My secret Beau

Written in response to: Write a love story without using the word “love.”... view prompt


Fiction Romance Holiday

Wait, wait, WAIT!

I screamed and ran at the highest speed without care in the world. With every thrust on the ground, my entire body was quivering, and something heavy tightened my chest. My lips were trembling when ragged breathing was moving in and out of my mouth. Even my vision went blurry. I desperately wanted to stop.


I yelled at the top of my lungs, but my voice just crushed under the scratchy noise of the bus engine. Still, I ran and ran until my foot tripped into a freshly made puddle from the unconditional rain a few hours ago. I could feel my warm breath over my chest while I was hyperventilating. I was wearing an above-knee ruffled peasant dress, its flattering bottom prevented my legs from my sweating palms as it expanded below the thighs when I hopelessly held my knees in exhaustion.

The temperature was a little cool due to the earlier rain. While panting, I felt a few drops of sweat glide down the tip of my nose and across my lips before landing on the puddle. Meanwhile, I saw that my leather loafer's slaty top did not appear to be concerned, despite being completely soaked. I stood back to pursue the bus, but it had already vanished into the horizon, leaving only a pink pamphlet on the road. It was an advertisement for Valentine's Day specials.


Frustrated, I stomped my foot into the puddle, causing the grimy water to splatter onto my other loafer. I stood motionless, uncertain of what to do. At last, I let out a deep breath in an attempt to compose myself and sort through my conflicting feelings. I realized it was futile to dwell on something that couldn't be undone. I lifted my arm to wipe my sniffing nose with a puff elbow-length sleeve. Then I retreated over the small bus shelter that I had left behind while tailgating that bus like a lunatic. As if it were the only bus in the world. Well, It wasn't, but it was the last bus at this hour, and missing it meant I missed the most crucial meeting. Nonetheless, something else bothered me more: not only had I missed that bus or that important appointment, but I had also missed the opportunity to meet my most cherished person, regardless of the circumstances. On top of that, another bus was scheduled to arrive three hours later. However, there was nothing in my hands to fix.

While traipsing along the walkway, I noticed my reflection in one of the mirror walls. I paused there for a moment and brushed my tousled hair. Gradually my hand rolled across my vacant neck. It reminded one of the incident. And, because I had so much time, I was promptly overwhelmed by the recollections.

It was around nine years ago, that I recalled a very special day. That day I woke up before dawn and got dressed up in formal attire, wearing my neck chain, That chain was adorned with a round white cheap stone, which I had purchased from a beach market last year. It wasn't very noteworthy or unique but it did appeal to me somehow.

I left home early to attend a job interview, as my friend and I had decided to apply at the same agency. When I was on my way to the subway station, I heard a loud bang and witnessed flames rising from an apartment close by. Fortunately, I was in a safe spot. In the meantime, I discovered a massive shattered part of a wall that was about to fall to the ground at any moment, but it wasn't my concern. I spotted a fellow dressed in black standing by his bike, entirely oblivious to his misery. I cried out to alert him, nevertheless he did not pay attention. I saw some dust started falling. So I attempted to gesture my hands, but he failed to notice since he hatted on a helmet. Soon after, I heard a creaking sound and more dust and concrete plummeted to the ground. That guy, on the other end, hadn't realized it was falling only a few meters away behind him. I hollered louder as I detected a few bricks crashing.

Other individuals soon followed me, but no one dared to get near him. Instead of fleeing, that guy sat next to his bike and began adjusting something. I couldn't see it anymore. The amount of cement fragments and dust dropping increases, as does the cracking sound. Rather than thinking about anything, I dashed as fast as I could, grabbed that guy's arm, and jumped violently away from the building. As we sprang away, we crashed and rolled twice.

I came to my senses. As soon as I opened my eyes, I noted that the visual in front of me was moving up and down. At first, I thought I was dizzy, then I realized I was lying on that person's chest. We were out of danger. So I rose my head from his chest and inquired him.

"Hey, are you alright?"

He did not give a response and just lay there, lifeless. I couldn't see his face since he had been wearing his helmet the entire time. So I shook him a little. However before I could ponder further, the rescue team arrived and surrounded him. Well, that day, I didn't get to see his face, and never seen my neck chain since then, and I never appeared at my very first job interview.

The pinky dusk was sleeping moderately, but the romantic inky night was just waking up with the gathering of couples on the roadways. I poor lonesome, reached over the bus shelter and sat on one of the net-designed benches in one corner of that station. I idly glanced at the streetlights that were illuminating the road one by one until I heard the shouting of an elderly lady across the bench from me. She scolded her husband so loudly that it briskly drew my focus. The elderly lady continued for a while before stopping. She was halted when her spouse fell asleep beside her. I also didn't have anything to do, so I merely watched their actions.

