
On my way walking down the street to my friends house I noticed a man and made eye contact but I swiftly looked away and kept walking. Upon reaching my friends house who's name was Jason I knocked 5 times then they finnally answered. I was welcomed and greeted with a smile then in a few seconds Jason all of a sudden yelled "FIRE" and his little brother shot me with a nerf gun. They both started laughing because I jumped cause I have to admit they scared the shit out of me but then I started laughing with them. Jason walked over to the tv and said "It's my turn to choose what we watch for this movie night can you guess what I chose?" Before I could even guess he yelled out and answered "The Hidden Treasures can you guess what the movies about?" I quickly replied "its obviously about treasure hunting or something." Jason hit play on the movie and the intro rolled but as it did I began to feel my skin crawl I didnt know why though so I continued to watch the film. The two main charachters were now running through a crowd of people and in the crowd of people I saw the same strange man I saw while walking down the street. I made eye contact with him in the film he looked the exact same and it felt like they were looking at me with threatening eyes naturally I was so freaked out I began to shake. Jason quickly shook my shoulder and asked if I was ok. I told Jason that I saw that man down the street just a minute ago. He asked me what man and we replayed the footage except this time he disapeared and was no longer in the film. I confused started to shake more now and started crying I didn't want my friend to think I was crazy and I started just repeating I swear he was in their and I saw him walking down the street. I repeated this over and over again then I felt Jason grab my hands "I believe you Ashley I dont think your crazy how about we stop watching the movie and play some board games to get your mind off it?" I agreed to play board games it was relaxing we played for about an hour he defeated me every time though "Ha looks like you can't beat me its been an hour and we have played like 5 rounds and you haven't even won once Ashley your such a loser" then he started laughing and I laughed along with him. I looked at the time and noticed it was already 1 am I told them I had to leave so I could wake up and study tommorrow. He gave me a ride home since it was dark and he still seemed a little worried about me thinking I saw that strange man in the tv and down the street and told me to call them if I ever needed them. I shouted to them bye and goodnight from inside my house before they left the driveway in which they responded by honking. I went upstairs to go to sleep. I opened my eyes and I saw the strange man again he was in my room this time though I tried to scream for help only to realize I couldn't move. Logic kicked in I knew what was happening this must be sleep paralysis but logic soon gave into my fear as it got harder to breathe and my heartbeat went faster. The strange man was reaching out to me and because I couldn't do anything I closed my eyes waiting to fall back asleep. Everything went black I dont remember what happened afterwards I only remember me falling asleep and being afraid of the man. When I woke up I decided to call the doctor about this we scheduled an appointment for the 19th of April which is in about a week. I drank my morning coffee and headed to work as I was driving I saw the man driving in a car beside me I decided to just ignore it because I logically knew he was not there. Worked for 3 hours at a small fast food restraunt they had me leave early because they didnt make enough money to pay me today. I drove back home plugged in my phone because it had died. When my phone finally turned on I saw it was blown up with texts and calls from Jason telling me to call him and leave the house now. Freaked out I immediately FaceTime him he answered right away but I saw the man behind him then the call ended. I immediately called the police and told them what I saw they rushed to the scene but not quick enough my friend Jason was found dead and an investigation happened they said their was no sign of an intruder and Jason commited suicide. I was soon put into therapy and my therapist told me that because I couldn't handle watching my friends suicide my mind made up an imaginary man to blame for it so I wouldn't blame my self for not saving him. I knew this wasn't though I know my friend wouldn't kill themself especially on call with me. I know the man is real every night I still see him when I go to bed and when I walk down the street or go to work hes their. I can't take seeing him anymore everyone thinks im crazy I will see Jason soon I say as I tie the noose around my neck I see the man looking at me one last time smiling before everything goes black. I guess this is what the man wanted I don't know who he was or what he was couldnt of been human but I will never know for now I'm gone and I can only feel sorrow for whoever the man's next victim is.

April 16, 2020 02:07

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Chloe Rooney
16:49 Apr 24, 2020

First thing first, I loved the plot of your story. It was super dark, and the use of suicide at the end really tied it together. It had a great plot, but that was really all it was. To me, it was just a list of detailed plot points. I am currently teaching a few people how to write fiction, and the key is description. Your line, "I drank my morning coffee and headed to work as I was driving I saw the man driving in a car beside me I decided to just ignore it because I logically knew he was not there." was a great point in the story, but yo...


Asleo H
15:44 Jun 10, 2020

Thank you! For the advice will try for next story!


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