Stranger things bully

Written in response to: Write a story in which someone is afraid of being overheard.... view prompt


Sad Kids Middle School

3:59 p:m after school in front of the school entrance*

if u tell someone I’ll hit u more!!!” said wills bully name mark

no please don’t.” said will

good I’ll cya tomorrow.”said mark

mark pulled wills hair and walked away from him and left Will walked to his bike and got on his bike and rode his bike home

3 minutes later Will arrived at his house Will open the front door of his house and closed it will will walked to his room will

closed his bedroom door and sat on his bed and took off his shoes and backpack and lied down on his bed Will fell asleep

the nexts day*

buddy.” said wills brother

Will woke up *

yeah???”said will

its time to get up for school.” said wills brother name jonathan

ok.”said will

wills brother got out wills room and walked to the living room Will sat up his bed *

no I don’t wanna go to school!!! no I can’t!!!”said Will

*will was thinking what to not make him go to school Will was thinking until he got an idea Will got up his bed and walked to the bathroom and turned on the hot water from the sink and put some hot water on his cheeks forehead and arms Will turned it off and walked to his room and lied down his bed *

jonathan.”said will

wills brother heard Will saying his name wills brother got up where he was sitting and walked to wills room and got in his room and walked to wills room *

yeah???” said jonathan

I dont feel so good.” said will

aw u don’t.”said jonathan

no.”said will

let me touch ur forehead if u have a fever.” said jonathan

ok.”said will

wills brother walked with will and touched his forehead and cheeks and arms*

will u have a fever ur not going to school until u feel better ima call the school to let them know.”said jonathan

ok.”said will

ima give u some medicine.”said jonathan

ok said will

wills brother walked out wills room and walked to the kitchen *

I have to do this for not getting hit more said will

wills brother walked to wills room and walked with him*

buddy.”sit said jonathan

ok.”said will

will sat up his bed wills brother open the medicine and put some medicine on the spoon Will opened his mouth wills brother put the spoon in his mouth with medicine and took it out will sallow it*

u can lay down.”now said jonathan

ok.”said will

will lied down his bed*

buddy i brought this wet cloth ima put this in ur forehead do not take it out.”said jonathan

ok.”said will

wills brother put the wet cloth in wills forehead *

try to sleep ok.”said jonathan

ok.”said will

wills brother hugged will*

I hope u feel better.”said jonathan

thank u.” said will

ofc buddy!!!”said jonathan

wills brother finished hugging Will wills brother walked out wills room and walked to the kitchen *

ik I never lied but I don’t wanna go I don’t wanna get hurt more .”said will

um guys.”whispered mike

yeah???”whispered Dustin

im worried.”whispered mike

why???” whispered lucas

because Will hasn’t came and it’s late.”whispered mike

maybe he woke up late.”whispered lucas

no he never wakes up late.”whispered mike

yeah lucas remember he told us that he doesn’t wake up late.”whispered Dustin

oh I forgot.”whispered lucas

yeah u forgot because ur an old man.”whispered dustin

dude shut up!!”whispered lucas

no!!!”whispered dustin

yes!!!”whispered lucas

ima call wills house if he’s ok.”whispered mike

ok.”whispered lucas

mr c.”said mike

yeah???” said mr c

can I make a phone call.” said mike

sure.”said mr c

ty.”said mike

mike got up where he was sitting and walked to the phone mr c had in his class mike dial wills house phone number mike picked it up and put on his ear wills brother heard the phone ringing wills brother answered it*

hello this is jonathan Byers speaking.” said jonathan

hi I’m Mike one of wills friends.”said mike

oh hi.”said jonathan

hi i am calling because Will hasn’t came to school is he ok???” said mike

oh I forgot to call the school no he is not ok he woke up with a fever.” said jonathan

oh.”said mike

yeah.”said jonathan

thanks for telling me bye.” said mike

bye.”said jonathan

*mike hunged up mike walked back to his seat*

to be continued.....

May 13, 2024 02:13

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