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Best Book Publishing Companies

Showing 537 publishers that match your search.

TouchWood Editions

Genres: Art, Photography, Biographies & Memoirs, Cookbook, History, Historical Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Travel, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Nonfiction, Short Story, and Fiction

Part of: Heritage Group > TouchWood Editions

Location: Vancouver, CA

Website: https://www.touchwoodeditions.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC, LGBTQ

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Distilleries of Vancouver Island

Marianne Scott

Show Me the Honey

Dave Doroghy

The Little Prairie Book of Berries

Sheryl Normandeau

Pratham Books

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, and Children's

Location: Bangalore, IN

Website: https://prathambooks.org/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Ammachi's Incredible Investigation

Vinayak Varma

Your Body is Yours

Yamini Vijayan

Tine and the Faraway Mountain

Shikha Tripathi

Stairway Press

Genres: Math & Science, Science Fiction, Politics, Thriller & Suspense, Action & Adventure, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Self-Help, Environmental, Biographies & Memoirs, Fantasy, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Short Story

Location: Phoenix, US

Website: https://stairwaypress.com

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
In Global Warming We Trust: Too Big to Fail

Anthony Sadar

Failure To Fracture

Anthony Garone


Larry Bell

McSweeney's Books

Genres: Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Humor, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry

Location: San Francisco, US

Website: https://store.mcsweeneys.net/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Indelible in the Hippocampus

Shelly Oria

Of Color

Jaswinder Bolina

The Fire In His Wake

Spencer Wolff

Blind Eye Books

Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery & Crime, Romance, LGBTQ+, Diverse Literature, and Fiction

Location: Seattle, US

Website: https://www.blindeyebooks.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Bellingham Mysteries

Nicole Kimberling

Swift and the Black Dog

Ginn Hale

Nothing But Good

Kess McKinley

Soho Press

Genres: Literary Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Diverse Literature, Fiction, and Short Story

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://sohopress.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
The Fame Thief

Timothy Hallinan

Clark and Division

Naomi Hirahara

Blue Skinned Gods

SJ Sindu

Talos Press

Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Comics & Graphic Novels, and Fiction

Part of: Skyhorse Publishing > Talos Press

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/talos-press/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles

Anna Stephens

The Caledonian Gambit

Dan Moren


Paul Tassi

Future Tense Books

Genres: Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Humor, Nonfiction, Fiction, Short Story, Novella, and Poetry

Location: Portland, US

Website: https://futuretensebooks.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles

Wendy C. Ortiz


Rob Roberge

User Not Found

Felicity Fenton


Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Historical Fiction, Westerns, and Fiction

Part of: Macmillan > Tor/Forge

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.torforgeblog.com

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles

Brandon Sanderson

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Susanna Clarke

Wheel of Time

Robert Jordan

Enchanted Lion Books

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Diverse Literature, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://enchantedlion.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Cry, Heart, But Never Break

Glenn Ringtved




Jacques Goldstyn

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