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Best Mystery & Crime Book Publishing Companies

Showing 91 publishers that match your search.

TouchWood Editions

Genres: Art, Photography, Biographies & Memoirs, Cookbook, History, Historical Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Travel, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Nonfiction, Short Story, and Fiction

Part of: Heritage Group > TouchWood Editions

Location: Vancouver, CA

Website: https://www.touchwoodeditions.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC, LGBTQ

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Distilleries of Vancouver Island

Marianne Scott

Show Me the Honey

Dave Doroghy

The Little Prairie Book of Berries

Sheryl Normandeau

Text Publishing

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Romance, Fantasy, Health & Wellbeing, Historical Fiction, History, Humor, Self-Help, Politics, Religion & Spirituality, Environmental, Math & Science, Sports & Outdoors, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Short Story

Location: Melbourne, AU

Website: https://www.textpublishing.com.au/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles

Georgina Young


Tom Remiger

A Constant Hum

Alice Bishop

Dover Publications

Genres: Education & Reference, Math & Science, Picture Book, DIY, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Art, Nonfiction, Children's, and Fiction

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://store.doverpublications.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries & book proposals - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Abraham Lincoln's Humor: Yarns, Stories, and Anecdotes by and about Our 16th President

John Grafton

Bless This House: Creating Sacred Space Where You Live, Work & Travel

Donna Henes

The Book of Wild Flowers

The National Geographic Society

Atria Publishing Group

Genres: Urban Fiction, Women's Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Literary Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Self-Help, Narrative Nonfiction, Cookbook, Health & Wellbeing, African-American, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, Fiction, and Nonfiction

Part of: Simon and Schuster > Atria Publishing Group

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.atriabooks.biz/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
My Sister's Keeper

Jodi Picoult

The Japanese Lover

Isabel Allende

Lethal Agent

Vince Flynn


Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, History, Cookbook, Religion & Spirituality, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery & Crime, Business, Self-Help, Picture Book, Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Short Story, Novella, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.harpercollins.com/

Accepts unagented submissions



💥 Hit titles
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

Charlie Mackesy

The Children's Train

Viola Ardone

The Viscount Who Loved Me

Julia Quinn

Mysterious Press

Genres: True Crime, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, and Fiction

Part of: Grove Atlantic > Mysterious Press

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://groveatlantic.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Coronation

Boris Akunin

She Lover of Death

Boris Akunin

Girl Running

Lawrence Lariar

Hachette Livre

Genres: Literary Fiction, Romance, Young Adult, Middle Grade, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Biographies & Memoirs, Politics, Cookbook, Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Short Story, Novella, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.hachette.com/

Accepts unagented submissions



💥 Hit titles
Talking to Strangers

Macolm Gladwell

The Goldfinch

Donna Tartt

I Am Malala

Malala Yousafzai

Two Dollar Radio

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Cookbook, Narrative Nonfiction, Literary Fiction, History, Horror, Humor, Mystery & Crime, Politics, Science Fiction, Thriller & Suspense, Westerns, Fiction, and Nonfiction

Location: Columbus, US

Website: https://twodollarradio.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
A History of My Brief Body

Billy-Ray Belcourt

Whiteout Conditions

Tariq Shah

Found Audio

N.J. Campbell

Severn House

Genres: Horror, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Romance, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Horror, and Fiction

Part of: Canongate Books > Severn House

Location: London, GB

Website: http://severnhouse.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Murder Ink

Betty Hechtman

Best Laid Plans

Gwen Florio

A Choir of Crows

Candace M. Robb

Macmillan Publishers

Genres: Literary Fiction, Romance, Young Adult, Middle Grade, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Biographies & Memoirs, Politics, Cookbook, Self-Help, Picture Book, Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Short Story, Novella, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://macmillan.com/

Accepts unagented submissions



💥 Hit titles
What Happened to You?

Oprah Winfrey & Bruce D. Perry


Yaara Shehori


Elton John

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