How to steal a heart

Written in response to: Write a story that includes someone saying, “Bon voyage.”... view prompt


Fiction Romance

This story contains sensitive content

Trigger warning: language

I was entering my shift to look over the museum for the night.

Maybe wearing a black turtleneck with the police vest on top of it, black-heeled boots, and grey ripped jeans probably made me look ominous but I liked feeling comfortable and having a bit of camouflage in this dimly lit cathedral of a building. Reports have said there's been a leader of some sort of "group" that wants an expensive diamond that is held in the confinement of these walls. I won't say that I will catch him tonight or that I will even lay my hands on him considering the skills he is equipped with, but I can at least try. 

I've been recently hired last week because most of the former security guards were either murdered brutally or just didn't want to deal with seeing their insides on the outside. It's been a while since the last heist that he attempted, so the only question that I can properly ask without being severely judged is "why now?" People might think of me to be obsessed with death to be walking on this thin line of If I will ever see the sunlight tomorrow, but It's less of walking on a tightrope and more of having that rush that you keep chasing to make you feel validated.

To my surprise, it had already been a few hours and he still hasn't shown up. I checked my watch again to make sure I had the time right, but then I heard a small clink in the corner as If a coin had been slid across the tile. My immediate thoughts had become "Does he really think that I'm that stupid to fall for that trick? Does he expect me to go over there like all the others have because of curiosity? or Is he testing me to see what will I do next? " Everything had suddenly become more confusing, but I wasn't going to let this bastard get the best of me.

The same clinking sound came a few seconds later as I saw one of the lights land on it, it was as if he was still trying to get my attention. I waited a few seconds more to see if it would happen again, and it did. Another quarter came speeding past the ones from before, but this time it seemed as if the thow had become more frustrated and aggressive. I softly chuckled because I thought It had become humorous to see all this change hit the floor with no action taken upon it. Behind the wall where the quarters had been thrown, I heard a disappointed grunt and the dropping of what I had thought to be a small bag full of more change.

"Come on asshole, I know you know I'm here!" he said annoyed. I started laughing so loud that it made the walls ring with the sound of my voice, and he stopped talking for a moment. "So" I started "this is the guy everyone's so afraid about? I thought you'd be more...serious." After my taunting comment, he slowly entered the room with a smirk on his face. He walked up and started circling me as if to decide what his intent was. He stopped behind me and whispered with a hot breath into my ear " what's the deal, you don't like having a little fun once in a while? something to make you feel...alive." It's like he was psychologically messing with me like he knows my need for that adrenaline rush and the need to be noticed. "Maybe we aren't so different then..." I looked down to my right keeping my eyes on the ground. He seemed intrigued by my answer. He came back around to face me looking into my eyes with curiosity and something else hidden behind those two smokey light blue glossed orbs staring into my entire being. 

I couldn't help but observe him, I was seeing him for the first time after all. His dark hair had a slight brown tint to it in the light that showed, He had slight facial hair, and his outfit was what made him almost look as if he were a fallen angel. He had a red button-up, a harness that went above his shirt, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a sheath on his back that held a sword that was lightweight. "shit," I thought while a shade of pink crept onto my face " This dude's attractive". My hand had been on the holster of my gun, but I don't think I have a chance of fighting this guy if he has a medieval weapon in his hands. He could easily jam my gun by putting his sword into the barrel or just slice my hand off with a swift motion. 

As if he was reading my thoughts, he chuckled and threw me another sword of his own that I didn't even notice he had. "This should make it more fun." God this man just really likes to entertain, doesn't he? I held it for two moments, this thing really has some heft to it. "Why would he give me a fighting chance?" I thought. For a moment I thought I saw him staring at me like he was confused as to why I wasn't outright trying to destroy him. He gracefully flipped his sword in the air before catching it as it fell to his side. I'm screwed, completely screwed. It's like he was dancing around me with such a technique thought to be lost for the ages, I don't know how he does it. 

It would be difficult to describe the feeling of the moment like I was mesmerized by the blade moving in delicate but deadly fingers."I'm just playing with you, you know that right? I didn't intend to give you a difficult fight, especially because you were supposed to be the one basically bleeding on the tile right now." I retorted, " Then why aren't you killing me right now, Is it because I'm a woman?" He laughed like a psycho. "Oh ho ho ho, no. I wouldn't dream of belittling you. I don't go along with the stereotype that most scumbags like to make up to make themselves seem better than they actually are." I almost screamed out my answer with a cackle.

"Then why aren't I dead, Why am I still standing here holding this blade as if I actually have the intent to use it?" He looked surprised at my boldness. I Softly set the blade down on a windowsill and stormed up to him scared but confident. I lightly shoved him, and he giggled. "you're so cute." I stopped in my tracks, cute? this dangerous, humorous, volatile man Is calling me cute."God, you're so annoying you know that right?" I said noticing a small smile creeping onto my face. "Yeah, but you're smiling so shut up." I looked away and scowled, maybe this guy WAS really getting to me. 

"Well, this has been fun, but you know the drill I have got to go," he said slipping me something that had been in his pocket this entire time. It was the diamond. I don't know why he gave it to me but he ran to the edge of the balcony on the second floor and jumped off happily using his sword to catch on a building. He hopped on top of it, got on the roof and started to sprint away leaving a blown kiss and a lingering smell of vanilla in the air. He didn't steal the diamond, but he knew how to steal a heart.

"Bon voyage" I whispered, and the wind whispered back.

October 18, 2022 14:15

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