Instantly, My eyes sparkled as I watched the old lady gradually remove her sweater and carefully put it around her spouse. She then gently held her husband's hand and drifted off to sleep, finding comfort in resting her head on his shoulder. Without delay, her husband enclosed his arm around hers and placed his head on top of hers.That compassionate act also brought an innocent grin to my face. Before my radiant face grew, I heard a familiar voice call my name.


The tenor voice rang out once more. Jonathan leaned in front of his bike, resting one of his arms on his helmet. He is one of the department's employees. However, we had known each other before joining this organization. He was the one who approached me with this job offer. Or, I would put it, he was heavily advertising about this company. He leaped down from his bike to approach me.

"Hey! What's up?" He said with delight as he jogged towards me.

"Just waiting for the bus to come." My response was quite dull.

The bus shelter was somewhat higher than the main road. Jonathan climbed up on a mere stairstep and plopped on an empty seat next to me. He tucked his hands into his quilted jacket pockets.

"So. It seems no bus at this hour hunn?"

"Are you mocking me?" I glanced at the corner.

"No, not at all." He instantly responded with embarrassment.

He leaned back on the plastic wall behind the seat and glanced down over his left.

"I was actually thinking of giving you a ride."

I chuckled.

"And why are you doing this? I did not ask for help. And I have no idea if the place is heading your way or not." I said.

He sprung up from the chair and turned around to face me.

"Well, then name it. We'll find that soon." He playfully winked at me.

I took out my phone and showed him the address that my boss sent me for the dinner meeting. Without taking time he replied while rushing down the step.

"Let's go then. It's not far away from the place where I am heading."

I stood up with enthusiasm as finally I received a ride. He rode his bike and tossed his extra helmet to me. I barely managed to catch it. He ignited the engine and stated,

“C’mon, hop on.”

I thanked him and hurriedly rode in the passenger seat.

The aroma of Valentine's had filtered the streets and stores. I was bewitched by the elegant evening from the backseat. Meanwhile, my focus was drawn to the name that glowed on the LED screen of a building.

"Lucas Oldrik Dreyfus"

As soon as the words came into my sight, a cold ran down my spine. Before that, the bold fonts transformed into the picture, our bike passed by the building. However, my mind promptly conjured up a vivid image of that person. He was my boss and the CEO of the company where I work. The popular model figure, who was constantly embraced by big-headed elites. And here I was, a commoner, forget about my fame I didn't have the appearance, nor charm. I was just a mere dust particle in his galaxy.

Howbeit, I was aggravated with myself for blindly obeying his every demand. Despite knowing that he was far beyond my capabilities. Yet I was in a chimera that, a ray of light would shine down on this long-forgotten chasm someday.

Well, He appeared as wise and gentle as a saint in front of others. Undoubtedly, he has all that god-gifted ability, except for me. I didn't claim he was a fiendish or coldhearted person. Although, his every unflagging effort had the utter goal of imprisoning me under the sea of futile job duties. Additionally, he wouldn't even let me have any peaceful holidays. He even scheduled overtime on my birthday. In contrast, I seized his torture as a positive opportunity and didn't give up on him. Rather than quit the job, I received advancements in a short period. I noticed his calm demeanor in public, but I was the one who witnessed his irritating side. Folks weren't trusting me If I said he was skilled at mocking others. Or I would say his laugher as resembling of a baby. Even so, I once tried it, but no one believed me. He does have some inspiring qualities though, but never mind that.

Finally, we arrived at the given address. Jonathan dropped me off and departed right away. I entered the hotel and searched till the end of the room for my table. Before I got to my reserved place, I spotted a familiar hairdo and back dressed in a stylish suit facing away from me. My legs immediately headed in that direction. My heart was ramping up the pace with each closing step. Indeed, he was none other than my boss. 

"Oh, there you are. Come, have a seat.” He delightedly grinned and gestured for me to take a seat. His gentlemanly conduct was another weakness that I couldn’t say no to him. 

I cleared my throat, carefully drew the chair back, and sank down. Soon later, a waitress appeared to greet us and bring us menus. While pretending to read the menu, I cast a timid glance at him, and he appeared to be in a good mood. As soon as his gaze settled on me, I quickly averted mine.

I unconsciously or habitually tagged my free hairs behind my ears but they felt a bit heated. I guess I was quite nervous so I hurriedly untagged my hair and hid those cherry-red ears behind me. I even assumed that my face also turned red till now with blush so lifted the menu open and covered my face behind it. Later, we had an exquisite dinner and briefly discussed about new project. Suddenly he spoke hesitantly,

"So..." he said and cleared his throat. That's rather usual of him. He seemed quite nervous as well.

