
"I'm telling you, Norah, he's just so perfect!", Zelda sighed dreamily as she continued telling me about her boyfriend that I could really care less about. Zelda was the daughter of a family friend. I've known her since we were in sixth grade. She always had this urge to not so subtly compete with me about every little thing. As we got older, she would introduce me to every guy that she dated as if to add salt to the wound on the fact that I hardly ever dated on account of my busy work life. Just like today, I honestly thought she had invited me to a cafe so we could catch up, but then she later announced that her new boyfriend was joining us later. 

"There's no such thing as a man who's perfect and you know it," I mumbled as I took a sip of my coffee. 

"That's what I used to think as well, until I met Jonathan. He's the epitome of perfection. I can totally see a future with him."

"Didn't you meet like only three months ago?", I asked with a an eyebrow raised as I shoveled a piece of cake into my mouth.

"So? He understands me like no one ever understood me." 

"Hard to believe that someone can understand you in three months. I have known you for more than a decade and even I fail to understand you," I smirked as I sipped my coffee. 

"Oh, ha ha," she laughed in a sarcastic manner, "You don't need to be so jealous. He has a lot of friends so I'm sure he can find someone to hook you up with."

"No, thank you. If I have to find a man, I'd rather do it by myself."

"It's that kind of attitude right there... that's the reason you are single," she scoffed. "Beggars can't be choosers, you know?"

I didn't even blink an eye. I was used to Zelda's insensitivity and I always knew how to defend myself. "I'm not that desperate to be with someone. Tell me, how many 'perfect' men did you date?", I asked, slightly squinting my eyes. Zelda shifted on her seat awkwardly. "He's the one', 'he's perfect', you'd always say, yet all those relationships ended with a breakup. How is this one going to be different?"

"It just is, okay? He's not like other men."

"Don't know how many times I've heard that line," I muttered under my breath, but not loud enough for Zelda to hear me. 

"He's here!," Zelda squealed as she got up from her seat and waved someone over. Since my back was to the door, I didn't see her boyfriend. I wasn't going to turn in my chair either. I heard footsteps behind me as this 'Jonathan' came closer to us. Zelda giggled excitedly and jumped into the man's arms, earning a few looks from the other customers. She finally let go of him and I looked at him properly. 

As I set my eyes on him, my breath got caught in my throat and I was at a loss for words. I knew his name was Jonathan, but I didn't think it would be this Jonathan. He didn't look any different from when I last saw him, which was about two years ago. He still had the cunning blue eyes, the dark hair that now reached his shoulders and the plump kissable lips. He was much more broader than I remembered him. It was obvious he was spending more time at the gym. He still looked perfect to the eye, but Lord did I know that was far from the truth. Jonathan looked back at me, clearly in shock, but I could see he was trying his hardest for Zelda not to see.

"Jonathan, this is Norah, she's the daughter of a family friend. Norah, this is Jonathan, the love of my life," she said as she cuddled close to him. 

Jonathan forced a smile and extended his hand towards me. I looked down at it with a raised brow before looking up at him. He had a tense look, almost as if his life depended on him shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you." This time, I raised both my brows. Oh, so this is how this was going to be played? We were going to pretend we didn't know each other? 

I smiled back and extended my hand towards his and gripped it in a handshake. If he wasn't stronger than me, I would have purposely crashed it. "It's nice to finally meet you. Zelda has told me many things about you." 

Jonathan chuckled nervously and ran a hand through his long hair. "Good things, I hope."

"Great things!", Zelda replied, "My baby is perfect, there couldn't possibly be anything bad to say about him." Jonathan forced a smile as they finally decided to sit down.

I looked at him, yep, still the same Jonathan. Seemingly perfect on the outside, but rather foul on the inside. I had learned that when we used to date. He was a cheater and a liar, one that never owned up to his mistakes. 

I had been madly in love with him once, just like Zelda was in love with him now. Yes, I called him 'the one' in less than a few months, yes, I felt he understood me and he was different from other men and yes, I thought he was perfect. Did that make me a hypocrite? Definitely! But thanks to Jonathan, I had doubts that 'perfect men' existed. 

The reason our relationship ended was because of a certain girl, who suddenly came to Jonathan's doorstep, holding a baby that clearly looked at lot like him and tried to dump it in his arms. Jonathan made a fuss and kicked the lady out, claiming the baby wasn't his. What had gotten me angry was the fact that the baby was clearly still fresh from the womb, meaning that it was conceived while me and Jonathan were still together. 

I confronted him about it and he suddenly got mad, saying that, of course he had slept with her. 'You never had any time for me,' he said. 'It's in the past now, so it doesn't matter,' he had growled. I wasn't given an apology nor an explanation. I didn't need one, the fact that he cheated on me and still didn't have the courage to own up to his mistake was enough reason for me to leave him. Good riddance, I'd always say. Last thing I expected was to see him once again, dating Zelda. 

"So...," Zelda dragged, still keeping no space between her and Jonathan, "Norah, didn't I tell you he was a looker?"

I chuckled. "That he is."

"He's not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside too. That's why I love him. I told you he was a fitness trainer, right?"

"Oh?", I feigned shock, "A trainer. You must meet a lot of women at the fitness center, right?"

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Norah started speaking. "He does, but my baby only has eyes for me. You should see all those shameless girls at that gym, throwing themselves at him. He always politely turns them down."

I raised a brow. "Is that so? You really must be something, Jonathan. I must say though, you look really familiar."

