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    This short story is about two girls who meet in the most unexpected way and become best friends. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have writing it. 

  Nichole was 23 years old and she was going to Harvard University. She was going to school to become an author. She was such an intelligent, beautiful, hardworking student. No matter how hard she tried to focus on herself and her studies, she only had one thing on her mind and that was her boyfriend Jason. Nichole and Jason started dating in high school and had the fairy tail relationship that every girl dreamed of having. Nichole was the happiest girl she had the brains, and the man. What could go wrong she had the perfect life or it seemed that way to Nichole That was of course until Jason decided to tell Nichole something that would change her entire life in one day. 

   Nichole please sit down, I have something I need to tell you. Jason what is wrong I have never seen you so pale. Nichole I know how important it means to you to get your book published but I also feel like I am less important to you. Jason you are important to me I just really wanna get my book published can you please just tell me what is going on already. Alright Nichole last month you remember I went to Atlanta with a couple of guy friends and well while we were there I met this girl and one thing led to another and we ended up hooking up. How could you do this to me, How could you do this to us! Nichole the reason I am telling you about this is because she just called me and told me that she is pregnant.

   Nichole, did you hear me? I said she is pregnant,I am so sorry I messed up, Nichole please say something. Nichole was trying to figure out what to say but she really didn't know what to say. She just knew that her life had gone from fairy tail to a nightmare and she was speechless. 

Nichole stood up and looked at the man she has been in love with since high school and only had one question for him. Jason what does this mean for us? Jason responded, I want to be able to have a relationship with my kid and you but I don't know if you are willing to let me have the best of both worlds. Jason you want me to say okay yes you can still have the best of both worlds but I can't do that I just can't just accept this and move on and you can't expect me to either. If it was the other way around and I was pregnant with another man’s child you would be feeling the same way I am. I am sorry Jason I think we need to take a break and I hope you can respect my decision and give me the space I am asking for.

   Three months later… Nichole was still trying to focus on getting her book published and forgetting about how heartbroken she was about Jason cheating on her and getting another girl pregnant but it was still hard for her. Nichole was about to head to class when she noticed what seemed to be a new student. Hi are you new here, I noticed you kept looking at your schedule and looking around. Yes hi my name is Emily I just moved here from Georgia and this is my first day and this is a huge school would you mind helping me. Of course, my name is Nichole. Let me see your schedule, well your first class is sociology same as mine so you can walk with me to class. Thanks I really appreciate this. I would have never made it to class without you. Nichole and Emily laughed and walked to class together. 

Nichole and Emily had majority of the same classes together so they went to class together and they studied together and Nichole ended up asking for Emily to be her roommate so they became roommates as well. When Nichole and Emily became roommates not only did they study but they had girl talks and fun and they became so close. Emily had a secret though that nobody knew but soon everyone was eventually going to find out. One day as Nichole and Emily were getting ready for class Emily ran to the bathroom and threw up. Nichole knocked on the bathroom door and asked Are you alright. Emily said yeah I think it's from that burrito we had last night. Nichole said okay do you want me to wait for you or should I just go class and tell them that you are sick. Emily said I am brushing my teeth and I will be right out. 

  That night as Emily and Nichole were studying Emily’s phone rang and she answered it, Hey baby what's up wait your here okay hold on let me get dressed and let my roommate know that you are coming up okay see you soon bye i love you. Nichole looked at Emily and said hey girl you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend how could you leave that out we have been roommates for over a month now and we have had several talks but you didn't mention you had a boyfriend. Emily started laughing and said well you never asked . As Emily was getting dressed there was a knock on the door. Nichole said I will get it, she opened the door and saw the man that broke her heart five months ago. Emily walked out of the bathroom and went to the door and said Baby I didn't know that you were coming. 

