Dreams of My Other Half

Submitted into Contest #113 in response to: Write a story about a character who interprets people’s dreams.... view prompt


Fiction Romance

My mind is foggy, I haven’t slept in days. The dreams came back last week and every time they invade my mind, I puzzle over them. They come and go like traffic - a while between waves and then you’re stuck in it. There’s a guy. He’s most of what drives me to madness. I can see him, but I can't at the same time. He’s a dark figure in my mind, his only distinct feature being his voice. I receive a daily letter from my mother telling me to “go get ‘em, Gem” but the only reason she wants me to be a model is because she never got the opportunity to be one herself. Maybe it’ll be good for me, but her incessant pushing only adds to the stress. My life is held captive and it’s just out of reach for me to take hold of it.

These dreams, they haunt me. The girl in these fake, made up images in my head, she seems real. All I can hear is her voice, while her body is covered by a dark veil. Her voice is distinct, but garbled and unclear, meaning I can’t hear what she’s saying. It drives me crazy, but I’m sure it’s nothing. It is just a dream after all. Well, it’s 6:30, time to open the shop. People want their coffee!

I have an interview at noon and somehow my mother found out about it. She’s been putting me through this hell on earth ever since I was old enough for her to put bows in my hair and cover me in flashy clothes. Even now, I’m not living in her house, but I still do whatever I can to make her happy. The company called and told me to dress plainly and that they would examine me and pick an outfit once I arrived. Examine me? What’s that supposed to mean? I guess I’ll have to wait and find out. 

I can see this couple on an obvious first date sitting in the corner by the window. It makes me feel lonely. I miss having those first dates where it’s too awkward to do anything unless you really click with the person sitting on the other side of the table from you. My mind turns back to the dreams and the mystery girl, but I have to push them from the front of my mind.

“Leo! Oh, I see. When are you going to get yourself a girl like that, eh?” 

“Be quiet, Adalyn. I’m waiting for the right person, and you know that.”

“If you say so. Anyway, where’s my coffee?”

“Here you go. Have a good day at work.”

“How can I have a good day as a maid? Do you hear yourself?

“Just, go make your money, okay?”

So… I guess I’m moving to Paris. I got the modeling job, but in the process I found out my mother had set the whole thing up. When the agent told me, I was pretty upset but I had to mask it because models have to look pretty. I called my mom afterwards and she said the plan was for me to pass and the agent would get me all the way to Paris Fashion Week. I’d love to go, but I want it to be because I got myself there, not because my mother did it for me. Either way, I’ve gotten myself wrapped up into this deal, and I don’t really have a choice. I was told to have everything I own packed up within the next two weeks in order to move to a new place - that place being an all-expenses-paid-by-my-mother place. Ugh, it feels like I don’t get to decide my life even though I’m an adult. But who knows? It’s a new town and that means new people. Maybe a cute guy will get involved.

I had another dream last night. I was tossing and turning all night and of course when I finally fell asleep, my peaceful mind was overrun with these indescribable, confounding images. Everything put together makes my thoughts cloud when I awaken and my stress is heavier the next day when I try to recall the events of my fantasies from the night before. I haven’t said anything about this to anyone. They’ll probably think I’m crazy and Adalyn would just call me stupid, tell me to have a drink, and forget about the whole thing. Ah, the whole thing really is very infuriating.

I’m on the boat and I guess I never knew I was seasick. My stomach keeps lurching and I’m fighting the urge not to lose my lunch. The captain keeps calling out timestamps, and I should be there in roughly a half hour. Oh and the other thing, there’s only 3 other people on this entire boat! The agent’s guys loaded up my things, and now it’s me, the agent, and the guys that he said were “required for security”. I’m just excited to get to my new place and sleep. Maybe grab some coffee and go shopping in the new town. I’m undecided, but I know anything will be better than this.

Adalyn has been on me all week about adding to the menu. She says that right now I’m only a coffee shop and that I should really be a cafe living up to my shop’s name - Cafe Aroma. She only says that because she’s hungry. She gets her coffee for free, so she thinks that if I have food too, there still won’t be any changes in her bank account. Truthfully, my mind hasn’t strayed from the dreams, but I’m doing everything I can to push them from my sole train of thought. Adalyn keeps me busy enough, but when she’s not here, I’ve nothing to keep me occupied. It also doesn’t help that I get the same customers and no one new ever comes in here. Maybe a new face can distract me.