He laughed nervously. "I guess I have a pretty familiar face. Many people claim they know me from somewhere."

"Nonsense, darling!", Zelda exclaimed, "You probably saw his ad on the fitness center's website."

"Yes!", Jonathan agreed. "That's probably where she knows me from." He looked at me as he said this. His eyes seemed to be begging me to agree with what Norah was saying. Pathetic. I only hummed in response. 

Zelda ordered coffee for Jonathan and for the next fifteen minutes, conversation was mostly carried by her. Jonathan and I talked here and there, but my mind couldn't stop mulling over whether I should tell Zelda about my past and his or not. I wondered if he had finally accepted his child or not. 

"Jonathan, how old are you?", I asked. 

He looked at me, confusion etched on his features. "Twenty nine."

"Oh, wow, really? You look younger. Do you have any kids?", I asked as I squinted my eyes at him.

His eyes widened and Zelda laughed. "No, he doesn't. You know I wouldn't have been with him if he did. I'm too young for motherly responsibilities and I don't wanna have to deal with baby mama drama."

"Oh, I definitely know." I got my answer. He still hasn't accepted his kid. That or he hasn't told Zelda about his kid. "I mean, most men his age usually have kids. I mean, with his good looks, I would guess that maybe if girls threw themselves at him, there would be one time where he slipped up and knocked someone up." 

"Not my Jonathan," Zelda chuckled. Poor thing, she was still blinded by the 'Perfect Jonathan' facade that it almost made me want to not tell her about him. Not telling her the truth was definitely not an option. "Excuse me for a second. I need to use the ladies' room." With that, she stood up, kissed Jonathan's cheek and went towards the restrooms. 

My eyes darted to Jonathan, who looked back at me. "Small world, huh?", he said.

"It's big enough, it's just that people fail to explore other corners of it. If they did, this situation could have been easily avoided."

Jonathan sighed and furled his brows together. "Look, I know what you are trying to do and I really need you to stop."

"What am I trying to do, John? Not allow you to play Zelda a fool, the way you did with me?"

"Look, I love Zelda and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."

"Love? Please, don't taint such a pure word with that foul mouth of yours. You don't even know the meaning of that word." 

"So, what? Hmm? You want to tell her the truth?", he asked. "What will you gain from that?"

"A clean conscience," I replied with a shrug. "And the satisfaction of knowing that Zelda knows the cheat you are."

"Look, I have changed, okay? I'm not the same person you used to date."

"Of course," I said sarcastically, "Two years is enough for a person to change his entire deceiving personality. I know you as a coward, a cheater, a deceiver and a liar. I'm guessing you are the complete opposite now? Please! If that was so, why did you have to pretend that you never knew me?"

I saw his jaw clench in anger. "I am not a coward. I have never been one and I will not allow you to call me one."

"What do you call not owning up to your mistakes? That's cowardly behaviour to me."

Jonathan snorted and relaxed more on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Unfortunately for you, babygirl, it wasn't a mistake. I said what I needed to say that day. You didn't have time for me, so I just found someone who did."

I felt my eyes stinging, a clear warning that tears were threatening to make an appearance. I had always wanted Jonathan to apologize or at least feel sorry for what he had done, but it was clear, he wasn't. And for him to clearly show it once again, brought back the pain I felt all two years ago. 

I swallowed my sorrow and started speaking, "Of course, and that resulted with some bimbo getting knocked up."

His jaw clenched once again. "That child is not mine!", he spat as he banged a fist on the table. 

"If that's so, why haven't you told Zelda about that drama? I am very sure you didn't."

"Why should I tell her anything when the kid is not mine?"

"Only a DNA test can confirm that, which I'm sure Zelda will ask for. Once the truth comes out and I tell her about our past, she'll dump you on the spot."

"I will not let you do that," he growled.

I snorted, "I would like to see you st-", I stopped mid-sentence as I noticed Zelda coming back to our table. 

"So, have you two been getting along?", she asked with a smile on her face.

"Oh, yes. Very much," Jonathan said with a smile. "Right, Norah?"

I didn't answer, I glared back at him and I felt my anger boiling over. "Look, Zelda, I have to tell you something. Jonathan is..."

"See?", Jonathan interrupted me, "This is why I didn't want to tell you. I should have guessed that maybe you'd spoil the surprise or something."

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I looked at him. "What?"

To my horror, I saw Jonathan removing himself from his chair and kneeling on the floor with one knee. It couldn't be. 

"Zelda, my love, I know many people will argue that what we feel for each other is simply just puppy love, but I feel it is more than that." Zelda had her hand clutched to her chest as she looked down at Jonathan. "I know we haven't known each other for that long, but I feel a connection with you that I've never felt with anyone else. I love you and I want to be with you, always...", he chuckled a little as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I forgot the ring and I should have postponed, but I just couldn't wait any longer. Zelda, will you marry me?" 

I could hardly believe it. This had to be a joke! He clearly was doing it so that I wouldn't expose him. I didn't know whether I should have been shocked at the fact that he would go this far to cover up his lie or be impressed at the fact that he must love her that much to propose to her. 

 I looked to Zelda and her hand was still clutched to her chest, tears now running freely down her cheeks. She nodded furiously. "Yes! Yes! I'll marry you! Yes!" 

A roar of applause covered the cafe, while I still sat there like an idiot. Jonathan got up and embraced Zelda. He looked at me and gave me the most wicked smile. 

I wondered if anything would change if I told Zelda the truth. 

August 28, 2020 20:06

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