Circle on Circle

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends by circling back to the beginning.... view prompt

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Voice recorder on May 1, 2246. ID number 452151956. My name is Thea, and it has been a long time since I used that name. I'm unable to sleep, been dark and cold for such a long time. I have little food and water left used most of my wood. I can only keep the fireplace on for a day or two. I'm dictating this so to those who will come after learning from our mistakes. We played with nature; we believe we had a controlled over the environment but discovered nature will have no master. Let me go back into the past to detail our hubris toward nature. 

Voice recorder on November 8, 2239. Another beautiful day. Temperature 75 degrees along with a mild breeze. The weather department today announced the decision to continue the pleasant temperature for at least another two weeks. Also, announced that the improved weather monitor the updated version will come online in a week. In 2195 the engineers discovered a way to harness the weather. The pleasant weather was wonderful for the first few years. The weather department extended the summer to late December. In December 2239 celebrates the first day of the cold. I listened to an old CD; I had a hard time understanding what they said; recounting that people at that time celebrated something called Chrtmas. unable to find any reference for this in any voice master.  

Voice recorder on December 30, 2239, I'm not sure what happened this afternoon. One minute it was cool but still comfortable. The other day, on one side of the street, it was raining while down the street it was unbearably hot. The weather department explained it away by reporting it happened when they upgraded the equipment they said we would gain an extra food coupon this month. I thought great I'll be able to try the unfamiliar thing called pudding. 

Voice recorder on February 20, 2240. The weather department decided they needed it to rain to refill the water tanks, so it rained for over two months. Many of the streets flooded the supply of backup homes are in short supply. The weather department assured us that water tanks were now full. The rain did finally stop, but it became warm for a few weeks. The weather department assured us they need it to quickly dry areas still affected by the rain to rebuild the permanent homes to replace the small backup homes. 

Voice recorder on April 15, 2241. Each day the weather fluctuates unpredictably. The weather department reports the engineers are updating the machinery to keep up with our growing population. I feel confused, but you don't ask questions. The weather department is above approach. I found an old receiver in the attic that was used to communicate until the home voice recorder was placed in homes. 

I could get a poor connection. A voice was saying the weather department was hiding the truth. The weather control machine was failing. I started to feel uneasy.

Voice recorder on Today is August 20, 2241. The weather department reported that the rumor of the weather control machine was failing the group spreading this incorrect information was being dealt with in the most severe matter. 

Voice recorder on February 20, 2242. The call for the weather department to explain the problem with the weather machine. They continue to report the engineers are working around the clock making adjustments which may cause some weather disturbances. Groups have been going to the hall of light to have the grand committee president to comment on what is happening. The grand committee refers back to the weather department as they refer to the engineer section. I perceive the security patrols overhead all day long. People now want the truth. 

Voice recorder on Today is July 20, 2243. Things are going from bad to worse. We no longer get reports from the weather department. I hear all is an old recording that the situation controlled. Most of the stores have a little left, no longer taking food chips now, have gone back to coin credits, but they confiscated most. I found a few coin credits in an old box in storage, so I'm able to still buy some food, but it will not last long. 

Voice recorder on Today is May 5, 2244. We finally learned the weather machine is unrepairable failing quicker than predicted. I have been using my voice record for a brief time since the weather machine for unknown reasons as it failed is beginning pulling power from the main grid causing loss of lights and heat going to homes. No one knows how to disconnect the machine from the power grid, most likely the machine is fighting for its survival. 

Voice recorder, likely in July 2245. The central timepiece stopped working. My voice recorder unexpectedly fails. I hope (voice record) r stops) the recording is understandable. The weather machine's last weather cycle was snow, and it's been snowing continuously. (voice recorder stops) control weather has (voice recorder stops) destroyed our way of life. May nature forgive us. 

Nature could repair itself, restoring the weather balance on its own. A group of archeologist students was at a new dig site. One student located an old reinforced voice recorder box. The instructor was curious it was still intact. The group took the box to the lab at school that had the equipment to play the recording, this is what they picked up: 

Voice recorder on May 1, 2246. My ID number is 452151956. My given name is Thea, and it has been a long time since I used that name. I'm unable to sleep, been dark and cold for such a long time. I have little food and water left and used most of the wood I had can only keep the fireplace working for a day or two dictating this so those who come after will learn from our mistakes. We played with nature; we thought we could control it, but we discovered nature will have no master. Let me go back into the past to detail our hubris toward nature. I know I have died, this my legacy to the future. Heed the warning.

May 17, 2020 17:50

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1 comment

Rebecca Lee
17:11 May 28, 2020

An interesting short story in a narrative format - I liked it. I was wondering if there would be a way to set off the "subheadings" though to make them distinguishable? Example- in formatting, maybe bold these or put in italics? Voice recorder on May 1, 2246. My ID number is 452151956. My given name is Thea, and it has been a long time since I used that name.


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