Fiction Mystery Science Fiction

It was a night draped in the deception of stars over Baltimore, 1840, where shadows fell like cloaks over cobblestone streets. Dr. Simon Dorset emerged from the obscure folds of an alley, the hum of his time machine dissipating into the ether of history. He adjusted the lapels of his meticulously chosen 19th-century attire, feeling the weight and wonder of epochs as he tread discreetly among the citizens of the past.

His ebony walking stick clicked rhythmically against the stones, a metronome to his swirling thoughts. This was not merely a visit; it was an anachronistic pilgrimage. Simon’s destination tonight was more elusive and intoxicating than any artifact—a meeting with the enigmatic Edgar Allan Poe.

A glance at his pocket watch reminded him of time’s cruel precision, especially for one stolen from another era. He allowed himself a brief moment to jot down observations in his leather-bound journal, noting the gaslight that flickered like ghostly sentinels guiding his path.

As he entered the local tavern, a hubbub of raucous laughter and smoky whispers washed over him. He absorbed the milieu, each detail a precious nugget of information. The patrons, swathed in the comfortable drab of labor and the occasional flash of foppish textile, provided a carousel of character study. Edgar Allan Poe was a frequent visitor here—an icon whose conversations might reveal more than his written words ever could.

Positioning himself at the bar, Simon sipped a drink, his eyes and ears open, scrutinizing each face and catching snatches of conversation that danced on the air. His guise as a visiting publisher from England seemed impermeable as he matched the locutions and cadences of his surroundings.

His opportunity arose when a man of unmistakable countenance stepped through the doorway. Edgar Allan Poe, known by portrait and prose, moved with a somber grace, his eyes holding an unearthly fascination. Simon initiated a dialogue, discussing the philosophical quandaries inherent in modern Romantic literature—a surefire way to pique Poe’s interest.

Poe’s response was immediate and intense, providing a fertile ground for deeper discussion. “Ah, sir, you understand the darkness of the soul entwined with the light of creativity,” Poe remarked, his voice tinged with a melancholic timbre. Their conversation quickly moved from the public earshot to the intimate setting of Poe’s study.

The study was a chaos of inspiration—papers strewn like fallen leaves in autumn, books stacked in teetering columns of thought. Simon’s heart raced as he eyed the manuscripts cluttering the desk. In a moment of distraction for Poe, his gaze fell upon a specific stack of papers penned in a hurried yet deliberate script.

Topics and metaphors unknown to the scholars of Simon’s time beckoned from those pages. The lure of academic glory flickered before him, stirring a tempest of ethical and temporal dilemmas. His plan emerged almost fully formed—a theft that would echo through the centuries but could brand him an eternal brigand in the annals of time.

Weeks passed, and a cordial invitation to a social gala at Poe’s abode presented the perfect milieu for his surreptitious intent. Under the guise of evening air necessity, Simon navigated back to the tempest of paper and ink. The manuscript was now in his grasp, a treasure far more potent than mere gold. Yet, in his haste, Simon’s modern smartphone—a slab of technology utterly alien to the 19th century—slipped from his pocket, left on Poe’s mahogany desk.

With a swirling cloak and a heart pounding against the corset of his own deceit, Simon returned to his era, leaving behind an anachronism that would unravel time’s tightly knit fabric.

The morning sun, indifferent in its rise, found Edgar Allan Poe in contemplative solitude. As light spilled across his desk, the unusual sheen of the abandoned smartphone caught his attention. It lay there, stark and intrusive among the soft yellowing papers of his literary endeavors. Curiosity, that relentless driver of human behavior, prompted Poe to reach for the device, his fingertips brushing against the cold, smooth surface. The screen flickered to life at his touch, illuminating his face with a pale, eerie glow.

Simon, safely ensconced back in his time, felt the immediate ripple of his accidental influence. The Baltimore he returned to bore scant resemblance to the one he had left. Buildings bristled with unfathomable technology, the skyline jagged with the spires of progress grown wild, fed by an anachronistic seed. His stomach churned with the realization that history had veered catastrophically off course.

