Mocktails and teenagers

Written in response to: Set your story in a bar that doesn’t serve alcohol.... view prompt


Coming of Age Crime High School

This story contains sensitive content


I sip my mocktail glumly. The bar is noisy, as is to be expected when teenagers finally find a bar they can legally sit at. My boyfriend is in a corner pressing another girl against the wall passionately, I think he's forgotten I'm here. The bartender is making Brin Piddy another drink. She's wrapped around Jack Weaver laughing animatedly with her head thrown back. Why in a bar that has no alcohol does everyone seem so drunk? Danny Ruiz stumbles over smittenly. He has lipstick marks all over his face and he has a dazed far off look in his eyes. Not long after Emira Madison saunters out of the ladies room with her hair undone and makeup messed up, her bra is unhooked and her dress is pulled up around her thighs. That I think is the sight of a girl who has just been fucked. Most likely by Danny who stumbled suspiciously from the direction of the ladies room. I have to pee, I stand and adjust my skirt around my thighs. Hopefully everyone has finished up in there and I won't have to deal with obnoxious smooching noises and cries of fear when they realize they've forgotten condoms. I have a head rush as I begin to walk towards the bathroom. What was in that mocktail? I am dizzy and the hot atmosphere in the bar is not making it better. I stagger into the ladies room. No one seems to be in here but I'm sure at least one stall has a couple in it. The scent of cleaning products and lingering urine tickles my nose. I teeter to the sink and grasp the white porcelain basin. The porcelain is cold to the touch my slim white knuckled fingers are holding the sides of the basin tightly. I peer at my reflection in the foggy mirror. I look pale and sweaty. I think back to all the friends who left me, all the people who hate me for no reason, and my boyfriend whom I had just seen wrapped around another girl's waist. Anger bubbles up inside me, the anger that I buried and ignored to make other people happy. The anger I though I had buried so deeply it would never return. I turn the tap on and splash cool water on my face, it doesn't help. The anger is still boiling inside. I hear a moan and grimace. It's disgusting being surrounded by this and I hate it. Then a not so innocent looking girl wobbles out of the handicap stall with a guy in tow. I look at them disgusted. They walk up to me determinedly and I give them a disdainful look. "Do you have a spare" the girl asks politely. The spare she means is a condom, even if I did have one I wouldn't give it to her. "no" I reply shortly. She looks crestfallen and motions for her presumably boyfriend to follow her out of the bathroom. I'm still dizzy so I clutch the basin tighter. Then the bartender walks in steadily. Shit. He must have been waiting for this I think. Waiting, watching for his chance to strike. He walks fixedly towards me a huge lustful grin plastered across his face. He comes close to my face and his putrid breath makes me want to puke all over him. He leans in closer. I push him back and stare at him. He takes this as an invitation for more and begins to come closer. He grasps me by the hips and carries me to the sticky tiled wall. He pins my petite body to the wall with such force it feels like I'm going to break. He forces his face into mine, his chapped lips are rough and uncomfortable on my smooth skin. He peppers my neck with kisses. I try to push him away but he only pushes me harder into the wall. "WHAT DO......" I try to scream but he shushes me and presses a hand to my face. His other hand begins to move the thin straps on my top. Sliding them down my shoulders and onto my elbows, he fingers the clips on my bra and slides his hand up my shirt. I am horrified and disgusted but he won't let me move or get away from him. My hair is sticking to my face and I'm even angrier than before. I try to stop him but I can't and this seems to be making him angry. He starts touching me "STOP" I scream but he won't listen. I try to squirm away but he thrusts his body into mine. A force so hard it feels like I've had the wind knocked out of me. "HELP ME" I scream but no one seems to hear. "No one will rescue you from this" he breathes in my ear. I kick him and he pushes me harder into the wall. The edge of the tiles are digging into my back and I want to cry. No one is coming to save me. He's right. "No one is going to know about what we did" he breathes. I squirm under his grasp. "NO!" I scream. "SOMEONE PLEASE" This was my last plea before I crumple to the floor in a heap.

Blood pools on the tile floor around me I know it's mine but I can't tell where it's coming from. The bartender is gone and the bathroom is empty. There is still music blasting from the other side of the door. I have no idea how long I've been here, but my whole body aches and I know I need to go home. I stand up shakily, nervously. I really don't think I can stomach seeing my boyfriend smooching another girl. I really don't think I can look at that bartender. His behavior is unacceptable not to mention illegal. My stomach fills with rage, my blood is boiling and I am livid. I gather my things and try to figure out where I'm bleeding from, just as the bartender walks back in.

January 14, 2024 01:55

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