
In the town of Boscobel, Wisconsin, surrounded by the beautiful Ocooch Mountains, Penelope Evergreen's life took shape like the winding roads in the charming landscape. She had recently moved from Illinois, and this change not only brought a new scenery but also transformed her deeply. The Ocooch Mountains seemed to be a part of Penelope's story, influencing her destiny with the rustling leaves and distant river sounds reflecting the shifts in her life.

Little did Penelope know that fate had a unique plan for her in this quaint town. The Gundersen Boscobel Area Hospital, at the heart of the community, became the stage where Penelope's nursing skills and compassion were put to the test. Balancing patient care, building relationships, and navigating small-town life, Penelope discovered a strength within herself that she hadn't realized existed.

In the warmth and camaraderie of Boscobel's people, Penelope felt a strong sense of belonging. However, beneath the town's beauty and friendly atmosphere, she sensed challenges that would push her limits. Unbeknownst to her, every patient she cared for, every relationship she formed, and every challenge she faced added layers to the intricate tapestry of her life, reshaping her purpose. As seasons passed, Penelope went through unexpected changes, evolving in ways she hadn't foreseen when she first arrived in Boscobel.

Guided by fate, much like the town's winding roads, her journey unfolded, revealing a destiny more profound and fulfilling than she could have ever imagined. It's a story of embracing the unknown and finding purpose in unexpected places.


In a dimly lit garage, Lucas Frost, an EMT with the Boscobel Rescue Squad, found himself lost in memories. He was fixated on a vintage dream—a 1971 Chevrolet Monte Carlo. The garage, filled with both memories and mechanical wonders, belonged to an old man Lucas had met just hours ago, bonding over a shared love for cars.

As Lucas ran his fingers over the meticulously cared-for Monte Carlo, he felt a deep connection to his own past. The vintage car was identical to the one he reluctantly sold many years ago, a decision that left a lasting impact. The curves of the Monte Carlo, bathed in the soft garage light, became a tangible link to a time when the open road symbolized freedom and adventure.

In the quiet embrace of the garage, memories flooded Lucas as he touched the vintage Monte Carlo. Soft light accentuated its smooth curves, revealing the meticulous care it had received. The hum of lights and the creak of the garage door created a moment frozen in time, shared by Lucas and the old man.

 Despite Lucas's towering stature, his touch on the cool metal seemed like a ritual—a secret language between him and the car. Tracing the lines on the hood, his face reflected a mix of familiarity and memories. 

Each curve of the car, shaped by years of love, whispered stories of the past that only a true car enthusiast like Lucas could comprehend— a tale of endless roads and the freedom embodied by the sound of engines.

As Lucas explored, his eyes revealed a story of rediscovery. The gleam in his eyes matched the shine of the car, showing not just an appreciation for its physical form but a deep connection to something more—the soul of the machine. 

The garage, once just a place for memories, became a sanctuary where time didn't matter, bringing the past and present together.

With a final pat on the old man's shoulder and a gentle stroke on the Monte Carlo, he said his goodbyes and strolled out of the garage. Lucas kinda had this feeling that the old man had some secret tucked away, but he just shook it off.


In the busy emergency room at Gundersen Boscobel Area Hospital, Penelope Evergreen worked nonstop, taking care of her patients. Despite being just 4 feet 11 inches tall, there was something reassuring about her.

One crucial night, during a medical emergency, Penelope and Lucas Frost crossed paths. Their friendship didn't begin with words but in the midst of the chaotic efforts to save lives, a bond formed within the echoing walls of the emergency room.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, Penelope stood out as a calming presence, doing her best to help those in need. There was an incredible warmth and kindness about her that you could really feel.

Then, on a night when things got intense in the emergency room, Penelope and Lucas ended up working together. Their friendship didn't require a lot of talking; it grew as they exchanged glances and understood each other without saying much.

