The Party That changed my Life

Submitted into Contest #3 in response to: Write a story about someone who wins a contest and the prize of their dreams.... view prompt

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And the winner is..... Luffy!

I- I couldn’t believe it, was it true? Was I in a dream? What could I have possibly done to deserve this? All those questions and thoughts were pouring into my head. Not only did I win the contest but I also won the prize of my dreams! And it all started at a silly party at Natasha’s house. The whole school was going so if I didn’t go then i would look like a complete dork! It was on a Friday of course and my parents said ”no” so I had to make a what I call “sneakattackplan” every time I did it my parents never found out so It wasn’t the only time I had done this. The plan is simple I would wait until 9pm (which was the time my parents went to sleep) unlock all the house alarms and simply sneak out quietly “EASY” That night I did what I had planned. I waited till 9pm, unlocked all house alarms, and finally snucked out. Everything went smooth like butter and next thing I knew I was off to Natasha’s house. The party was like any other “high school party” there was a sweet pool that had colorful lights so it gave it a whole mood. Alcohol, people smoking, loud music and my personal favorite part... snacks. Everything was going great just like any other party I went to. Until it started getting crazy, a little to crazy next thing I knew there was cops catching everyone. Apparently the neighbors couldn't handle the loud music. And that’s when it hit me, I can’t let my parents find out about this “ THEY WILL GROUND ME“ so I ran as fast I could and tripped on a piece of rock.... yes a rock. “great just my luck” next thing I knew I was caught by the police and they were bringing me to my house. And then there they were my parents... I could see the disappointment, anger In there face. Just how I had fear in mine. The police dropped me off and got in the house my mom staring at me with anger and suddenly “SLAP” I got hit just how I imagined it. “You’re grounded for a whole month!” Said my dad with hesitation, yup just how I thought “no going out to eat when we go!” yelled mom, Ugh “just stay in your room!”. It was like my life was over. I couldn’t do anything anymore just sit, lay, cry in my room. Now I couldn’t even look at my own parents just how they could look at me and when I did, embarrassment flooded my face. And there faces screaming at me “how could you disobey us”. Part of me wishes i could have listened and never gone to that party But the other half yells with joy screaming “ it gets better!”. As I was bored in my room I went to my computer so I could watch anime then saw an ad, as I clicked the button to exit off the ad I accidentally clicked it. “ ugh every time“ I said as I was rolling my eyes. Then suddenly I couldn’t believe my eyes, the ad read “ win 10Million dollars!” Of course it caught my eye. As I continued reading I got more and more intrigued all I had to do is record a funny video and upload it on youtube. The video that got the most views and likes got the money. It was almost to good to be true. But I had to do it if I had the money I would be able to apologize to my parents like that. all I had to do is record a funny video upload and somehow get views. And I only had a week to do this. So I had to work hard, it wasn’t going to be easy but with the power of editing I could do this. The only catch was being able to do it without getting caught. After all I was still grounded....

One week later.

This was the day I've Been waiting for, all the late nights all the editing. Today was the day, I was Confident I had over 15 million views and was on top 5. I knew I could do this, all I had to do is wait for the results. I still haven’t apologized to my parents and I wasn’t planning to. Im not the person to apologize to people it isn’t really my thing. But if I won this my life could change.

5 hours later

the results were in and they were about to announce the winners....

just one more second waiting and staring in the screen

”Ladies and gentlemen! Today the day you’ve been waiting for has Finally come!” It’s now “the results are in and the winner is....” my life depends on this, the work, thought and editing, it wasn’t easy “ Luffy San!!!” I- I won? I- I couldn’t believe it, was it true? Was I in a dream? What could I have possibly done to deserve this? All those questions and thoughts were pouring into my head. Not only did I win the contest but I also won the prize of my dreams! And finally I can apologize to my parents for the anger, the stress and disappointment. And finally give them a better life!

and it all happened because of a dumb little party.

August 19, 2019 17:23

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Rosalia Romero
17:24 Aug 19, 2019

It’s my first story so any tips would be great thanks for your time :)


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