Poe, meanwhile, was originally viewed as the harbinger of this new era. Word spread through the city with the speed of fire through dry timber. The enigmatic device held secrets of light and knowledge, screens within screens—miracles undreamed of even in the fevered pitches of the most fantastical literatures. 

It wasn’t long before Poe was thronged by the curious and the ambitious, their minds alight with possibilities. Inventors, scholars, rogues—they all wanted a piece of the future unveiled. Each touch, each interaction spun a new thread of history, weaving a tapestry far removed from the one Simon knew.

Back in his altered present, Dr. Simon Dorset was consumed by an urgent need to correct this unintended aberration. The historical and cultural legacy of Poe, once defined by his mysterious and macabre tales, was now overshadowed by a technological boom he had unwittingly initiated. Simon’s own research spiraled into obsolescence; the Poe he revered was lost to a world dazzled by premature progress.

The gravity of his error was a weight he could barely sustain. Turning to his colleagues and historical chronicles yielded only scant mentions of Poe—the poet and author were eclipsed by Poe, the accidental father of a technological revolution. Simon’s isolation grew, paralleled only by his desperation.

Resolving to undo the harm, Simon reactivated his time machine, dismissing the cascade of warnings displayed by the machine’s diagnostics. The temporal navigational systems, designed to prevent precisely such paradoxes, blared their reluctance in stark red warnings across the interface. But Simon pushed forward, driven by a near-mad obsession to restore the literary giant’s legacy.

As the machine whirred to life, encasing him in a cocoon of pulsating energy, Simon felt the pull of temporal forces contorting the fabric of reality. A misstep in calculations, coupled with the machine’s strained capabilities, wrenched Simon from his intended course. The world around him blurred—an array of colors and sounds, history replaying all its possibilities simultaneously.

He found himself trapped, a ghost in the looping scenes of his interactions with Poe. Each cycle through the loop sharpened his understanding of the cascading consequences of his actions, yet he remained powerless to intervene directly. His presence was spectral, an observer cursed to watch his folly unfold in perpetuity.

Amidst the ceaseless cycles, a flicker of anomaly caught his attention. Brief moments appeared where versions of himself overlapped—past, present, and future converging. It was an unintended side effect of the time stream’s fracture, a shimmering crack in the oppressive wall of endless repetition.

With renewed purpose, the Simon Dorsets of different times began to recognize each other. An understanding sparked between them, each iteration contributing his unique perspective on the predicament. Together, they constructed a plan—a message ensconced within the digital confines of the smartphone, coding it into the metadata of the device. A cryptic puzzle designed for Poe’s keen and curious mind, leading him to restore the timeline undisturbed by technological marvels.

The contriving of the message was meticulous, a maneuver engineered with the precision of a master clockmaker. Hidden within the coding, Simon embedded the instructions—a route back to temporal stability, crafted specifically to attract Edgar Allan Poe’s intrigue with cryptology and the unknown. It was more than just a recovery mission; it was an appeal to Poe’s intellectual appetites, a call to explore and unravel the mystery set before him.

The loop provided Simon endless opportunities to refine his approach, each iteration fine-tuning the message embedded in the strange artifact from the future. When Poe finally discovered the embedded instructions, hidden amidst what appeared to be common applications, it struck a chord deep within his writer’s soul—a mystery woven by fate or circumstance, begging to be unraveled.

His brows furrowed, Poe set about deciphering the cryptic clues with a zeal that had often been reserved for his literary compositions. The message guided him to a precise location, an act in itself harmless but pivotal—a secluded corner of the Baltimore docks at dawn, where the water whispered secrets to those patient enough to listen.

Meanwhile, Simon watched these moments unfold, his heart thrumming with a mix of hope and apprehension. The plan was simple yet reliant on Poe’s willingness to engage with the unknown without fully understanding the forces at play. It was a gamble, staking everything on the intellectual curiosity of one man.