  Nichole was in complete shock she was trying to not show it but it was very hard not to show her feelings, the man that she was in love with for so long and broke her heart four months ago was standing at her dorm room door and her roommate just called him Baby. Emily grabbed her boyfriend's arm and dragged him in the room and looked at Nichole and said Nichole I would like you to meet my boyfriend Jason. Nichole said Hi Jason it's nice meeting you Emily here just told me she had a boyfriend so sorry I can't say I have heard so much about you. Jason said it’s okay, it's nice meeting you as well. Emily was smiling and so happy that her boyfriend was there and Nichole felt like a knife just went into her heart. Nichole said I am going to go down to the library to give you guys your alone time, Emily said you don't have to, you can stay. Nichole said no it’s okay I really need to study for the test we have coming up. Emily said okay girly I will see you later, Nichole grabbed her books and left the room. 

  Nichole got to the library and went to the bathroom and just cried. She was devastated she couldn’t believe that Jason was her roommate's boyfriend. Then all of a sudden she had a flashback of Jason telling her that he met a girl in Atlanta and then she fast forward the flash back to the first day she met Emily and Emily said she just moved here from Georgia. Then she thought about the other day when Emily ran to the bathroom and threw up and all of a sudden she had realized that her roommate Emily was the girl Jason got pregnant when he went to Atlanta and she didn't know if Jason told Emily told her about them or if she had to be the one to tell her. All Nichole knew was she was feeling very nauseous herself and then all of a sudden she threw up. 

  Later that night Nichole went back to the dorm room and as she was getting to the door she saw Jason leaving. She quietly shouted his name not loud enough for Emily to hear just loud enough to get his attention. Jason turned around and saw Nichole standing in the hall, Jason grabbed Nichole’s hand and said I think we should talk. Nichole said okay but let's go down to the cafeteria so Emily doesn't hear us. Jason and Nichole got to the cafeteria and Nichole looked at Jason and said You got to be kidding me Jason is Emily, the girl you told me you got pregnant four months ago. Jason looked at Nichole and said yes but I never thought you would have been her roommate. She told me she found a friend and became roommates but she never said your name. Nichole looked at Jason and said you must think I am stupid you knew that I went to this school and you have been to my dorm in the past it didnt accur to you when she gave you the dorm number. Jason said it has been 4 months you really expect me to remember the dorm number. 

  Nichole looked at Jason and asked the question that was on her mind, after you saw me when I opened the door and you realized I was Emily’s roommate did you tell her about us after I left. Jason said no I kind of hoping you would tell her. Wait What have you lost your complete mind Jason you want me to go upstairs and go tell Emily the girl that you cheated on me with and got pregnant who is also my roommate and tell her that I was in a relationship with you when you and her met. Jason said well if you say it that way no I don't want you to tell her that way I was hoping you would break to her a little nicer. Nichole stood there in complete shock; she didn't know what to say any more. All she knew is that this was crazy and she just looked at Jason and said I have a busy weekend of studying and thinking. I have to go and she left. 

   The next morning Nichole woke up and had to decide if she was going to tell Emily everything or if she was going to keep the friendship between her and Emily. She knew what she wanted to do and that was to tell Emily but she didn't know if she could bring herself to get the words out of her mouth. Emily woke up and saw Nichole staring off in space, Hey are you okay you look like you just saw a ghost. Nichole snapped out of staring off in space and said yeah i think I am okay I do have to talk to you about something but I am afraid it will compromise our friendship. Emily said just tell me what you need to tell me it's okay you know you can talk to me about anything i mean you have become my best friend the last month. When Emily called Nichole her best friend Nichole knew she had to tell her about her and Jason. 

   Nichole took a deep breath and turned to Emily and said, Emily we have been roommates for a month now and we have talked about everything but you shocked me when you said that your boyfriend was coming up to the room because even though I never asked you if you had a boyfriend usually that's one of the first things girls bring up even if they don't get asked about it. 

Emily said well it's a little bit more complicated than just him being my boyfriend, the reason I transferred schools is because my parents kicked me out when I told them I am pregnant. So Jason isn't just my boyfriend he is also the father of my child. I am 4 months pregnant. That's the real reason I threw up the other day. Then before Emily could continue with her story the next thing just flew out of Nichole’s mouth. Nichole said I know, Emily said what do u mean you know I am pregnant I never told you that I was and I am just starting to show. 

