
The Sun’s golden rays shined through my bedroom window as I enjoyed the rare calm I could have in this castle, I poured myself some tea, I was criticised for preferring tea then beer, but little did I care, a good cup of tea with a book is all I could ask for. I took the finest cushion made of silver geese and laid it on my window, then I sat on it with my book, even though I’ve read this book countless times, I still enjoyed it as much as I did the first time I read it. The protagonist was tall, handsome and under appreciated, just like me! He went through many péripéties, but the people around him still saw him as useless. As the book got interesting, the protagonist had just killed his father, a knock was heard on my door,

-Enter, I said gloomily 

A royal guard entered my room and said while he bowed

-My Prince, I was sent by your brother, he wants you to join him in his fight in-

-Bububup, I interrupted raising my index, I don’t participate in fights that are not mine, now you may dispose, I added returning to my window.

-As you wish, and he left…without closing my door! 

With a flick of my hand, I closed the door, “Do I have to do everything myself here?!” I thought. 

Getting back to by book was easy, the smell of old pages filled my brain with dopamine and touching the cover made my finger tips tingle. “What could be better then reading?” I wondered. But as an other knock was heard on my door, I had the answer, “Not being interrupted while reading!”. I ignored the knock. A second knock, this time more violent, gave me chills, I knew who that was…and if I didn’t answer, she could kick down the door with minimal effort, so I authorised her to enter.


-Wow so aggressive, care for a cup of calming tea?

-You need to come with us on the battlefield! Your father wants you to participate in more battles! she yelled calmly.

-Why? I’m perfectly fine with peaceful activities.

-If I could drag you by your arrogant ears, I would gladly do so, she said pointing her sword at me.

I lowered her sword with the tip of my index and said also lowering my voice,

-Sweetie, no need to threaten me, I know what you can do but do you know what I can do? lowering the sword lower, I added, Now send my regards the my brute of a brother.

She grunted before stomping out of my room. I’m not a violent person but to get what I want, in this case, read, I can make you go through hell and back. Anyway, my long dark hair was getting in my face while I read, so I got up, grabbed a hair band and put my hair in a magnificent and elegant bun.

After a few minutes calm had come back in my room, but not for long…Another royal guard came into my room, without knocking!

-I beg your pardon? I asked tilting my head and put my hands on my hips, have you never been taught to knock?

-I’m sorry, my Prince. But your father sent me, he orders you to go on the battlefield. 

-Or what? I asked menacingly.

-Or no books for you for a month.

As surprised as I was seeing my mother, the Queen, enter, it was very like her to wait for the perfect moment to enter a room and make a dramatic entrance.

-Mother, as I said that, the guard bowed to his queen and with a sign of her hand, he exited the room.

-Even if you do not wish to fight, try and do it for your brother, he loves you a lot-

-And so do I, but you must understand, I have no wish to fight.

She put one of her hands of my cheek and with the other, remove my hair tie and gently brushed my hair with her fingers.

-My son, you are gifted with magical abilities and your brother with fighting abilities, you are both sides of a same coin. When he will be king, he will need you to keep him in place. How do you think you father is so calm and always makes wise decisions, it’s because I am the one making them behind. Support your brother, he may be older but he still needs you. And he always will.

-I don’t see how me fighting with him is useful, I asked even though I knew the answer.

-Because fighting together strengthens bonds, bonds you will need.

Whatever I said, she would always have a perfect response, there was no point in arguing. So I agreed.

-As you wish mother.

Even if I was much taller than my mother, she still kissed me on the forehead. She is everything to me, I can’t possibly imagine a world without my mother, she’s the one who taught me magic, when my father wanted me to learn how to fight, she made sure I was taught by the best teachers, and by that she ment herself. 

As she was walking towards the door, she turned around and said,

-I love you.

Of course being not at all dramatic, I opened my hand and from the palm of my hand, emerged a heart made of tiny stars and I replied,

-I love you too mother.

After she left, I was torn, should I stay in my room and enjoy my book or go join my brother on the battlefield? “Maybe there’s a way I could do both…” I thought.

I magically changed from my room drapes to a fine leather outfit, if I was going on the battlefield, I have to at least be dressed appropriately.

After arriving on Vanaheim, I decided to sit under a tree near the battlefield…and read.

They say I’m the dramatic sibling but it’s my brother who loves to do unnecessary grunting and yelling when he’s fighting, and the worst thing about that is that woman find it attractive! After gruesomely killing an adversary, he looked at me, frowned and then yelled in his deep voice,


-Yes brother? I answered


As soon as he said this, a man sneaked up behind me with his sword in his hand, about to attack me and before Thor could do anything, I threw a dagger at him, jumped up and slit his throat.

-You were saying brother? I said proudly flipping my hair back.

He sighed, took a pause and replied,

-If you’re not here to fight what are you doing here?

Stabbing another man attacking me, I answered,

-I just want to read!

July 25, 2021 14:36

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