          I never knew Paris was so beautiful. I was so caught up in the fact that my mother arranged the whole thing that it never really registered that I was moving to Paris. It’s beautiful - the green and pink trees, the small streets with big sidewalks, and of course the eiffel tower in the distance. I never thought I would see it in person. My top priority right now is to find a coffee shop because my body is screaming at me for caffeine. There’s a young woman dressed in a maid’s outfit down the street. Perhaps I could ask her.

“Do you know of any good coffee shops around here? I just moved and I desperately need some coffee.”

“Oh yeah! My best friend since we were like 4 years old actually owns and runs the Cafe Aroma at the end of the road. You should totally go meet him! The coffee is the best in the neighborhood!”

My first impression is that this girl is a bit on the eccentric side. I’m going to accept it though because she said the coffee was good.

“Sure, I’ll definitely try it out. Thanks for the recommendation.”

“You said you’re new around here. What are you moving here for?”

“I actually got a modeling job for Fashion Week, but after that, I’ll be working full time here in Paris. I’m going to meet my designer later today.”

“Well check out the shop, and maybe you’ll see me around at some point!”

She’s definitely hyper. Maybe the guy she mentioned is single though. 

There is a new person in my shop, and I’m freaking out mostly because she’s gorgeous. Adalyn told me this girl might come in and that she was some famous model. So she basically told me I’m getting someone new in the shop, but that she was way out of my league. 

“What can I get you today?”

“Just a cappuccino please.”

“Of course. What’s your name, ma’am?”

“Oh, it’s Gemini.”

“It’ll be right out.”

The girl who recommended this place is on the other side of the seating area. Maybe I’ll go talk to her. Nevermind I guess I don’t have to. 

“Oh my gosh, hi! I see you decided to check it out! Do you like it?”

“Yeah it’s actually pretty good. I think I’ll be coming back.”

“Did you see him?”


“Leo. My best friend I was telling you about. He’s the one who took your order. You could totally get with him. You think?”

“Um… I don’t know. But I do need to get going. My meeting with my designer is in 20 minutes. Bye, um… I didn’t catch your name.”

“Oh, it’s Adalyn.”

“Bye Adalyn.”

I’m finally at my building. I got lost a couple of times, but I’m here. The only bad thing is that I’m late. 

“Hi, I’m here to meet my designer.”


“Gemini Garnier.”

“Floor 5, room at the very end of the hallway.”


So, there’s a guy standing outside the door of the room I’m supposed to go to. He’s fumbling around with rolls of fabric but he’s holding a box at the same time and there’s things on the floor… I’m just going to help him out.

“Excuse me, do you need help? I can get the door for you.”

“Oh my God! Thank you! I’m actually late to meet a client.”

“I was on my way to meet my designer. I’m supposed to be in this room, at least that’s what the lady at the front told me.”

“Are you Gemini Garnier?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?

“Baby girl, get in here I’m your designer. The name’s Quinten, and babe, I can’t wait until I get to dress you UP!”

“Well, I look forward to working with you. Do you have anything in mind yet?”

“Girl, I got 15 outfits already and I didn’t even have to see you. But now that you’re here, I got 18.”

“Well do you think I could make it to fashion week?”

“Okay - A. You are fantabulous even without fashion week - always remember that. B. I have a guaranteed spot for you. And C. Even if you didn’t have that spot, you would still make it.”

“Well thanks Quinten, but I have to get going. Can we meet up next week?”

“Thursday at 10 good?”

“Perfect. See ya!”

I want to see her again. Her voice sounded familiar; like the one in my dream. I only realized it last night when the stupid thing came back. The only difference was that this time I could see the girl’s eyes. Gemini, I think that was her name. The dream girl sounded just like her. It’s freaking me out a little bit, but I’m dealing with it. If she comes in again I’ll see if I’m crazy. She is really pretty though.

My first thought when I heard Leo’s voice was that it was oddly similar to ‘dream guy’ as I’ve recently found myself calling him. My mind was telling me it was him, but I ultimately decided it couldn’t be him because dreams aren’t real. I’m for sure not going to say anything about it to him though, because he’s definitely handsome. As a side note, I have my meeting with Quinten in an hour, so I should probably get going as to not be late again. I think I have time to swing by the Cafe Aroma though. 

She’s back. Gemini - I couldn’t forget her name if I tried - is back in the shop. I’m kind of freaking out because I have been thinking about asking her on a date. Oh no, she’s walking over! Ugh, get a grip Leo, of course she’s walking over. She probably just wants a…

“Cappuccino please.”

“Gemini, was it?”

“Yeah. You remembered?”

“Well if you’re deciding to be a regular I’ve gotta remember your name don’t I?”

“Who says I’m becoming a regular?”