The hospital walls witnessed this friendship blossoming amid all the chaos, a connection that began during a life-or-death situation and extended beyond just that one night.


Under the sunny sky, the Ocooch Mountains bathed Penelope's cozy home in warm, golden light. Full of creative energy, she casually invited Lucas to join her in the heart of her home—the kitchen.

The air carried the exciting scent of a homemade culinary adventure as Penelope, following her great grandmother's worn cookbook, set out to create a unique meal, including the tempting addition of fried okra.

The kitchen buzzed with the anticipation of what was to come. Utensils clinked, vegetables were chopped to a rhythmic beat, and something delicious sizzled on the stove. It felt like a shared adventure happening in the heart of Penelope's home.

As the table was set, Penelope's eyes glowed with a mix of excitement and nerves as she revealed her culinary creation. The unspoken question lingered: What would Lucas think of this dish inspired by a family recipe?

Little did they know, this seemingly simple dinner had the power to kick start a series of events that would test the strength of their friendship.

The scene was set not just with plates and cutlery, but with the silent agreement that this shared meal marked the beginning of an unforeseen journey for both of them.

Lucas focused on the plate of golden-brown fried okra before him, revealing a subtle tension as he grappled with the possibility of an allergic reaction. Despite his internal struggle, a desire to please Penelope pulled him in, prompting him to cautiously pick up his fork. In Penelope's kitchen, the scent of the dish mingled with the rising tension, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation.

As Lucas took a hesitant bite, the unfolding drama became apparent. Subtle changes in his demeanor hinted at the onset of an allergic reaction. The atmosphere shifted from anticipatory to uneasy, with Lucas trying to conceal his discomfort, unwilling to cast a shadow over the otherwise pleasant evening.

Suddenly, Lucas's world shifted. Colors blurred, and a whirlwind of images transported him to a different time. As the allergic reaction intensified, he found himself standing in a Chevrolet dealership, the unmistakable year being 1971. On the showroom floor stood the SS Monte Carlo of his dreams—a cottonwood green beauty with a black vinyl top, housing the 454 V8 and automatic transmission. It was an exact replica of the car he had once owned.

As if stepping through the fabric of time, Lucas found himself immersed in a surreal fusion of reality and hallucination. Transported to the past, he was enveloped by a nostalgic embrace—the tender reunion with the lost love of his life, none other than the 1971 Monte Carlo. Its sleek contours and vintage allure beckoned, and Lucas couldn't help but run his fingers over the polished curves, tracing the lines that held a symphony of memories.

There, like a cherished emblem of the era, the SS 454 insignia adorned the bottom trim of the front fenders, a symbol etched into the canvas of his heart. The chrome gleamed with a timeless luster, each detail a portal to a bygone chapter of his life. As he stood in the midst of this temporal reverie, the Monte Carlo became more than a car; it was a vessel carrying him through the corridors of memory, a tangible connection to the echoes of a love that time had seemingly forgotten.

Lucas's attention was drawn to a peculiar scene unfolding amidst the bustling atmosphere of the car dealership. A teenager, seemingly around the age of 17, stood side by side with an older gentleman, both engaged in a firm handshake with a determined-looking salesman. They were in the final stages of sealing the deal for the Monte Carlo, the air charged with anticipation and the scent of fresh possibilities.

As Lucas observed this transaction, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of recognition when he glanced at the older man. There was something oddly familiar about him, a sense of déjà vu that played on the edges of his memory. As he pondered over the connection, the realization began to elude him like an elusive puzzle piece, leaving him with a lingering curiosity about the mysterious familiarity of the older gentleman.

Suddenly, a strange buzzing sensation surrounded him, a rhythmic hum echoing in his ears. In the midst of this auditory haze, a distant voice urgently called out his name: "Lucas! Lucas! Can you hear me?" The sound fluctuated from a faint whisper to near-silence, creating a disorienting dance of fleeting whispers and resonant calls, swaying with the mysterious cadence of his consciousness.


