Submitted into Contest #224 in response to: Start your story with someone saying “I can’t sleep.”... view prompt




I can't sleep. I'm in a restless state of annoyance. Potions and remedies are not working. I've tried everything and yet my sleepless nights continue. The weather is cold, a new batch of snow has fallen. The whole of my village is fast asleep. What I wouldn't give to have a good night's sleep.

I put my robe on and go downstairs. The fire is still blazing. I love my little home. It suits me just well.. My personality is all over my home. From the colorful walls, to the playful couch and dare I say my handcrafted table. What I love best about my home is how hard I worked to give my home a touch of love and many smiles.

I'm making my favorite drink hot chocolate. Chocolate makes me happy. It's rich and delicious. I sit by the fireplace looking at the beautiful flames wondering about what to do next.

Goodbye flames. The last of the flames has gone out. Sleep hasn't returned to me. I look out the window, the moon fills the sky surrounded by the beautiful stars. There is one star, two stars, three stars. So many stars to count. I can hear the wind swooshing back and forth.

It's getting cold. I better start another fire. I grab wood throw it inside the fireplace, then I light it up. I make another cup of chocolate and grab my art supplies. While I'm up I might as well work on my princess castle. Yes, I love everything about being a princess.

This princess castle is bigger and grander than anything I ever made. I made all the cut outs, now I just have to glue the pieces together. I have the whole night to do it.

I start at the bottom and work my way up. One piece after another, I glue on carefully not to make a mistake. It's looking good. Now onto my princess. While the castle dries, I carefully carve the face of the princess. I like the face to be very define.

I think I made it look good. Next, I carve out the body careful not to make it too big nor too small. It has to fit the head just right which it does.

I check on the castle. The glue is drying very quickly. Now on to the next side. I carefully glue the other half of the castle. Now that half is drying. Now, what is a princess without a prince. While the castle and the princess are drying, I dive in carving the prince.

Wow oh wow look at this. My castle is finished, well almost close to finish. I just need to paint it and add a little more to the top. I'm proud of myself. The carving took a long time and putting it together took me the whole night.

Oh My God! The moon went down. The stars are gone. The flames died down. The sun is coming out. Wow, I'm not even tired. Hello morning. Goodbye night.


I can't sleep again. What is wrong with me? This is the second night in a row. I get up from my bed, put my robe on and I look out the window. Hello beautiful moon. I love the way the moon glows over my village. I've decided to go out and walk through my village.

I get dress. I put on my nice warm clothes. My warm socks. My warm boots. My warm sweater and my jacket. Next, I put my hat, scarf and gloves on. I'm ready to go. I leave my home and into the winter night I go.

The snow is crunchy under my boots. I love the winter. I love the snow, making a snowman is my all time favorite thing to do. I get as much snow as possible roll into one huge ball, that's the bottom part. I roll up more snow, this one is a medium size ball of snow, that is the middle part. I host up the snowball and put it on top of the bigger one. Then I make the head and put it on top of the body. I grab two sticks for the arms.

I run inside my house, grab a bunch of old scarves, a bunch of carrots and dry fruit. I put it in a bag and go back outside. I put the scarf, the eyes and nose on the snowman, perfect.

I go up and down the many houses making snowmen for my neighbors. I want to see their happy smiling faces when they wake-up in the morning and see the snowmen. Finished the last house. My neighbors are in fora big surprise.

What I love about my village called Rose Hill is the small little stores, the people who feel like a family. The homes that are warm and welcoming and best of all Rose Hill comes alive during the holiday season. Rose Hill is a winter haven for all those who love winter.

The shops that line Main Street are so beautiful. My favorite is the coffee shop which has everything including hot chocolate. In the middle of Main Street is a beautiful clock, which has hung on that very same spot for many years. I love looking at the clock.

Right now, I'm skipping down Main Street kicking the snow, looking up at the sky. I see the many beautiful stars some of them are twinkling in the night sky. The clock looks especially beautiful under the glow and beauty of the moon and stars.

You look beautiful old guy. Since it's almost the holiday season. I'm going to do something special for Rose Hill.

I'm going to decorate Rose Hill for the holiday season. I know it's a big undertaking but I know I can do this. It's still early in the night so I can get this done. I walk to the Rose Hill church where the decorations are stored.

I open the door to the church and walk down to the basement. Here are all the decorations. I grab the decorations, take each box and bring them upstairs. After I take the last box, I begin to decorate Rose Hill.

I start by hanging the lights around every lamppost. One by one around every pole I go. It's starting to look beautiful. I'm on my last lamppost, there you go. You guys look beautiful.

Next, I hang the garland. This will make the lights pop. Okay, after I hang the garland I take out the Santa Claus and the reindeer. I place them up and down Main Street.

Now comes the Christmas bows. I hang them up around the lamppost. Looking around Main Street gives me a big smile. I love the way Rose Hill is looking.

I'm decorating the little trees with these beautiful ornaments. Each one of us villagers made these ornaments for the trees.

I'm down to my last and biggest tree of all. The Rose Hill Christmas tree. Okay here I go. I'm putting up the tree. I'm putting up the tree. Oh, I'm putting up the tree. Done putting on the lights. Time for the ornaments. One by one on each branch they go. My finally ornament is going on. I step away and look at my master piece. Good job Freya.

I didn't realize the sun is rising. Well Rose Hill, I hope you are happy with what I have done. Goodbye moon. Goodbye night. Hello sun. Hello morning.

November 16, 2023 22:39

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