

 -Chanda Jha

Once upon a time there was a man, aged about 26 years, around 6 feet tall and thin with long black hair and beard, also had a sharp eyes, signed on a register and came out from police station. As soon as he reached in a society, he heard some sound against him like “why do he come here?,” “he has already harm the respect of our society now he might harm us and our family”, “we should talk to the secretary to take him out from the society”.

Ignoring such voices he moved to his door and opened it. He found his rented flat looks same as he left with, but the room and hall are little dusty. He cleaned the room and hall and went to take bath. Then he cooked food and ate. Then he went to his bed to sleep. But he was unable to sleep because of his unfortunate past and he started thinking about his past. 

He was living with parents in his flat happily. He had his best friend Harish, Shreyash and Harish were childhood friend and classmates. Both were very smart and intelligent. But Harish was a toper of his school where as Shreyash was an average student. Shreyash wanted to be toper of his class. He tried his best and studied hard, even his good luck was not with him and he failed. Harish always tried to motivate him for his hard work. When they were appearing for their board exam, due to his much hard study he got first rank in board examination. He was very happy for his success. After getting result he went to his home and decided to go out for dinner with his parents and his best friend at night to celebrate same moment. He invited his best friend Harish to join. But Harish refused his invitation saying that as he had also scored second rank in the school, his parents were also celebrating in the same night. Thus, they both decided to celebrate with each other on very next day.

Shreyash went with his parents in a restaurant, where they ordered different types of food. In the middle of their dinner Shreyash got a call by Harish and came to know that Harish met with a car accident and now he is admitted to the city hospital. Shreyash became nervous and without completing his dinner move alone to visit Harish. He was in very much hurry; he drove his car very fast. Suddenly, a lady came in front of his car and she died and Shreyash arrested by police on same moment. 

The court gave judgement against Shreyash and he was punished for ten years imprisonment. As his father loved him so much, he wasn’t able to recover from such incident and after two months of his arrest he died. Somehow, he came to know about this sad news. His mother was unable to tolerate the filthy languages of her neighbours against her innocent son and left the society without informing anyone. 

Due to his good behaviour he was realised within eight years. Suddenly he falls asleep in midnight. On very next day of being realised, in the morning he got up at 7:00 am. He knew that his neighbours were looking him as criminal just because he had come from jail. Even he got up cut his hair and beard, took bath and came down in the ground of his society, where he found a 3 to 4 years child was crying, he took up the child and brought a chocolate from nearest shop, at that time only the mother of the child came there and take the child back from Shreyash and threw the chocolate on dustbin. Child again started crying and said his mother “You are bad mother, you throw my chocolate and uncle is good man”. Even his mother got inside with her child. Then Shreyash moved for Harish home, where he saw that Harish had become a respected doctor, got married a beautiful lady and had a cute six month little boy. Harish saw Shreyash and became very happy to see him. They both hug each other. Harish said that he missed him very much in last eight years. Then Shreyash asked Harish to find out her mother. They both from that time only started to found his mother but failed.

One day when Shreyash was cleaning his hall room, he found a letter, in which her mother wrote the situations that she had faced and also an address was written there in the letter where his mother was staying. Then he went to meet his mother and took her at their flat.

Day by day they were recovering from the past events and due to their nice behaviour their neighbouring relations were became good. But, as Shreyash was recorded as criminal, he was not eligible to join government job as well to be a trustable person for the society. Then Harish offered Shreyash to run his family livelihood, but he refused to take his help and he started searching for job.

One day he was going in search of job. Suddenly a car passed through him. The break of that car was failed and a girl was inside the car. Then the car impinged with a tree and stopped. The lady, who was inside the car, became faint. He took the lady in to hospital and saved her life. Then he returned to his home without getting job.

ON the very next day that lady came at his room with her father, who was a successful businessman of the city. He offered Shreyash job and thanked him for saving his daughter’s life. Thus Shreyash and Shretha came in contact and started met with each other. Day by day the friendship changed into love relationship and one day Shretha asked Shreyash for date, where Shreyash proposed Shretha for marriage. They both got married happily with the permission of their parents. After two years, they had a little baby girl. Thus, Shreyash won on his bad luck and grabbed the various opportunities and with his hard work and patience he changed his luck as well as recovered from his bad situations.

June 17, 2021 18:28

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Dance In Spirit
07:52 Jun 19, 2021



Chanda Jha
08:18 Jun 19, 2021



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18:12 Jun 19, 2021



Chanda Jha
08:32 Jun 20, 2021



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Kajal Jha
15:41 Jun 19, 2021

Good 👍👍


Chanda Jha
16:24 Jun 19, 2021

Thnk u 😊🙂😊


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Sapna Mishra
07:49 Jun 19, 2021



Chanda Jha
08:18 Jun 19, 2021



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17:05 Jun 25, 2021

I really liked your story, I got a little confused in the middle, but it all came together in the end


Chanda Jha
04:18 Jun 26, 2021

Thnk u


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Daniel Hybner
15:24 Jun 25, 2021

Loved the ending of your story! So glad to see things worked out. Good work!


Chanda Jha
04:16 Jun 26, 2021

Thnk u


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