Penelope got really worried when she saw Lucas eating the fried okra. Suddenly, he started convulsing and collapsed on the floor. The relaxed dinner vibe turned into total chaos, and Penelope was both shocked and concerned as she hurried over to him.

Quickly and nervously, she called 911, her trembling fingers showing how urgent the situation was as she pressed the buttons. With Lucas in distress right in front of her, she started CPR, pushing down on his chest forcefully. As the seriousness of the situation unfolded, his eyes rolled back, showing how intense the crisis had become.

EMTs swiftly arrived, recognizing the severity of the situation for one of their own. Penelope, anxious yet hopeful, stepped back as they skillfully attended to Lucas. After stabilizing him, they loaded him into the ambulance, with Penelope by his side. The ambulance raced towards the emergency room, lights flashing and siren wailing—an urgent symphony of hope and urgency.

Administered adrenaline in the emergency room orchestrated a transformative symphony within Lucas, coaxing his erratic breathing into serenity and relieving tension. The grip of the allergic reaction to the fried okra loosened, allowing Lucas to gradually emerge from its clutches. In the urgent hush of the medical space, the administered adrenaline wove a narrative of recovery, soothing Lucas's once-beleaguered body.

Penelope called out Lucas's name, her voice carrying a sense of urgency as she sought to rouse him from his unconscious state. "Lucas! Lucas! Can you hear me?" Her words echoed in the air, each call a lifeline tethered to the hope of his awareness.

Lucas blinked his eyes open, surveying the room in confusion. "Where am I? What happened?" In response, Penelope cheerfully replied, "You're in the emergency room. You had an allergic reaction to the fried okra I made. No more fried okra for you!" 

Then she hugged him. In the warmth of the hug, an electric current seemed to weave between them, intensifying the connection and hinting at a bond that transcended the limits of mere friendship. It was as if the embrace held unspoken promises and uncharted territories, leaving them both with a lingering awareness of something more profound blossoming between them.

Lucas, breaking the hug, recounted, "I had the weirdest dream. It was like time travel or something. I found myself in a Chevrolet dealership in 1971, staring at a brand new SS Monte Carlo, identical to the one I used to own. There was this teenager and his dad buying the car, and the old man seemed oddly familiar. I feel like I know him from somewhere."

Penelope, with a reassuring smile, responded, "Don't stress about that now. Just focus on resting, and we can talk about it later when you're feeling better."

Lucas's vitals steadied, and the on-call doctor confirmed he was fit to head home. Upon his release, the doctor humorously advised, "No more fried okra!"

With Penelope holding onto his arm, they strolled to her car. Lucas suggested, "Just drop me off at my apartment. A friend can bring me to your place tomorrow to get my car." Penelope countered, "No need for that. I've got a spare room. You can crash at my place, and I'll take care of you for the next couple of days."

Lucas smiled, "Day's shaping up nicely."


A few days later, Lucas was relaxing at home when he heard a distinct knock on the door. When he opened it, there stood the old man from the garage, the one with the vinatage Monte Carlo. The man, named Stan, introduced himself, and they hit it off, with Stan stepping into Lucas's place.

Lucas, just fixing up a fresh pitcher of iced tea, handed Stan a tall glass. As they settled into a chat in Lucas's living room, Stan started, "You know, when we were in the garage with that old Monte Carlo, I didn't tell you the whole story about that car."

He kept going, saying, "Back in 1971, I bought that car brand new for my son, John. He was 17, and we were on the hunt for a good used car at the local Chevrolet dealership. But when he laid eyes on that gorgeous cottonwood green SS Monte Carlo in the showroom, he was smitten!"

Stan reminisced, "I saw the sparkle in his eyes, and I knew we couldn't leave without that car. So, after what felt like forever, I sealed the deal and bought it."