Nichole took another deep breath and said Emily I have some bad news and I don't know how you are going to respond or what it will mean for our friendship after words. Emily the reason I know that you're pregnant is because four months ago the man you call your boyfriend and father of your child is my ex boyfriend. We broke up four months ago when he came home he told me that he was in Atlanta he met a girl and that she just called him saying she was pregnant so I broke it off. I didn't realize you were the girl that he got pregnant till last night when he was standing at our door. Emily looked at Nichole with tears in her eyes and couldn't say anything else but she was so sorry she didn't know Jason had a girlfriend when they met he never told her. Nichole felt so much better that she told Emily but at the same time she was still confused on what the next move was going to be because a part of her created this friendship with Emily way before she found out that Emily was the girl Jason got pregnant but the other part of her didn't know if she could continue the friendship with Emily knowing she was pregnant with the man she use to be so in love with. 

  Emily dried her eyes, took a deep breath and looked at Nichole and asked the question that was going through both of their minds. Do we keep our friendship we created or do I need to request for a new roommate? Nichole looked at Emily and said honestly I don't know what to do. I never thought in my life that I would have become best friends with the girl that got pregnant with my ex’s child. Emily said that make sense. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now if I was in your shoes I wouldn’t know how to feel either or what to do either but whatever you choose I will accept it. Nichole looked at Emily and said I think what I need right now is to have space to figure out what I should do. Do you have anyone you could stay with for the weekend and we will get together on Monday before class at 11 and I will let you know what my decision is. Emily said yes I do I understand I will just gather some things and then I will see you Monday. 

 After Emily left Nichole just cried and just didn't know what to do. Should she keep her friendship with Emily even though she knew that Jason was her baby’s father and she was gonna see a lot of him and be reminded of her heartbreak every day or should she let go of the friendship with Emily. Nichole loved having Emily as a roommate and as a best friend but of course that was before she found out that Emily was with Jason. Nichole knew she only had till Monday to think about this and make a decision. A part of her wanted to keep her friendship but the other part of herself wanted to not. 

   Monday morning came and it was decision time it was time for Nichole and Emily to talk about their friendship and the pregnancy. Emily and Nichole met at the cafeteria. Hey Emily, how was your weekend? Emily said it was okay a lot of crying and feeling guilty How about yours? About the same and Nichole and Emily giggled awkwardly and sat down. Nichole looked at Emily and just said what she needed to say she just wanted to get this over with. Emily I have decided that I still want you to be my roommate and my best friend because we created a friendship way before I found out about you and Jason. Emily smiled and said I am so glad that you still want that. Nichole said with that being said I have made some ground rules to follow so we can keep our relationship. Emily said that’s understandable. What are the ground rules? 

 Nichole took a deep breath and said If you and Jason are wanting to spend time with each other you have to meet anywhere but in the dorm room. Also you can talk to me about the pregnancy and Jason but we need to refer to him as the baby’s father. His name is not to be mentioned. Last but not least when the baby does come you will have to request for your own dorm. We will continue to be best friends as long as you agree to the rules. Emily I didn't want to end our friendship due to the baby’s father because we created this wonderful friendship before I found out and it is very hard to find good friends. Emily had a huge smile on her face and agreed one hundred percent to the rules that Nichole has set. 

  And that is how Nichole and Emily become best friends and managed to get threw the biggest obstacle in their friendship and still managed to stay best friends 

August 24, 2020 12:16

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Batool Hussain
08:18 Sep 04, 2020

Hey! I got this story for the Critique Circle. I would like to begin with a question, "How old are you?" I mean it's totally okay if you don't want to reveal your personal information, or course. But the piece that you've submitted above has quite a lot of errors. And when I say a lot of, I mean it. I don't want to be rude here as I, myself, am still learning. Okay, now the things you need to work on: *This piece has a lot of grammatical errors, you might just as well want someone to proofread it for you. *When you're writing dialogues (pl...


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