Eratz Perspicacity

Submitted into Contest #246 in response to: Write a story about someone who takes a joke way too far.... view prompt


Horror Fiction Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

A layer of fine dust coated the lodge, stirring a sneeze from Miley Krinplosi. The grand fireplace, flanked by mismatched armchairs, hinted at cozy gatherings forgotten by time. Antlers adorned the walls, some askew as if disturbed by unseen forces. The air crackled with a strange stillness, as though the lodge itself held its breath, awaiting their return. Miley tried to shake off the peculiar unease settling into her bones. The lodge seemed to hold its breath, a strange, lingering stillness in the air, as though it was anticipating their return with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Miley tried to shake off the peculiar unease settling into her bones.

Awkward laughter bounced off the lodge's log walls, but Miley didn't join in. She perched on the edge of a mismatched armchair, the worn upholstery mirroring the unease gnawing at her. This mountain retreat was supposed to be about team building, but the forced cheer of the icebreaker games only amplified the hollow echo of her own isolation.

Despite her sharp grey eyes and professional attire, Miley felt invisible. Conversations flowed around her, laughter erupted in dissonant bursts, but it was as if a pane of glass separated her from the rest of her team. A flicker of resentment ignited– she'd poured hours into this retreat's logistics, but the credit, the camaraderie, would undoubtedly flow to someone more effortlessly likable. A bitter pill – one she'd choked down since high school.

Her gaze flicked to a retreating colleague, the whispered murmur of "...Miley?" fading into the din. A familiar tightness gripped her chest. Had she imagined it? No one around seemed to notice her, or her absence. The whispers prickled her skin, a cruel echo of her own escalating anxiety: Invisible. Unimportant.

The organizer's voice boomed through the room, announcing a surprise – a magician hired to liven up the evening. Miley stifled a groan. Predictable. A sliver of curiosity battled her cynicism as the makeshift stage crackled to life. The magician, all showmanship and easy smiles, scanned the crowd for a volunteer. Miley instinctively shrank back, a wave of childhood dread washing over her – the dreaded feeling of all eyes fixed upon her, expecting her to perform.

"How about this lovely lady here?" he declared, gesturing towards Miley.

The room erupted in applause. Empty applause. Not for her, but for the role she was meant to play. Resignation propelled her up the shallow steps. The whispers intensified, a discordant chorus in her ears now. Failure. Worthless. Alone. She wasn't sure if they were hers, or something far more sinister...

The spotlight seared her skin, a mockery against the chill that gripped her. The magician's smile held a strange intensity, less playful and more... predatory. Was it her imagination?

"Now, you're all probably familiar with the illusions of invisibility, yes?" His voice wasn't quite a question, but a dark affirmation. His eyes pierced hers, and a jolt of terror raced through her. This wasn't just a trick. It was a trap.

He gestured towards a brightly painted chest. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm. He wanted her to step inside, to play along, but a voice inside screamed for her to run. But where? Who would even notice her fleeing?

Miley hesitated, frozen between the whispers now chanting Disappear. Disappear. and the dread of stepping into that cramped, suffocating box. Submitting to this was an admission, a confirmation of their power... and her own powerlessness.

Memories bombarded her – missed appointments, forgotten birthdays, the hollow echo of her unanswered voicemail. A hot wave of shame washed over her. How long had it been like this? Her medication... gods, she'd left it at home. This...this wasn't stage fright. This was the abyss, and she was tumbling headfirst towards it.

From within her temporary tomb, Miley heard muffled laughter, the magician's voice distorted by the wooden walls. The familiar parlor tricks seemed grotesque, warped. She was the dove trapped beneath the silks, the rabbit awaiting the unseen blade.

Seconds stretched into a suffocating eternity. Then an icy blast washed over her, so piercing it stole her breath. A ripple of excited gasps morphed into a startled hush. Something wasn't right. Even the magician's usual booming voice seemed muted, strained.

A wave of frantic applause sputtered through the room, forced and hollow. A few voices piped up in confusion – "Where'd she go?"... "Did the trick work?". Someone cleared their throat, the rasp echoing the emptiness Miley felt. Then, the final blow: "Who even was that?"

The box creaked open. The magician held a triumphant pose, but his eyes met hers with a flicker of – was that fear? Miley stepped out, a puppet with its strings cruelly snipped. She should have felt relief, but the cold that clung to her went far deeper than any stage trick.

"Miley, where are you?" The voice, tinged with genuine confusion, pierced the icy silence. It wasn't the cruel cadence of the whispers; it was Sarah. A tremor coursed through Miley – not of fear, but the intoxicating flicker of power. Even here, even now, they needed her. But the whispers, her whispers now, hissed with insistence. No more hiding. A smile twisted her lips, a mirror of the magician's cruel grin.