"So there's another purpose for this dinner." He stated and I had already imagined myself, burdened with an array of silly tasks and assignments.

"Miss Bartel! No.. Am I allowed to call you Alice??"

I blinked twice then hesitatedly replied.

“…..Yeah sure.”

His continuous scrutiny was making me uneasy. So, I attempted to communicate something.

"I.......I.." before the words processed in my head, He took my hand, which was subconsciously clenched on the table, and handed me something. It was a rectangular box, not much larger than a pen box, yet it was pretty captivating. Well, I should deserve a trophy for suppressing the volatility of all kinds of emotions within me. First I hesitated, so he helped me open the box. As the box slowly opened, my interest rose. When it was completely exposed, my eyes sprung wide, and I felt an electric shock shoot through my body and my mind became blank.

“No! This can not be true.” I was at a loss for words. I rubbed my eyes and squeezed harder to see it properly, but it was obvious that it was that one thing. I glanced inside that box and then sifted my look on the boss. I repeated the same actions multiple times. I was about to slap my cheek to confirm that I wasn't dreaming but he held my hand in the midway before it reached my face. I squeezed my hand in his grip.

“How........ th..this can't be possible." My voice trembled, and my eyes were aimlessly moving everywhere. Then suddenly my confused gaze fixed on him.

"You...." my brows furrowed. And I gulped nervously.

"But this can't be." My gaze landed on the table corner while struggling to release my trapped hand from his grip. Suddenly his response froze me on the place.

"Yes...." he said with excitement. He pulled my hand that he was holding and started caressing it with his face. Then gently moved my hand over his lips and muttered the words.

“I was the helmet guy you saved back there."

My heart skipped a beat for a while but didn't know what exactly the cause: because my fingers were touching his lips or because I learned the truth. 

He continued,

“You not only saved my life that day, but I witnessed transformed my entire being. When we tumbled to the ground, those invigorated eyes poured into my veins like adrenaline, giving me new beginnings and a new purpose.”

Indeed it was that chain. I brushed my thumb around the stone to make sure it was the same one. And I discovered the same chip on the inside of the hole grooved into the white stone. And what astonished me more importantly, why he kept this stuff for nine years.

"Alice." He said in a lower tone while looking down.

"I know, you won't believe it since I failed to imprint my good impression on you.”

His eyes landed on mine. "But I never failed to show my true self to you. I stayed the same the whole time." 

“And I will change more as you like it. Just name it. And I will do."

His hand was still holding mine and I was clearly feeling his trembling grip.

“I tried every method to approach you, but everytime I saw you close to me, I began acting strangely and ended up stuffing you with additional work.”

He continued,

“Perhaps it faded from your memory, but I recall it vividly. Today is the exact date nine years from now.”

I had an abundance of questions to ask him. But wasn’t I the one who decided to stay around him regardless of the cause in the first place? Even when he betrayed me, my idiot heart was willing to let him do it. Didn’t it? So there was no longer uncertainty in me. I already accepted him for who he was.

He continued,


He held my hands tightly with his hands looked directly into my eyes and said.

“I know I was selfish all these years. But...”

“But all I wanted was to spend time with you. I wanted to laugh with you. I wanted to know more about you. And more importantly, I wanted to grow with you."

He came even closer to my face.

"Alice." He said in such a dulcet tone.

"Let's grow together." He bumped his head with mine and stayed there for a while.

He took a sigh, then released me from his hold. He went down on his knee, holding that chain in his hand.

"Alice." He expanded the hand towards me and said.

"Will you be my forever?......please!"

He waited patiently for my response, still holding the chain in his hand. But the entire hotel staff were much more impatient to know my answer. Even one of the waitresses stood holding her apron as if she had held her breath for too long.

I didn’t have words to say. My eyes were already filled with tears. My hand instinctively covered my mouth to suppress the tidal wave of emotions. In spite of that, my body had an immediate reflex as if it were a computer carrying out an automated action upon hearing those words.

A look of pure delight spread across his face. As soon as I showed my agreement by simply nodding my head. He rose to his feet and gingerly placed the chain around my neck. Instantly, the entire room echoed with applause and cheering. And Without considering the outside world, I focused solely on his eyes, elevated myself on tiptoe, and whispered tenderly into his ear.

"Let's Kiss."

February 16, 2024 05:48

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John Rutherford
12:49 Feb 19, 2024

Wow - real love story, so much passion.


Nissa Vaghela
06:24 Feb 23, 2024

Wow... realy glad you liked it.... Thank you for reading.... it means a lot....


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