“No one said so, but I’d appreciate it if you would. I would get to see you everyday. Your drink will be right out.”

Someone please tell me I’m not blushing. Of course I’d like to be a regular, but then I’d be playing into it right? I don’t want to seem like I’m ignoring him, but I don’t want to try too hard either. I don’t know what to do. 


“Thanks for the coffee, Leo.”

“You remembered my name?”

“Well, if I’m going to be a regular I have to remember your name now don’t I?”

“Wait, before you leave, I’ve got something to ask you. Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime? I know a place not too far from here.”

“Uh… um. Yeah sure. I’d love to.”

“Great. Does Saturday at 7 work? We can meet up here.”

“That works great. I’ll see you tomorrow for more coffee. Bye Leo!”

I’m on my way up to Quinten’s office now, and he doesn’t seem to be in any trouble of dropping anything today. I’m just going to knock.

“Quinten, are you ready for me?”

“Honey, I’m always ready for you. Get in here, I got something for you to try on!”

“But you don’t know my size.”

“All I gotta do is see you. Come try this on! Stand behind the dressing screen and put it on.”

The dress is a beautiful navy blue and the entire thing is beaded. I think he made it by hand, but I hope he didn’t spend all his time on me.

“What do you think?”

“I think I’m a fabulous dressmaker and I think you look divine!”

“Did you hand make this?!”

“Yeah it took me about 2 days, not long at all. I’ve got another one in the works. You’re going to have to come back in to try it, babe. We need options for fashion week.”

“I can come back in at some point. When were you thinking?”

“Well I’m booked all the way to Saturday. Can you come that night?”

“I’m actually busy that night. Can I try it on Sunday at some point?”

“If you’ve got plans you can come in Saturday morning or Sunday morning. What’s going on Saturday, sugar?”

“Well, I actually have a date that night.”

“Ooooh! Who’s the lucky guy?”

“I doubt you’d know him. This city is huge.”

“Darling, I know everyone. Try me.”

“His name is Leo and he runs the Cafe Aroma.”

“He’s handsome. Good luck. He’s been looking for the right one. Go get him, Gem!”

We are at the restaurant and I’m a little distracted. I had another dream last night and I can’t stop thinking the girl is Gemini. I’m nervous and stressed along with a mix of numerous other emotions. I’m praying that it doesn’t distract me and make the date go wrong.

When I got to the cafe, Leo told me I looked stunning, he held the car door open, the restaurant door open, and now he’s pulling my chair out and ordering wine. It’s Italian food, a classic for a first date. I keep thinking he’s the guy in my dream, but I can’t let it distract me. I also can’t say anything to him because he’ll think I’m insane and I’ll lose every chance I have of being with this fantastic sweet guy. I’m going to be myself and hope that’s enough, because I shouldn’t have to play a game with someone I’m going out with. They should like me for who I really am.

“So, do you want me to take you back to your place?”

“That would be great. I had a really great time tonight.”

“A great enough time to go on a second date?”


We clicked and had great conversation all night. I learned about her modeling job and I told her about how I started Cafe Aroma. Now I’m driving her home, and I’m just hoping we don’t get into a crash because I can’t keep my eyes off of her.

He’s staring at me and I think it’s cute. He’s taking me home, and I’m sure I’ll have happy dreams. 

“This one’s mine. I look forward to that second date.”

“So do I. Good night Gemini.”

I was washing my face when it really hit me about how great tonight had gone. We went to dinner, he acted super polite, and then… I kissed him. I need to go to sleep but I don’t know how I will.

Of course the moment I finally fall asleep, dreams invade my mind. Except it was different. I found out who my mystery guy was. At first all I could see was flashes of skin and then eyes and then darkness. Until a human emerged from the dark covering revealing who they truly were. It was Leo. The guy I had fallen for and I never even truly knew it was him. I think it proves fate is real. Someone’s knocking on my door. Who could it be? It’s 3:30 in the morning and someone is knocking on my door. I should go see who it is. It’s Leo. I’m surprised to see him, I had just seen him a few hours before. He’s dressed in his pajamas, and he’s got bags under his eyes but I’m going to let him in. 

“Gemini, did you have the dream too? I probably sound crazy, but I have been having the same dream for months on end of a dark person and the only thing I can hear is their garbled voice. Except tonight was different. I saw who the girl was… and it was you.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve had the dreams too. What do you think they mean?”

“Gemini, I think you’re my soulmate. I’ve been looking for the right person for a long time and tonight was the only date I’ve gone on that felt right.”

And now I’m kissing him. He’s right. He is my person and he always will be.

October 02, 2021 02:50

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