"And now, for the real magic!" The magician's voice boomed once more. Miley barely registered the rest of his act. All she felt was the chill, the intoxicating whispers, and a terrifying kind of clarity. They'd played this joke for too long. Time for her punchline.

As the group gathered around the bonfire, a flicker of doubt pierced her newfound resolve. Johan, ever the ringleader of the joke, was approaching.

"That was a little uncanny, right?" Johan sidled up, his usual jovial tone masking a strange undercurrent.

Miley opened her mouth to reply, a retort burning on her tongue. But the words withered as Johan's gaze swept past her, fixing on Jennifer instead. He chuckled, "Relax, Jennifer. It's just a bit of fun." Even his playful tone couldn't mask the fact that he no longer saw her. Miley felt something inside a snap; a fragile thread she hadn't known was there.

A sickening dread washed over Miley. Johan wasn't just keeping the joke alive; he genuinely didn't see her. The whispers roared with a triumphant chorus, their mockery intertwining with her own fury. It wasn't pretend anymore.

The warmth of the bonfire did nothing to dispel the bone-deep chill that had settled over Miley. Each attempt to speak, to reassert her existence, was met with a void. Conversations continued around her as though she were merely a wisp of smoke. A cruel tightness formed in her chest as someone jostled her aside, muttering an apology to the empty air. Rage sparked within her, a desperate battle against the overwhelming urge to scream.


The whisper was louder this time, its malevolent tone sending shivers down her spine. She whirled around, her eyes darting through the flickering shadows cast by the fire, but found no one. The concerned faces of her team stared back at her. Could they hear it too? No, the doubt clawed at her. This was her torment alone.

The rest of the evening dissolved into a disorienting blur. She moved robotically through the activities, the whispers her constant companions, each taunt burrowing deeper, reopening old wounds. Her usual practiced smile felt brittle, a mask threatening to shatter.

Johan's voice cut through the incessant buzzing in her head. "...can't even see you, Miley. Need a minute to reappear?"

The whispers shrieked with delight. To her horror, it was Jennifer's voice that replied with an edge of irritation, mirroring the tone Miley had suppressed only moments before. The realization hit her like a physical blow. It wasn't just Johan; the invisibility was spreading, an insidious infection they'd all caught.

Sleep, when it finally came in choked gasps, was a nightmare of crowded rooms and vacant stares. In the stark light of dawn, the whispers retreated, offering temporary respite. But the damage was done. She knew now – a plan was her only salvation.

The first rays of light filtered through the threadbare curtains, painting the room in the pale hues of early morning. The whispers from the night before had retreated, mercifully silent in the stark light of day. It would be temporary, Miley knew, but for a precious moment, she felt a glimmer of control. She needed a plan.

The second day of the retreat dawned clear and vibrant. From her window, she watched her team members emerge from their rooms, a blur of cheerful activity contrasting sharply with the icy knot in her stomach. They moved and spoke as if last night had been just another shared experience. They laughed, they teased, they carried on playing the twisted game born from the magician's illusion. And those chilling whispers, the silent companions of her tormented mind, were now screaming their insidious chorus with renewed vigor.

Breakfast was a blur of forced smiles and gnawing whispers. Just when Miley thought the invisibility couldn't deepen, it did. Sarah's brows furrowed, a familiar crease of concern. "Miley, is everything okay? You seem... distracted." Miley's traitorous heart gave a hopeful leap. But the whispers were a cruel chorus: She doesn't see you. She doesn't care. "I'm fine," Miley choked out, the lie leaving a bitter taste, "Just a bit tired." Sarah's smile was fleeting, replaced by concern for another teammate's spilled coffee. The last shred of hope dissolved, another casualty of this chilling game.

They were everywhere—in the clinking of breakfast dishes, the murmur of casual conversation, the faintest breeze that rustled the pines. Invisible. Worthless. They know. The whispers fed on her, burrowing deep into her sanity, tearing open old wounds she had carefully stitched together over time. Miley’s usual coping mechanisms failed her, further exacerbated by the lack of her medication, a lifeline she had carelessly left behind. With each passing hour, she felt herself flailing, drowning in a whirlpool of paranoia.

“Don’t you think Miley looked exhausted. Maybe she should skip the walk this morning,” Sarah, one of the junior developers, said with genuine concern.

A flicker of warmth almost pierced the frigid isolation Miley felt. Sarah's voice was the first to hold genuine concern in what seemed like an eternity.  But as quickly as it ignited, the spark of hope was snuffed out.

