Submitted into Contest #206 in response to: Start your story with a character seeing something terrifying.... view prompt

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I hate the night especially when there's no light. Bad things happen at this time. Midnight is the witching hour, I need to get to my car as fast as possible or else.

Shit! What is that? Growling, low menacing growling. Oh God! something is out here with me, watching me. Keep it together Kat. Keep walking don't look back. There's that growling again.

It's behind me. Don't you dare look back Kat. I take out my car keys and run to my car. I hear it behind me. Run Kat, run fast. I see my car. I made it to my car. I press the turn on button. My car turns on.

I still hear it behind me. It's catching up to me. I open my car door, quickly get and close the door. I put my key in the ignition, then all of a sudden something huge hits my car. I look out and see a monster with huge teeth and huge claws.

The key falls from the ignition. I don't want to look again and see that thing. It keeps banging and thrashing at my car. I bend my hand down looking for the key.

Where is it? Come on Kat, that thing is trying to get to you, to eat you. Come on Kat find the key. Don't scream. Be strong. There it is. I found the key. I pick up the key and put it in the ignition. I start the car, put my foot on the gas pedal and drive as fast as I can.

Oh My God! those teeth, those eyes, those claws. It's unlike anything I ever seen, well maybe in movies. I look out the side window. Oh shit! That thing is chasing me. I press the gas pedal harder. That thing is getting quicker. It's coming at me fast.

I'm dead. I know I'm going to die tonight. I blow through three red lights. Damn it! what is it now? The police siren. Great just what I need. What am I going to tell the officer?

I pull my car over. The creature is gone but I'm in trouble. I roll down the window. I smile weakly at the officer. "License and Registration." I nod. I hand over my license and registration to the officer.

I wait patiently for my ticket. As I'm waiting for the ticket, I begin to hear growling. I look back and to the sides of me and in an instant the creature pounces on the officer.

I look on in horror as the creature rips and shreds the officer's body. The creature is wild, vicious and blood thirsty. In a matter of minutes, the officer is torn apart by the creature. Blood is everywhere including my car.

My fear is trapping me in my car. I can't move. I can't stop looking at the creature. I will; remember those eyes forever. I pray for a quick death but the creature doesn't come after me. it disappears. I guess the creature is full. What am I saying? It just ate that poor man.

My ID. I have to get my ID and registration. I carefully open my car door and carefully get out of my car. I make my way to the police car. Oh God! I'm about to throw up. The poor officer's guts are everywhere. It smells awful.

I look around the officer's remains. Not here. It must be inside the car. I step over the officer's remains and enter the car. I immediately spot my ID and registration. I grab them and put them in my pocket.

As I'm about to leave, I hear that menacing growl again. The creature is coming back. I jump into the back seat and hide. Breathe Kat. Take a deep breathe in and out. Don't let that thing know you're here.

I hear him. He's right next to the car, right above me. Oh God! he's going to see me. I close my eyes and pray that thing goes away. What's it waiting for? It's going to see me. I crouch down even further.

He's moving away. I don't dare get out get out of the car. I still hear it. I peek out and see it devouring the remaining parts of the officer. What seemed like hours but was only twenty minutes, the creature has finally left. I quickly get out of the police car, run to my car and quickly drive home.

I don't want to know what I saw. I'm scared of the answer. I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what will happen to me. What if that thing is following me home?

I pull into my driveway. I'm happy to be home. The fear of what I saw is haunting me. It's only been a half hour since the poor officer was killed and I can still see the pain and terror in his face.

Okay Kat time to be a big girl and get out of the car. I slowly get out of my car. I look at my surroundings. I'm in the clear. I run to my house, open the door and enter. I begin to cry.

I cry for the officer and his family, for the terror that people will feel tomorrow. I can't tell people what I saw they will think I'm crazy. No one will believe me. I wish this was a dream, a really bad dream but it's not. It's a really life living nightmare.

I pick myself up and go to my bedroom. I fall onto my bed, close my eyes and fall asleep. I wake up the next morning still wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

Oh God! yesterday. Yesterday was a true nightmare. I haven't forgotten about the officer or the creature. It' still in my mind. I can't unseen what I saw.

I finish my shower and head downstairs. I turn on the T.V. there right in front of me is my nightmare. The officer's bloody car but no body. I look on in horror at the true destruction the creature did.

I'm lost in my head that I don't hear the reporter saying "If anyone has information about the whereabouts of officer Kincaid contact your local police." No one knows about the creature. I'm the only witness.

I'm not going to the police to tell them a tale about a wild beast attacking and killing officer Kincaid. I will sound like a crazy person and be sent to a mental hospital.

I lay down on my couch and close my eyes. I'm back in the parking lot of my job. I'm running to my car. Something is behind me, chasing me. I'm thrashing and sweating reliving last nights events. I hear the menacing growl behind me. It's catching up to me. I reach my car. I get in when that thing forcefully hits my car. Those eyes, those teeth, those claws. No. It's coming in. I wake-up screaming.