As the appointed time approached, Poe, cloak billowing behind him in the pre-dawn wind, approached the designated spot. He carried the device, its screen dim in the soft light. Following the last of the instructions, he left the smartphone nestled within an old fish crate, obscure and seemingly inconspicuous.

The crate, Simon knew from his meticulous studies of the timeline, would be destroyed in a warehouse mishap mere hours later, the smartphone lost forever, consumed by the flames—an incident that originally occurred without historical significance but now charged with the weight of resetting history.

Simon’s vision blurred, the looping finally slowing, reality solidifying with the promise of release. As the time streams began to align, the world around him steadied, the oppressive weight of temporal distortion lifting. The colors and sounds that had haunted his senses merged into the rightful hues of his time.

When he next stepped out of the machine, the air was different—fresher, somehow more correct with the essence of his original timeline. Buildings, people, the very atmosphere buzzed with subtle but significant changes back to the familiar. Poe’s literary legacy had been restored to its rightful place, his technological influence erased as if it were merely a ghost story, fittingly ephemeral.

Simon Dorset found himself back in his study, the walls lined with books, the familiar scent of paper and ink a soothing balm. His heart, though weary from the journey, was buoyed by the restoration of history. His respect for the delicate fabric of time had deepened, each tick of the clock now a reminder of the dance between chance and choice.

He resumed his academic pursuits with a newfound reverence for the past’s fragility and the unknown variables of history. The world around him continued, blissfully unaware of the catastrophe averted, a tale of what-if preserved only in the quiet confines of Simon’s experience.

In his diary, filled with the wild scribblings of his adventure, Simon penned a final note—an acknowledgment of the power held by both time and literature, the twin forces of creation and destruction. He wrote, “In our pursuits, we must tread lightly upon the tapestries of the past, for they are woven with the threads of potentiality, delicate and profound.”

The sun set over a world untouched yet changed in ways unseen, as Simon Dorset closed his diary, the book of his extraordinary journey through time concluding with the silent assurance that some mysteries, like some manuscripts, were best left unaltered.

May 20, 2024 12:51

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Cedar Barkwood
03:34 Jun 02, 2024

Wonderful! You used such wonderful descriptions. A novella for this would be wonderful!


Jim LaFleur
10:38 Jun 02, 2024

Thanks, Cedar. I'm thinking about a novella. We will see!


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Marty B
03:20 May 25, 2024

Im impressed you squeezed all this into 3k words! An ambitious story with intricate twists and turns, I loved the descriptions: 'obscure folds of an alley'/ 'the comfortable drab of labor and the occasional flash of foppish textile' / 'cloak billowing behind him in the pre-dawn wind' I can see this stretched out to 20k- 50k words with all the plot turns. Thanks!


Jim LaFleur
09:53 May 25, 2024

I’m thrilled you enjoyed the story’s twists and descriptions. Extending it to a novella is definitely on my radar now. Thanks for the encouragement!


Marty B
21:28 May 28, 2024

Looking forward to reading the novella!


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04:40 Jun 01, 2024

I loved this time travel story. Your MC managed to set things right. So easy to do something in the past and muck up the future. Can't do without the Edgar Allan Poe we know, and his stories! Sometimes the best story ideas are so hard to condense. Well done. Just a thought; impermeable (para.5) - surely you meant impenetrable? The meaning of impermeable is 'not permitting passage (as of a fluid) through its substance' as in a waterproof membrane. Even though impenetrable is a simile, it is different. 'Can't be seen through' fits it better t...


Jim LaFleur
11:38 Jun 01, 2024

Thank you, Kaitlyn, for your thoughtful feedback! Your point about ‘impermeable’ vs. ‘impenetrable’ is well-taken. I could have used impenetrable, but I used impermeable for a couple of reasons. I thought the context of the speech patterns (“locutions and cadences”) aligned more with the idea of being “impermeable”. Similarly, I was also proposing that no external influence could alter or penetrate the disguise, in a metaphorical sense. “Impenetrable” might imply that the disguise cannot be physically broken through, which is a slightly diff...


