lione


Ides of March Sensitive subjects

July 21, 2023 11:17

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