"I thought she disappeared. Poof!" Johan's voice echoed, no longer jovial but laced with a cruel edge. "Remember that client meeting, guys? Just vanished in the middle of a presentation? Maybe that's her superpower." The whispers roared in Miley's ears. So, they'd all noticed, all been laughing behind her back. No longer were the whispers just mocking insults; they had taken on a cruel, commanding presence. They hissed in her ears, a relentless chorus urging her to retaliate.

“Make them see, Miley. They think you're weak. Make them disappear.”

Her once-pragmatic mind twisted under the onslaught. Their laughter now sounded like nails on a chalkboard, each jest a confirmation of the voices whispering insidious instructions: Make them understand. Make them feel your pain. Make them disappear.

Lunch passed in a haze of whispers and plotting. Miley ate mechanically, the voices urging her, directing her. It was so simple—she knew everyone would willingly follow her. Her reputation for efficiency and structure would be her ally in this unsettling game of her own making.

"Hey everyone," she addressed her team with feigned cheerfulness. "I've got a special team building exercise for after lunch. It's a little unconventional, but I think you'll find it incredibly valuable for fostering trust and empathy."

Her announcement piqued enough curiosity to momentarily silence even Johan's usual banter. Miley outlined a plan for them to experience a unique escape room challenge – one designed by her, inside the lodge's abandoned walk-in industrial freezer. A flicker of inspiration had struck her last night, after the magician's unsettling trick, and it offered...well, a novel twist on traditional team-building. Her colleagues exchanged bewildered glances, but one by one, voices of hesitant agreement began to ripple through the group. Curiosity, laced with a hint of apprehension, outweighed their initial skepticism.

With chilling purpose, Miley guided them towards the rear of the lodge. Her voice held a deceptive warmth as she casually suggested everyone leave their cell phones on the dining room table. "No distractions for our escape room experience!" she chirped with a disarming smile. "Let's fully commit to the challenge and be truly present." Her words held a double meaning – without their phones, they would be cut off from the outside world, further isolated within the icy trap she had devised.

The cold metal handle of the freezer door felt heavy and slick in her grasp. It loomed before her like an entrance to a grim alternate reality. But she steeled herself, pushing it open. A blast of icy air and the faint scent of rust greeted her as she stepped inside. The room stretched far beyond the reach of the weak bulb near the entrance, plunging into an unsettling darkness. The yawning expanse echoed with the relentless hum of industrial machinery, creating an oppressive atmosphere that gnawed at the edges of her sanity. This was no ordinary freezer, but a cavernous, industrial space, a forgotten relic of a time when this lodge likely served purposes far beyond mere leisure.  It was the perfect stage for her desperate performance.

Her colleagues shuffled reluctantly into the frigid space, a flash of apprehension mirroring the flicker of guilt that momentarily pierced Miley's resolve. Yet, a single, dominant whisper cut through the doubt: They did this to you. With each reluctant step her team took, their voices hushed in the unfamiliar chill, Miley's determination hardened. Finally, when the last coworker crossed the threshold, she followed. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she slammed the door shut behind her, plunging them into the all-consuming darkness.

For a suspended moment, she heard a mix of startled gasps and nervous laughter as her team tried to adjust to the sudden change.

"What the hell?" Johan's voice was close, a hint of panic beneath his jovial mask.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long. Just a little team exercise,” someone inside called out, their voice eerily calm against the metallic hum of the freezer.

After what felt like an eternity, Miley turned and walked away, leaving the faint hum of the freezer dissolving into the growing mist. Her path took her past the dining room. A shiver ran down her spine as she glanced at the table where the cellphones once lay. It was bare, veiled in a fine layer of dust. Evidence of their presence, like the memory of their voices, had already begun to fade, reclaimed by the relentless emptiness of the freezing lodge. Ignoring the chilling realization, she pushed through the lodge's back door, stepping into the swirling mist.

The whispers, now indistinguishable from her own thoughts, brought a terrifying sort of satisfaction. Guilt and horror were fleeting echoes, drowned out by a chilling symphony of freedom, isolation, and power. With each step into the deepening mist, her memories began to unravel. The flash of her mother's face, the sterile scent of her father's hospital room, the triumphant feel of her promotion letter – all slipped away, replaced by the intoxicating promise the whispers offered.

She was no longer Miley Krinplosi. She was an echo, a phantom borne of retribution, untethered from human morality and the fragile confines of a physical body.  A warmth seeped away, replaced by a hollowness deeper than the freezer's chill. But the whispers, they were still there, a comforting chorus in the silence of her former self. The lodge, her colleagues, the very essence of her former self, dissolved into the swirling fog. 

Miley continued walking until even the sensation of her feet against the ground faded away. The mist enveloped her, a chilling echo of the emptiness within. The whispers were her only companions now, their promises a siren song luring her deeper into the unknown. And then, there was only...

April 19, 2024 20:08

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