21:46 Jun 01, 2024

It's all about nuances, as you say. The words are similar to each other, but I was startled by your choice. Sometimes it isn't something you can really define (a reaction to a word) but when it happens, even if it is only a niggle, you want to understand the writers reasoning. Thanks for explaining. The words are closely related.


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Suman Amarnath
08:37 May 30, 2024

A lot of story packed into a small space! My head was spinning with all the things only alluded to here - butterfly effect, the possibility of meeting alternate self, frailty of history etc etc. That is one ambitious tale.


Jim LaFleur
10:16 May 30, 2024

Ambitious… I have to agree!


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Liane Fazio
16:40 May 28, 2024

As a lover of Poe this was a great idea! To go back in time & meet him! But I would leave my phone at home lol. What a thought to not have his stories anymore...


Jim LaFleur
17:49 May 28, 2024

Thank you for taking the time to read, Liane! I'm also a big fan of Poe. His only complete novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, is one of my favorites.


Liane Fazio
18:28 May 28, 2024

I'm ashamed to say I have yet to read that 🥺 but I am putting it on my 'to read' list ASAP!


Liane Fazio
15:01 Jun 02, 2024

***UPDATE*** I have the book and got to the spot where he was rescued by his friend after the mutiny but hasn't gone up into the stateroom yet. This story makes me so anxious! It's really good and can't wait to find out what happens with him. My favorite Poe is "Annabel Lee'.


Jim LaFleur
18:25 Jun 02, 2024

Annabel Lee, Poe's poetry! Good stuff!


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McKade Kerr
15:03 May 28, 2024

Great story, as always! This one was especially creative, I'm impressed!


Jim LaFleur
17:43 May 28, 2024

Thanks! Your feedback made my day. 😊 Really glad you enjoyed the story!


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Nadir Gauche
16:02 May 25, 2024

I'd like to think that a single change remained... That in Poe's writing, there is a mention of some kind of Angry Bird (wait, we already live In that timeline) Nice story, you fit a lot in there!


Jim LaFleur
18:37 May 25, 2024

Thanks, Nadir!


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Kristi Gott
14:31 May 25, 2024

Beautifully written and intriguing. The Time Travel concept and historical elements are woven together creatively and with originality.


Jim LaFleur
18:33 May 25, 2024

Thank you, Kristi!


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Darvico Ulmeli
10:01 May 24, 2024

Excellent story. Did not expect less from you.


Jim LaFleur
10:14 May 24, 2024

Thank you, Darvico!


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Trudy Jas
16:26 May 23, 2024

Often are the times that I can't get any internet connection on my phone, unless I'm standing next to my modem/router. Through the amazing technology of fiction, a man is able to access all sorts of data 180 years ago. Way to go! :-)


Jim LaFleur
17:42 May 23, 2024

Fiction… where anything is possible! 😊


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Laurie Spellman
14:57 May 22, 2024

Great story! It’s the butterfly 🦋 effect in full force. Very cool use of the prompt and fun to read.


Jim LaFleur
15:53 May 22, 2024

Thank you, Laurie! I'm happy you liked it!


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Mary Bendickson
19:22 May 20, 2024

Incredible! Deep development of the prompt. So immersive. Had me believing it could have been true.


Jim LaFleur
10:13 May 21, 2024

Thank you for the kind words, Mary!


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Alexis Araneta
16:00 May 20, 2024

Oooh, lovely one, Jim ! Your use of descriptions is, once again, impeccable ! I think your use of the prompt is very well-done. Great job!


Jim LaFleur
17:49 May 20, 2024

Thank you, Alexis!


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Ken Cartisano
02:10 May 26, 2024

Brilliant concept. Go back and steal something from Poe. That... everbody was okay with. It was only when the mc left his phone behind that he acquired a conscience, Cool story Jim.


Jim LaFleur
08:53 May 26, 2024

Thank you, Ken!


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