
Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt




The definition of this word is something becoming different or making a difference. Sounds valuable and uplifting, right? So what is the communicative value of this word in our world today. Well, more and more countries are developing new technologies are coming out, people are becoming more and more innovative in their ways of thinking, privileges like education and stable, healthy lifestyle are becoming more readily available as days pass, etc. Our world today has come a long way and changed so much since the times of our ancestors, right?

Did it really?

If we have really come a long way, why do the posts and stories that contains pictures and videos of people protesting in the streets while living in a global pandemic, keep popping up in my Instagram feeds? Why has Twitter flooded out with people standing up and protesting for their legal rights by trending #BlackLivesMatter? Maybe a question we should be asking ourselves is – Did our world really change? Well, in my opinion, in a world where we still have to beg for our human rights, I would think for long before finally saying, “I don’t know. Our society’s perception doesn’t seem to have any changes….” And I say this because, no matter how many revolutionary changes our world goes through, we’re still suffering the same way as our ancestors did. And even then, our elders too have protested for the sake of a better life, with some even ending up losing their lives. Back then, they wanted a humanitarian change too.

So why didn’t anyone do anything to make that efforts for the change last long enough? Because so much more people were afraid of that change. They were afraid of losing the power they have had. Some didn’t even care and so turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to those cries of help and to those in need. With that, our generations before us have failed us. The world we are living in now is polluted, filled with inequalities of rights, and so divided that the canyons between them and us appears as impassable as the cosmic void. All those years, people looked at the starts in hopes for a better future, but the efforts put in to it were still left in vain.

Today we are walking through a path that is controlled by extremists. We face a President who used the threat of military power and violence to bring down the most peaceful protests. We face a small group of “protesters” who wants to burn it all down out of some spite against the system. We face a virus that has killed millions of people around the world and yet we are told that the worst is about to come.

So yes, our world may not have changed all that much. And yes, I have also missed my high school graduation this year. But its okay, the knowledge and the teachings I have gained are still deeply rooted in me and so is the case for many of you. And now, the burdens and mistakes of our ancestors have fallen on our shoulders, so our days don’t seem to get any better.

This path that we are walking right now looks dark and long, and who knows maybe the darkest path is still ahead. The hardships and challenges we are about to face is a part of the battle with the old demons which have haunted the generations before us, and will continue to haunt us too. Soon we must all face them at one point in our lives, so either we will win or they will. Right now, the world may look desolated and a miserable place to live in. But this same world is also our home, our only home. So why not we try to work for the betterment of our home since it’s up to us now.

History has proved us again and again that with the right motivation, right leadership and enough work and efforts of the hardworking individuals, will allow even the darkest and the scariest nights to see the most beautiful dawn. This responsibility may have unconsciously been thrown to us, but let us pick up this responsibility with pride and dignity. And also with respect to history, let us be kind and forgiving to those who did this to us, but not forgetful. Because the change is possible for us to make; humans broke this and we can definitely fix it back with Band-Aids of love, respect, kindness and happiness. We have started this fire, and so let us continue growing on it and use it to mold our world better than how it was initially handed to us. If our leaders today are holding us down, why don’t WE become the leaders that will rather lift our future generations higher all while keeping them safe? Let us look for challenges to do better constantly and look for the right support systems. And also, most importantly, let’s not give in into the selfishness and jealousy that has left this world in the ruins. Instead, let’s treat our world with the same amount of kindness and respect we would want for ourselves. Let’s be persistent and strive to be a better human every day. Let’s all look out for each other with big, gleaming smiles on our faces because you all are my people just as much as I am yours.

Let’s do what our generations before us did, by looking up at the galaxy-filled sky, searching for that hope and strength, and using it as our motivation and inspiration for a better tomorrow.

For if we fail to make this change now, then just like our ancestors, our future generations will have to pick us the responsibilities that could be caused by our mistakes and inaction. Let’s stop all these sufferings around the globe once and for all. Perceptions of today are there sitting, waiting to be upgraded to give everyone the healthy, cheerful lives we all rightfully deserve. Because one day this harsh winter will definitely come to an end, and soon after, the spring WILL bloom.


June 12, 2020 02:05

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