
"Hello. My name is Ava. What's your name?" Today was Ava's first day of kindergarten, and she was very excited to make new friends. 

“My name is Raine,” the shy little girl whispered. Ava liked Raine, and decided she would be a good friend.

“Do you want to be best friends with me?”

“Sure.” Raine smiled at Ava. Ava took Raine’s arm and pulled her over to the toy cars. Ava picked a neon pink car with zebra stripes.

“Let’s race them. Vrrrrroooommmmm!” Ava made car noises as she raced Raine’s small blue car. At the last second, Raine pulled ahead and crossed the small painted finish line. They continued to play on the toy mat, which had roads and houses painted on it. A little while later their teacher, Mrs. Evans, called everyone to the circle for snack time. Ava and Raine sat beside each other in the circle with the other kids. Each kid said their name and favorite color. After they did, Mrs. Evans gave them crackers. Finally, it was Ava’s turn. She spoke clearly and loudly.

“My name is Ava. My favorite color is yellow!” She smiled encouragingly at Raine.

“I’m Raine,” she whispered. “My favorite color is blue,” Raine looked down at the floor.

“Can you say that again a little louder please Raine? It was a little hard to hear over here,” Mrs. Evans spoke kindly and gently. Raine nodded.

“I’m Raine, and my favorite color is blue,” Raine spoke a little louder than before, and Mrs. Evans smiled and gave her crackers.

“Good job, Raine!” After snack time was over, Ava and Raine went over to the blocks.

“Let’s build a block tower, Raine!” Ava started stacking the blocks quickly, barely able to keep the tower up. Raine went a little more slowly, carefully placing each block. Ava’s tower crashed to the floor, but Raine’s stayed standing until it was taller than Ava. “Wow! That’s a really tall tower! I want to help!” Ava put one block on, and the entire tower toppled over. “I’m so sorry Raine!” Ava started crying, and Raine cried too because her best friend was crying. Mrs. Evans came over.

“What’s wrong girls?” Ava was crying too much so Raine answered.

“Ava knocked over my tower, not on purpose. She’s sad so I’m sad,” Rain said quietly while she continued to cry. Mrs. Evans hugged them and told them they could build another tower. Raine and Ava stopped crying, but they decided to take a break from towers for now. They went over to the dress up basket and pulled out some fluffy dresses and crowns. Raine picked a blue dress, Ava picked a yellow dress. 

“Let’s pretend we're fairies!” Ava said. Raine nodded. Ava said, “I’m going to be a sun fairy. What about you?”

Raine said, “I’ll be a water fairy.” They each grabbed wands to match their dresses and played until it was lunchtime. They ate pizza and salad for lunch. Sadly, after lunch it was time to go home. Ava hugged Raine when it was time to go, and they were really sad they had to go home. Ava’s parents talked to Raine’s parents and they said they could have a playdate some time. Ava and Raine were really excited. They said goodbye and went to their homes.

The next day, Ava waited by the door at the front of the school, trying to find Raine. Raine didn’t come, and still Ava waited. Ava finally realized her best friend wasn’t coming when it was time to go home. She asked her mom if she could call Raine and see if she could talk to her. 

“Sure, honey. Here’s the phone,” Ava’s mom handed her the phone, and Ava ran excitedly to her room. Ava clicked the button to see Raine’s face.

“Hi Raine!” Ava said.

“Hello, Ava!” Raine replied. She seemed way happier than usual. “This is my first phone call. How are you?” Ava giggled happily and continued talking to Raine.

“Do you want to see my new dress-up outfit?” Ava asked happily.

“Yes!” Raine exclaimed. She admired Ava’s new pink dress with wide eyes. “I love it!” Ava grinned mischievously. 

“Guess what? I got one for you, too!” Ava pulled a blue sparkly dress from her bed behind her. “Surprise!” 

“It’s so pretty! Let’s wear them to school tomorrow!” Ava nodded eagerly. She suddenly frowned.

“How am I going to get your dress to you?” Ava asked. Raine shrugged.

“I don’t know… Maybe your mommy will have a good idea?” Raine said. Ava nodded.

“Mommy! Can you come here?” Ava yelled. 

“Sure sweetie! One minute!” her mom replied. 

“Hopefully she’ll know what to do,” Ava’s mom walked into her room, which was covered in pink and yellow.

“What can I help you girls with?” She asked kindly.

“Raine and I want to wear our dresses to school tomorrow, but how are we going to get her dress to her?” Her mom smiled.

“We can bring it with us to school tomorrow and she can wear it over her clothes,” Ava’s mom suggested. 

“Good idea Mommy! Let’s do that, Raine!” They smiled at each other. Ava’s mommy left to go finish what she was doing.

“I’m excited to wear a sparkly dress with you tomorrow!” Raine said enthusiastically. “They’re so pretty!” Ava twirled around and around in her dress, letting the glitter catch the light.

“I can’t wait to see you at school, Raine! I’m so happy!” Raine giggled and danced, and both of them laughed and spun. “Oh, I forgot to ask you! Why weren’t you at school today?” Ava asked. Raine frowned.

“I had to go see a doctor and get shots!” Raine furrowed her brow and glared. “It hurt so bad!” Ava looked scared.

“That sounds scary… I hope I don’t have to go!” Ava burst out. “I really wish you were at school today instead of going to a doctor. We can play a bunch of games tomorrow, and we’ll wear our new sparkly dresses,” Ava continued, “I’m so happy you’re my best friend!” Raine and Ava grinned at each other. 

“I have to go. It’s time for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ava!” Raine said.

“Bye Raine! See you at school!”

May 08, 2020 20:38

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14:20 May 11, 2020

This is so cute! Took me back to my kindergarten! Love it.


Holly Pierce
22:26 May 11, 2020

Thank you!


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Ndekwoh Ojen
06:02 May 09, 2020

Great story for little cuties. I would have loved to be Ava as a kid but I was just Raine, always shy and somewhat slow. 😃😃😃. So beautifully crafted. My kids love it! If you don't mind, please leave a feedback on my story of same prompt. You can do that through my profile if you aren't already following me. Keep writing and stay safe.👍


Holly Pierce
11:30 May 09, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you and your kids enjoyed it! :))


Ndekwoh Ojen
15:35 May 10, 2020

You're welcome.


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𝔸. Triangle
14:36 May 14, 2020

This story put a huge smile on my face! It was filled with positive vibes and was fast paced, keeping the reader engaged. I did notice that you wrote "Rain" instead of "Raine" once, but I'm notorious for typos so great job. Sincerely, A.


Holly Pierce
02:05 May 15, 2020

Thank you! I didn't even notice, nice catch!


𝔸. Triangle
12:53 May 15, 2020

Any time Holly! Yours truely, A


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𝔸. Triangle
12:53 May 15, 2020

Any time Holly! Yours truely, A


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19:42 May 09, 2020

This was an adorable (and realistic) story! Even though there wasn't much show-not-tell, it worked because they were little and weren't able to explain it any better. I could clearly picture it in my mind anyways, which is hard to do. Keep on writing! -Brooke


Holly Pierce
22:26 May 09, 2020



23:38 May 09, 2020

You're welcome!


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Anoushka Jain
04:06 Jul 03, 2020

This story made me smile and took me right back to kindergarten and I love that!


Holly Pierce
20:01 Jul 03, 2020

That's awesome! Thank you!


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