As Stan unfolded the backstory, it hit Lucas. The old man from his dream, the one who made him feel like he had time-traveled, was Stan! The connection between the vintage Monte Carlo and its history began to click in Lucas's mind.

Stan went on, "John loved that car, and he took meticulous care of it. You know, he never dated in high school. None of the girls interested him. After graduating, he went to college and became a manufacturing engineer. He excelled at his job and made sure the Monte Carlo was properly maintained over the years.

Little did we know, 20 years later, we would lose him in the Gulf War. John felt a deep sense of duty and enlisted at 37, determined to serve his country. Taking advantage of the Air Force's age limit of 39, he became a pilot, flying those powerful A-10 Warthogs.

Six months before he enlisted, John met a young lady named Penny. Their first date, in the Monte Carlo, of course, left John beaming. 'Dad,' he said, 'this is the girl I've been waiting for.' Their connection grew quickly, leading to an engagement, and Penny seemed to love that vintage Monte Carlo just as much as John did.

John proved to be as skilled a pilot as he was a manufacturing engineer. He completed many successful missions, neutralizing enemy tanks and taking out a few Scud missile sites. However, on his last mission, Stan's voice quivered with emotion as he continued, sharing the somber details. There were too many surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) coming at him, and despite his exceptional skills, John's plane sustained multiple hits and tragically went down.

The news devastated us, especially Penny, who took it particularly hard. She never married, and last I heard, she pursued a career as a nurse. As for the Monte Carlo, I held onto it for a few months, but the weight of memories became too much, and I eventually sold it at an auction."

Regret hit me hard just two weeks after parting ways with that old car. I desperately wanted to undo my mistake, attempting to buy it back, but it was already gone. Undeterred, I kept searching, and thanks to the internet, several years later, I found it at a classic car reseller in Staunton, Illinois.

When Lucas heard the story, he couldn't believe it. He had bought his Monte at the Mecum auction, and later, unfortunately, sold it to a classic car reseller in Staunton, Illinois.

Stan continued, "After confirming the VIN number, I wasted no time – I drove down there and bought it back. Negotiating the price didn't even cross my mind; I paid exactly what they asked, grateful to have the Monte Carlo back in my possession. I made a solemn vow that the Monte Carlo would never part from me again.

Now, here I am, 85 years old, recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. My prognosis isn’t good, about 6 months. I remembered our conversation in my garage, and I got to thinking. You seemed to know a lot about that old Monte Carlo, so I did some research on the VIN number, and guess what I found out? You, Lucas Frost, were the previous owner.

So, I've decided that this Monte Carlo, well, I'm going to give it right back to you! I want to make sure that this old car is owned by someone who will take care of it just as well as my son, John, and I did. I believe that person is you."

Lucas was blown away! He couldn't find the right words to say "thank you" – it just came out in a jumbled mess.

Stan got up and motioned for Lucas to join him outside. Once they stepped out, Lucas spotted the Monte Carlo parked in his driveway.

Stan handed Lucas the car title and the keys, brushed away a tear, and headed toward an old Chevrolet pickup truck parked by the curb. The truck was being driven by an older woman with long silver hair.

As Stan opened the door to the pickup truck, Lucas called out, "Hey, Stan, if you don't mind me asking, what was Penny's full name?"

Stan replied, "Penelope Evergreen."

December 15, 2023 18:24

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Mark Baxter
18:53 Dec 21, 2023

This is a wonderfully restless and uneasy story which wants to be a poem which is stuffed back into a story. One technical comment, I believe you use the word "Symphony a bit too often," and there's a phrase, "an urgent symphony of hope and urgency," that I politely suggest should be reworded, when you include it in an anthology. Still, the evocative images, the ping-ponging of the worlds of the characters, made more intense by the distance of the narrator from the story line, is excellent. The happy ending hinted at but not forced down the ...


Rick Whitmire
19:08 Dec 21, 2023

Thank you for your comments! This will help me improve my writing. And I will change the wording that you suggested.


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