The Puppeteer

Submitted into Contest #3 in response to: Write a story about a matchmaker.... view prompt



In the village east of Salisbury and north of Harringsfold, south of Winter’s Cottage and west of Aberman, a beauty, and a shepherd sit watching the sunrise. The sky became a mirage and the moon began to slip away. The beauty, Idina, watched the sunrise like it was the very last time she would ever be able to see it again. The shepherd, Thurlow, watched Idina as if it were the last time he would ever see those beautiful blue eyes that he couldn’t help but dive into as if it were a vast ocean. The morning was perfect for the two of them. They were as happy as could be, and they were each content in the company and the view. Idina and Thurlow had been the talk of the village as of late. They seemed like the perfect couple even though their grandparents were bitter rivals. 

The story seemed to change every time they heard it. Idina’s grandmother, Blythe, said that Thurlow’s grandmother, Jocelyn, stole her best horse. Thurlow’s grandfather, Morris, said that Idina’s grandfather, Aldrich, burned down the barn he had built as a child. Jocelyn said that Blythe let loose their herd of sheep and Aldrich said that Morris broke his cart. Those were the stories they said most of the time, but not one of them could agree with another. Both of their parents had grown tired of the family feud as children and were glad to see the two of them together. Their grandparents, however, were certainly not.

Blythe and Aldrich came up with a plan to get Idina and Thurlow away from each other. They decided to hire a professional in mischief who could be easily bought. They hired a man who was traveling through town to do their dirty work. He said he had no name, no family, and no origin. He was simply called the “puppeteer”. He knew for a fact that he could get Thurlow and Idina away from each other, but the price was steep. They had to sell their best horse, give him a small diamond, and buy him an expensive suit. To them, it was a small price to pay for their Idina to be away from Thurlow. While this transaction occurred, the puppeteer was still at work. He had earlier that morning received a job from another angry couple. Jocelyn and Morris had also hired the puppeteer to separate Idina and Thurlow. He asked for a price they were willing to pay. They had to give them their best traveling cart, fifty yards of pure white silk, and twenty pounds. To them, it was a small price to pay for their Thurlow to be away from Idina.

The next day, the puppeteer went to work. He spent all day at the tailor. He spent all night with the miners. He spent the next day at the creek. The day after was Sunday, so he spent the day at the church. On Monday, he went all around town busily working taking his final two stops at the homes of Idina and Thurlow, giving them the information he needed for his plan to be in the perfect place. On Tuesday, Blythe and Jocelyn found themselves both on the hill by the creek, watching from a distance what was to occur by the creek. They bickered and fought for several minutes until they realized that the puppeteer was gone. At the same time, Aldrich and Morris found themselves on the other side of the river, fighting, and bickering until they too realized that the puppeteer was gone. From behind in the shadows, the puppeteer crept up to the women silently. He looked at Blythe and then Jocelyn, both of them mystified about where he had gone.

“My plan is my plan and I shall do it in peace,” he said, “Please leave me to my work, or I shall leave you without my ease.” The puppeteer then walked over to the other side of the river over the small bridge behind the men. They looked just as mystified as the grandmothers had been.

He repeated, “My plan is my plan and I shall do it in peace. Please leave me to my work, or I shall leave you without my ease.”

Soon Blythe and Aldrich were reunited in their home. They sat and wondered whatever was wrong. Something about that puppeteer made them feel strange. His plan was his plan, but they weren’t sure that it was the same as theirs. Jocelyn and Morris soon after returned to their home and sat down. They pondered over some doubts they had held for several days. Something about that puppeteer just didn’t add up. He seemed rather nice but so mysterious. He never revealed his plan, his scheme. As the grandparents sat in confusion and thought, something was occurring they had ought to see, but would not have wanted to see. For at that same moment, the puppeteer's plan unfolded.

Thurlow went up to Idina and went down on one knee. He showed Idina the diamond ring. Their parents and the priest came out from the woods. The ceremony was held and there they stood, the bride and groom. They sang and they laughed for their dreams had come true. Out came a cart covered in silks of white with a sign on the back stating, “Just married.” The very best horse in the village rode them home in their dresses and suits. They would always remember the puppeteer's plan and their clever parents who had put it all together.

The End

August 23, 2019 00:21

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