I look all around me. I'm home. What's that noise? It sounds like a man. I feel a cold-presences behind me. I'm afraid to look. I take a couple deep breathes in and out. Okay here goes. I slowly turn around and to my utter horror, I see officer Kincaid.

He's dead. The creature torn him to pieces. I close my eyes then open them. He's still in front of me. I take a good look at officer Kincaid. His body is bloody and torn. I stumble back as officer Kincaid gets near me. He's about to touch me when I wake-up screaming.

Another dream. It was just another bad dream. What's wrong with me? That thing is haunting me in my dreams. I can't let no one see like this. I call in sick and text my parents. If this thing is after me, I can let my family and friends be any where near me.

I did research on werewolves and found out they come out during the full moon. The next full moon is in two days. I stay home waiting and preparing.

That thing is coming back tonight. I run around my house locking the doors and windows. I grab all my knives and head to my bedroom. I close and lock the door. I lock my bedroom window and close the blinds.

It's going to happen again. I can feel it. That thing is going to be hunting tonight. Maybe for me or some unfortunate soul is going to get torn apart by the creature. I have to protect myself.

Some out there walking the streets or driving is going to die and I know about it. I know the truth. I have to tell somebody. Someone has to stop the creature. But who? My best friend Wyatt will know what to do.

Wyatt lives two blocks from me. I jump out of my bed with a butcher knife and head to my car. I have to be fast. The moon is starting to come out. I start the car and peel out of my driveway.

I made it to Wyatt's house. His house is quiet, too quiet. I park in the driveway and leave my car. I hear nosies coming from inside. I hasten my pace. I open the door. I walk in but stop when I hear growling nosies.

I quietly close the door. I go to the bay window and look inside. To my horror, I see Wyatt bend over in pain. I want to go help him, a voice in my head is telling me don't go inside. I'm stuck in place when I see those menacing eyes. The same eyes I saw a couple nights ago.

Oh God! Wyatt is the creature. I run back to my car. I grab the butcher knife and hide in the back seat. I hear the door creaking. The creature is bursting through. That's Wyatt. The creature is Wyatt.

I hear it howling. Please don't see me. Tears are coming down my face. Why Wyatt? I peek out and see Wyatt in front of me. I back away. He's standing there watching me. It's like he knows me. I grab the butcher knife and point it at Wyatt. Just then I hear another growling noise. I turn and look out the back window. There is another one. Oh shit! There's two.

The other creature is coming towards me. Wyatt stands in front of my car blocking the other creature. Wyatt's protecting me. Wyatt is still there.

The two of them begin to fight. Wyatt is the smaller of the two. I look on praying Wyatt wins. The big one has Wyatt by the throat. Wyatt manages to get out and now has the big one on the ground.

Wyatt is clawing at the big one. The big one gets up and tackles Wyatt. The big one gets on top of Wyatt. Wyatt claws at its legs. The big one howls. Wyatt tackles the big one and in one swift move Wyatt rips the throat of the big creature. That was surreal.

I came to the realization during the fight that Wyatt didn't kill officer Kincaid. It was the big creature. I saw just enough of the creature to know it wan't Wyatt.

The butcher knife still in my hand, my heart beating fast. I get of the car. Wyatt is coming up to me. Those menacing eyes are watching me and I'm watching him.

I need to run but I don't. He's my best friend but also a killer. He's standing right in front of me. He's touching my arms and legs. Oh God! he's going to bite me. Wyatt stands on his hind legs.

"Wyatt, it's me Kat." I whisper. Wyatt backs away from me. He's still in front of me watching me. He then goes back inside his house. I go back to my car and wait for the sun to rise.

At dawn I leave my car and go to Wyatt. I open the door. Wyatt is in front of me. "How much do you know?' Wyatt asks me. "I saw you as that thing."

Wyatt proceeds to tell me everything. How the members of his family are werewolves. How each night they prowl through the streets looking for easy targets. Wyatt also tells me that his father killed officer Kincaid and went after me.

"You killed your father to protect me." Wyatt nods. "I love you Kat. That's why I didn't tell you. To protect you."

Wyatt loves me. My best friend loves me. "I'm scared Wyatt. What happened to me and what I saw will always haunt me. I promise to protect your secret and you. I love you too."

"Thanks Kat. You mean everything to me." Nobody in town knows about Wyatt. The mystery of the disappearance of officer Kincaid has never been solved. My new nightmare protecting Wyatt's secret from the town.

July 13, 2023 21:40

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1 comment

Kelli Etheridge
18:30 Jul 20, 2023

Interesting story. I like the first person point of view to try to establish urgency and fear. Good twist at the end, maybe foreshadow to it throughout. You could tidy up the grammar and punctuation a bit. Not sure what you use, but I find Grammarly helpful. Adding synonyms here would be better - huge is used a lot. "huge hits my car. I look out and see a monster with huge teeth and huge claws." Lastly, maybe explore more showing and less telling so that the reader feels the tension more.


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