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Best Fiction Book Publishing Companies

Showing 291 publishers that match your search.

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Bywater Books

Genres: LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult, Women's Fiction, Action & Adventure, Historical Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Humor, Biographies & Memoirs, Science Fiction, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, Fiction, and Nonfiction

Location: Detroit, US

Website: https://www.bywaterbooks.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
96 Hours

Georgia Beers

Beowulf for Cretins

Ann McMan

Compass Rose

Anna Burke

Northwest Press

Genres: LGBTQ+, Comics & Graphic Novels, Diverse Literature, and Fiction

Location: Seattle, US

Website: https://northwestpress.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Legend of Bold Riley

Leia Weathington et al


Joey Esposito et al

Hard to Swallow

Dave Davenport et al

Cohesion Press

Genres: Horror, Action & Adventure, Diverse Literature, and Fiction

Location: Melbourne, AU

Website: https://cohesionpress.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
SNAFU: Resurrection

James A. Moore et al

SNAFU: Survival of the Fittest

Jeremy Robinson

Love, Death, and Robots

Alastair Reynolds et al

Seven Seas Entertainment

Genres: Manga, Comics & Graphic Novels, and Fiction

Location: Los Angeles, US

Website: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness

Nagata Kabi

Gun Princess

Takadono Madoka

Captain Nemo

Jason DeAngelis, Aldin Viray

Good2Go Publishing

Genres: Urban Fiction, African-American, and Fiction

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.good2gopublishing.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
All Eyes on Gunz 4

Warren Holloway

Kings of the Block

Dwan Williams

Killing Signs

Ernest Morris

Hodder & Stoughton

Genres: Cookbook, Health & Wellbeing, Biographies & Memoirs, Humor, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller & Suspense, Romance, Mystery & Crime, Young Adult, History, Politics, Horror, Action & Adventure, Nonfiction, Fiction, and Children's

Part of: Hachette > Hodder & Stoughton

Location: London, GB

Website: https://www.hodder.co.uk/

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

John le Carré

One Day

David Nicholls

Billy Summers

Stephen King

Quattro Books

Genres: Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Art, Photography, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Novella

Location: Toronto, CA

Website: http://quattrobooks.ca/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles

Jane Bow

Between Rothko and 3 Windows

Corrado Paina

The Escape Artist

Anita Kushwaha

Orient Paperbacks

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, Business, Literary Fiction, Health & Wellbeing, Humor, Politics, Religion & Spirituality, Self-Help, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry

Location: New Delhi, IN

Website: https://www.orientpaperbacks.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Astrology for You

Shakuntala Devi

Divine Music

Suruchi Mohan

Khushwant Singh's Joke Book 2

Khushwant Singh

Norman Maine Publishing

Genres: Screenplays and Fiction

Location: New York City, US

Website: http://www.normanmaineplays.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles

William Cameron

You Can Count On Me

Cameron Beall & Donna Van Oss

It Happened One Summer

Steven Stack

Black Horse Westerns

Genres: Westerns and Fiction

Part of: The Crowood Press > Black Horse Westerns

Location: London, GB

Website: https://bhwesterns.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Deception Point

Alex Frew

Return of the Buffalo Hunter

Ralph Hayes

The Sitka Killings

Paul Bedford

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