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Best Fiction Book Publishing Companies

Showing 291 publishers that match your search.

C&R Press

Genres: Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, History, Biographies & Memoirs, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Short Story

Location: Raleigh, US

Website: https://www.crpress.org/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Selling the Farm

Debra Di Blasi

A History of the Cat in Nine Chapters or Less

Fu Shivani

In the Room of Persistent Sorry

Kristina Marie Darling

Entangled Publishing

Genres: Romance, Diverse Literature, Fiction, and Novella

Location: Denver, US

Website: https://entangledpublishing.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Queries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Back in the Burbs

Avery Flynn & Tracy Wolff


Tracy Wolff

Ember of Night

Molly E. Lee

Crown Publishing

Genres: Cookbook, Art, Biographies & Memoirs, Business, DIY, Health & Wellbeing, Sports & Outdoors, History, Humor, Politics, Self-Help, Religion & Spirituality, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Nonfiction, and Fiction

Part of: Penguin Random House > Random House > Crown Publishing

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://crownpublishing.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles

Michelle Obama

A Promised Land

Barack Obama

Devil in the White CIty

Erik Larson

Farrar, Straus & Giroux

Genres: Literary Fiction, History, Politics, Math & Science, Narrative Nonfiction, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry

Part of: Macmillan > Farrar, Straus, & Giroux

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://us.macmillan.com/fsg/

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Sharks in the Time of Saviors

Kawai Strong Washburn

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Joan Didion

Everything That Rises Must Converge

Flannery O'Connor

Mysterious Press

Genres: True Crime, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, and Fiction

Part of: Grove Atlantic > Mysterious Press

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://groveatlantic.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Coronation

Boris Akunin

She Lover of Death

Boris Akunin

Girl Running

Lawrence Lariar

Coffee House Press

Genres: Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Diverse Literature, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Short Story

Location: Minneapolis, US

Website: https://coffeehousepress.org/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
I Hotel

Karen Tei Yamashita


Justin Phillip Reed

Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife

Sam Savage

Talos Press

Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Comics & Graphic Novels, and Fiction

Part of: Skyhorse Publishing > Talos Press

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/talos-press/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Book proposals - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles

Anna Stephens

The Caledonian Gambit

Dan Moren


Paul Tassi


Genres: Women's Fiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, and Fiction

Part of: Penguin Random House > Penguin Publishing Group > Berkley

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.penguin.com/publishers/berkley/

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
The Kiss Quotient

Helen Hoang

Beach Read

Emily Henry

Dial A for Aunties

Jesse Q. Sutanto

Counterpoint Press

Genres: Politics, History, Biographies & Memoirs, Religion & Spirituality, Narrative Nonfiction, Literary Fiction, Comics & Graphic Novels, Diverse Literature, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry

Location: San Francisco, US

Website: https://www.counterpointpress.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
A Kind of Freedom

Margaret Wilkerson Sexton

None But The Righteous

Chantal James


Eto Mori


Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Diverse Literature, Fiction, Novella, and Short Story

Part of: Macmillan > Tor/Forge > Tor.com

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.tor.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles

Nnedi Okorafor

Every Heart a Doorway

Seanan McGuire

The Red Threads of Fortune

Neon Yang

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