Friendship Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

There is a saying that " birds of the same feathers flock together," but that wasn't the case with Kwang and Mack. With totally different mindsets, different personalities, and different schedules, yet best of friends and spent whatever time they could find together.

Kwang was loud, talkative, super social and also outgoing. His type of fun was being out there, busy with chills and parties and had little interest in academics as they gave him hell. His best thing were practical work and expressing himself. Therefore, because of his strengths, even if he performed poorly in school, none of his fellow students would mock him in any way. Regardless, Kwang knew he had to perform better in academics because his entire life ahead depended on it, as education was the only key to success in his society.

On the other hand, Mack was a quiet, smart guy with a super high IQ who loved being alone. He was a topper at his school and only talked when talked to. He had an impressive imagination and straight As were his only grades in academics but public gatherings and presentations were his worst nightmare. His type of fun were solo gaming, writing and creating scenarios in his head which made him feel like he is watching a video of the imagination. A lot of other students thought of him as weird, anti-social and probably bumptious because of his good grades. What they didn't understand was that even if he wanted to socialise and attend all those parties they host, he personality traits couldn't let him.

Days went by and the exam for the end of the semester drew closer as it was 1 month 3weeks away. Mack felt rather low emotionally for not having had made any friend the entire semester and Kwang had a similar feeling, although Kwang's worry was whether he will clear his courses and make it to the next semester. Kwang knew he had to do something about it and said to himself " why not be friends with the introvert topper?" At least he would possibly make it to the next semester. Meanwhile, Mack said to him " why not be friends with this loud extrovert?" At least he would probably do something he has never done before.

Thereafter, on a certain day, in a sociology class, the lecturer was to give an assignment which was supposed to be done in pairs, and surprisingly fortunate for both, the lecturer randomly picked Kwang and Mack to be a pair in that assignment. It was something they both wished for and luckily, their intentions were now a reality. Further instructions were given for the assignment and it was said that at the end of the it, one person between the pair was required to present their work in front of an audience large enough to fill the school hall. It was a two weeks assignment and a final grading for the sociology class. On that day, Kwang and Mack stayed back after school hours to discuss on how they will go about the assignment and ensure 100% progress is made at least 2 days before the actual day of presentations. Kwang insisted on one thing though, that Mack will be the one to present. He also insisted that talking to people of any mass is way too easy, but Mack denied such allegations and talked about his stage flight including how hard it is to know whether the crowd might be interested in what someone is presenting or not. Before they knew it, they were having a deep conversation.

It was now a week to the presentation day and it was amazing how Kwang and Mack were getting along with each other in just 7 days. Since they were now getting comfortable with each other, Kwang so an opportunity to ask Mack how he finds it so easy to grasp things and how he is so good in academics. Mack awkwardly spoke out and explaining to Kwang that it is pretty simple because all someone has to do is know themselves better, know their strengths and weaknesses together with knowing what works and what doesn't work for them. He further said that, for example, if someone easily understands numbers but cannot easily remember words then why should he give those two courses the same time and attention? He shouldn't but rather balance up the equation by giving each course it's required attention. He further added that, that is why he appreciates Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

Kwang having had heard that, he felt motivated and inspired beyond measure. So he added on saying "Mack, did you hear how you explained that to me with ease?" Yes, Mack replied. Kwang continued saying that it is exactly how you can even present in front of everyone that day, because with such ease and calmness, the audience will listen and we will ace the presentation. You are very smart and intelligent, and once you open your mouth, everyone will want to listen to you, moreover, no one has ever really heard you speak in public before, so its normal that some might wait to make you feel intimidated. I just urge you to be courageous and face the crowd that day said Kwang. And if at all you will feel you can't face then in the eyes, just concentrate on their forehead or simply make them blur in yours eyes with your super imagination until you finish presenting.

It was now 2 days away from the presentation day and Mack started practising how to present in front of Kwang. Stammering a bit but slowly getting a hang of it. On the other hand, Kwang started implementing Mack's advise and hence, was finally becoming good at time management. Other students began wondering how and why they saw Kwang and Mack together almost all the time in school, they failed to understand how people so different would be together so often. I mean, what would they even be talking about in their conversations? People wondered.

The presentation day came, and Kwang said to Mack that he should remember that as he presents, he is the one in control and the only one really talking, hence everyone will listen. He further said that he has full faith in him and knows Mack will manage even though it was his first time ever. Representatives from other pairs were done presenting and it was now Mack's turn to do so. But as he stood in front of everyone he felt rather unusual, as if it was his first time which of course it was, he felt like melting but couldn't ,he felt like leaving the presentation stage but couldn't because he also felt numb. He was filled with fear and stomach bowels started from nowhere, but he stood strong and said to himself " my mind is stronger than all these emotions and my imagination is greater than everything I'm seeing." And he said his first words to the audience through greetings and introducing himself. That gave him a lot of courage and he could feel the positive energy running through his veins, and by using his imagination, he saw his audience as a repetition of just one person "his friend Kwang."

He continued presenting and perfectly connected his power points and the audience was amused though, some were in shock because they have never heard him talk before. The day was a success and Mack knew he had Kwang to thank for everything because without him, where would he have gathered the courage to even go on stage? They were a happy pair and after the presentations, they went to Mack's house whose parents were overwhelmed as no one has ever visited their home as a friend of their son, Mack. Mack had someone who isn't a relative enter his room for the first time.

On the other hand, Kwang was finally understanding academics without changing his life style routine but just by knowing the art of time management. He even realised that it's not that he wasn't good in academics but just lacked the proper time allocation for it. And for the first time ever, Kwang felt ready for an exam and as exams came, he managed to get remarkable results which were better than ever. The bond between Kwang and Mack strengthened and trust grew stronger together with understanding each other's personality traits even though one was an introvert and the other an extrovert. They both never really had a best friend before because a best friend brings out the best in you and they both experienced it for the first time. They were a true example that showed that the basis for friendship is not similarities but compatibility.

July 29, 2021 21:48

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Arthur Alexander
18:17 Aug 03, 2021

Hi!! This is a beautifully written story... although I would suggest you to proof read it again, as I found a few grammar mistakes (sorry if I sound rude 😅) All in all it was really good attempt for a first story on reedsy! Love, Arthur


Prince Makondo
20:50 Aug 03, 2021

Thank you for reading it through and also for the frank comment, I will proof read next time... Thanks again.


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