The Renovated Disposition

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write a story from the perspective of a bird migrating for the winter.... view prompt


Drama Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

“Wow! See Jose, so lovely these ruddy shelducks and greater flamingos are!!” Sandra just could not resist, out of joy.

“Yes Sandra, great that today we are lucky enough to see so many amazingly beautiful migratory birds, at this lake. Tom rightly suggested me to visit Majuli.”

“Do you know Jose, this Majuli is the biggest fresh river water island of the World.”

“Yes, I know Sandra. Now, let’s take some photos and videos, of the beautiful moments.”

They got married last year, after dating for some years. India is their first overseas travel destination. Both are now enjoying the sunrise at the biggest lake of Majuli Island of the Brahmaputra River. Thousands of migratory birds are enjoying in and around the lake - jumping, floating, dancing, cuddling, and rolling. While playing, all are chirping, making a unique chorus. The exceptionally lovely greenery of the area, the excellent reflection of the sun and the colorful sky in the river of the lake have added the beauty of the place enormously, taking everyone present here, to the heaven on earth, that cannot be described in words.  

Jose and Sandra have been doing travel blogging together, for the last three years. Their blog has recently crossed the quarterly view of 2 million plus. Before coming to India, they had travelled many lovely places of the USA. The secret behind the popularity of their blog is the sincerity and dedicated hard efforts by both of them.

“How far do you think, these birds have traveled through?”

“May be 3000 to 5000 kilometers.” Sandra tried to respond to Jose’s general query.

“Even after crossing such long distances, these birds are so energetic and jolly!”

Jose and Sandra are here at Majuli, for the last 2 days, enjoying their stay at a bamboo house known as “chang ghar” with raised platform. The first time they have tasted “Apong” rice beer and have loved that. It's really different from any other beer. With special items like fresh steam fish wrapped with banana leaves and fragrant joha rice etc., both have enjoyed the last two dinners. Tonight's dinner is going to be more special, as confirmed by the host of the bamboo guest house.

They have come here with the mission of writing an interesting article with so many photos on this magnificent river island of the Brahmaputra River, for their blog.

“Our next blog post on this special island with abundant migratory birds will have to be very interesting and extensive one. Every reader must enjoy reading the genuine description.”

“Sure Jose. Let the World know about this amazing destination and simultaneously about the brilliant travel management process followed by the migratory birds.”

“And also, Sandra. The travel story of these birds can inspire us all, in a big way”

“Let’s enjoy boat riding at the lake and take some beautiful photos and videos for our blog post.”

“OK Sandra. Come, there is an empty boat waiting for us. That should be OK for both of us.”

“Let’s keep the title of the article as: 'Majuli, the Heaven of Migratory Birds, inspires us, always'”

“It sounds good, Jose. Let’s keep the title, as it is.

“Every year, in winter, flocks of migratory birds come here and enjoy the Nature and abundant food, at the lakes.”

“They cross thousands of kilometers, every year, stay here for some days, enjoy and go back fresh, crossing the similar distances, taking the same path.”


“But, it’s true”

“Do you know, these birds plan their trips?”

”Before starting a journey, they take heavy food, so that travel is not hampered.”

“But, how can they take the correct path?”

“Somehow they sense the direction and make necessary orientations and fly non-stop, to cover such a long distance, as early as possible.”

“Who guides them, during the travel?”

“The most experienced one take the lead of a big flock.”

“But, why do so many birds come here to Majuli, as if this one is their original home, even after so many risks from the predators?”

“They come for the breeding of the younger ones; for the cold fresher air; for a range of fresh foods and for getting rejuvenated.”

“Great to know, Jose.”

Jose and Sandra are really enjoying the cool breeze of the morning hours. Both are exhilarated to see such a lively scene of the mighty nature, at their preferred travel destination. The migratory birds are also fully enjoying the sun-rising moments, in their own way, taking food, walking, hanging on water, flying, dancing and enjoying their chosen holidays.

“We have so many great lessons to take from these migratory birds, Sandra. These bird are actually such good planners, risk takers, team players, hard & smart working that their live actions can make anyone energetic and determined to face challenges and achieve the best. We will add all these in our blog article.”

Sandra is eagerly listening to what Jose is saying. She is excited. The draft of the new blog post is in the making. For the first time, they are going to write on a wonderful destination with the confluence of so many flocks of marvelous birds.

Jose is taking care of riding the boat, floating in the cold and clean water of the lake. Sandra is making notes of whatever Jose is telling as well as whatever she is observing and is also taking some magnificent photos and videos of the orange rising sun ball and the surroundings, along with the naughty migratory flocks. Sandra is now comparing in her mind, the purpose of the travel of the migratory birds with those of her and Jose’s.

“Why not write a unique book on the facts and virtues of these migratory birds, as we have lots of things to adopt for our lives and get benefited”

Sandra’s suggestion is based on the knowledge and experience, she has recently gained, on these migratory birds.

"We can do that. Let’s extend our stay here for some more days. Let’s explore more on the activities of these migratory birds."

“That will be great, Jose. Our exploration will definitely help bringing a new insight on an interesting fact. The boat riding is so pleasant here. Tomorrow, we can go for bicycle rides too, to explore more.”


"Must we complete the mission, Sandra, before we go back home.”

At this time, anyone could see the ever-growing glow of contentment coming from a renovated disposition, in the faces of Jose and Sandra.

October 17, 2020 02:06

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Raymond Kelly
14:32 Oct 21, 2020

While I do think the concept is nice, the story's depth is a bit lacking. I don't feel invested in the characters, and their motivations feel underdeveloped. If you developed the concept better by actually having them watch the birds and see the things that they say the birds do, it would give them a much stronger case to be talking about them and writing about them. "May be" is spelled "Maybe" in this context. Also there should be no comma in between "How far do you think" and "these birds have traveled?" Besides that, I feel like...


Khagesh Mahanta
15:11 Oct 21, 2020

Hi Raymond, Thanks for your feedback on my story and also for the inspiring words. "Maybe" is used here, as an adverb. However, the comma used to connect both the parts, in the dialogue, could have been avoided. Your observation is praiseworthy. It would be great, if you could find some time to go through my other stories and give your feedback.


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