
Being an women is not so easy in this world . Happiness is filled everywhere 

but the life of Anne was not full of Rosses . She was lingering for a good 

soulmate. She had never come across any success. Anne miserably cried

louder . She slept with bated breath.The next day when she was in the university ,She was thinking about 

the lecture taught by her physics professor. About the planet Kepler-62f. 

She wished to move to that planet because she decided it would be good 

place than earth. She worried about intolerance happening to her. She was 

accused, betrayed by her own friends many times . She was ungratified and 

desperated. When Anne suddenly looked beside her, She felt a 

thunderbolt.She was surprised to see a young Good looking man sitting near 

the Casement. Anne was Struked dump by something. But both didn’t came 

forward to introduce themselves. He was Aiden .He looked unique. His hair 

was brown .He was 6 feet taller. He Was like August. He had greedy for his 

fairness.Anne came near the Casement and asked, “Who are you? He didn’t 

gave any answer. His eyes was too powerful. Anne was attracted by his blue 

eyes.He was wearing a white statin shirt,and black chinos. In his shirt there 

was his name Aiden. Anne whispered his name Aiden. Anne was mesmerised by his blue eyes and he was dressed up to the nines. There was a cool breeze around her. She was over the moon. Aiden came near her and said " You are my one and only true love". Iam Aiden . Anne was completely out of the blue.Aiden holded her palms and said , "Comeon withme,we can make the earth as kepler". Anne's face was red with anger and shouted ,"leave my hand,move on from my life. But Anne was confused why she uttered those words. Aiden said,"I am blinded by love, I am your Aiden your one and only Aiden. Aiden said I left you 3 decades back, we were like head over heels in love with each other. But why you left me Aiden,and why are you coming now. I left you for this day. I came only for you and you are my girl Anne. You are a successful girl and you are my success. Who are you ? I am your Aiden .Where you left me . I left you in kepler. But why ? Because I want to show you a new world . But why Aiden. I was killed by you . Did I killed you ? Yes you killed me . You was the daughter of the colonel of neighbouring military troop. As per your father's decision you killed me. But I loved you to death. Aiden ,I am helpless ,I am sorry . Will you be mine Anne , I will be your soulmate Aiden . Did I cheated you Aiden. No we both are cheated Anne. But how ? We were born in the country September in Kepler. I was poor. You was the daughter of colonel in September. But you loved peace. I wished to be soldier. You wished to be mine. What happened to us? Notebook. What Notebook Aiden . There was another country August . And my parents are Augustians . After their death I moved to September. There was war between Augustians and the people of September. That was for the notebook . That notebook was written by the first king of September about fortune . And gifted to the minister of August. After many decades there raised the war. But why I killed you. It was a power play by your father. I wished to join in your father's army but they rejected me because of my generation. I was desperated and I decided to leave September. But I lived there only for you . There was war for many years . Finally they decided to torture me to get that notebook. Augustians tried to kill you . We both were trapped. Then what happened Aiden. We both decided to move on to the safest country. On one pleasant night we decided to escape September. But the military troops caught us. And your father tortured me . I suffered in the world of pain. I had no way to escape. That night when the soldiers was in asleep, I escaped to August and got that fortune Notebook and returned to September for you. I gave that notebook to your father . Your father took that notebook and cheated me . After two days he decided to send me to the Augustians military troop. So I killed you Aiden. Yes, Anne. I cheated Augustians ,they tried to kill your father before killing your father you killed me and you shot yourself. We both lost our life because I was not true towards my country, I cheated my country. I won't cheat you Aiden. How you found me Aiden ? I was born for you Anne. I followed you ,and I was with you . I know ,and was lingering for you ,my soulmate. I was betrayed, accused for my biggest mistake. I killed you . This was the fortune written in the notebook anne. And no fortune can take you away from me. What happened to my father Aiden. I don't know . He might be still alive in Kepler. Shall we move there Aiden . I can't be killed by you Anne again. Earth is a gift to us . Without challenges life won't be beautiful. Don't escape from challenges make the challenges to escape from you . Life teaches us how to live . We lost our early life ,but this is our only life ,we can make this life a new challenging one Anne. I can meet challenges if you are with me Aiden . This is not the blind date Aiden . It is the date written by us. Our life should be full of Rosses Aiden . We should get back our old happy life. Dont look into past Anne move forward .Yes,Aiden we can move forward. We can't make our past better but we can make our present as a present from god . New life New journey.

August 26, 2020 04:55

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