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Best Children's Book Publishing Companies

Showing 167 publishers that match your search.

Amazon Crossing Kids

Genres: Biographies & Memoirs, BIPOC, Children's, Diverse Literature, Fiction, Middle Grade, Narrative Nonfiction, and Nonfiction

Part of: Amazon Publishing > Amazon Crossing Kids

Location: Seattle, US

Website: https://amazonpublishing.amazon.com/amazon-crossing-kids.html

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
A Sari for Ammi

Mamta Nainy

The Night Raven

Johan Rundberg

Piece by Piece

David Aguilar & Ferran Aguilar

Persea Books

Genres: Young Adult, Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Biographies & Memoirs, Politics, Feminism, LGBTQ+, Literary Fiction, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, Children's, Fiction, Nonfiction, Short Story, Poetry, and Novella

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.perseabooks.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Queries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Town Crier

Sarah Matthes

Gateway to Paradise

Matthew Vollmer

Dispatch Poems

Cam Awkward-Rich

Leadstart India

Genres: Business, Politics, History, Self-Help, Health & Wellbeing, Religion & Spirituality, Biographies & Memoirs, Travel, Sports & Outdoors, Literary Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Fiction, Nonfiction, Children's, and Poetry

Location: Mumbai, IN

Website: https://www.leadstartcorp.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
A Bend in the River of Life

Marianne Furtado de Nazareth



A Street Puppy's Guide to Indian Religious Wisdom

Hari Haran

Odyssey Books

Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror, Biographies & Memoirs, Mystery & Crime, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller & Suspense, Urban Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Christian, Cookbook, Young Adult, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Children's

Location: Paraparaumu, NZ

Website: http://www.odysseybooks.com.au/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Court of the Grandchildren

Greg Finlayson & Michael Muntisov

Esme's Gift

Elizabeth Foster

Bernice Takes a Plunge

Ann Harth

Srishti Publishing

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Literary Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Thriller & Suspense, Business, Humor, Health & Wellbeing, Politics, Self-Help, Travel, Fantasy, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Children's

Location: New Delhi, IN

Website: https://srishtipublishers.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Book proposals - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Life is What You Make It

Preeti Shenoy

You Are My Reason to Smile

Arpit Vageria

The One From the Stars

Keshav Aneel

Fitzhenry and Whiteside

Genres: History, Biographies & Memoirs, Middle Grade, Young Adult, Sports & Outdoors, Education & Reference, Photography, Cookbook, Travel, Health & Wellbeing, Medical, Nonfiction, Children's, and Poetry

Location: Toronto, CA

Website: https://www.fitzhenry.ca/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Fitzhenry and Whiteside Book of Canadian Facts and Dates

Richard Pound

Fitzhenry & Whiteside Canadian Thesaurus

Richard Dionne

In Deep with the Octopus

Norma Dixon

Luna Press Publishing

Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Diverse Literature, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Fiction, Short Story, and Children's

Location: Edinburgh, GB

Website: https://www.lunapresspublishing.com/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, LGBTQ, BIPOC

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Manuscript entries - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
One Cog Turning

Anthony Laken

The Forever Man

Allen Stroud

Steampunk Writers Around the World

Josué Ramos et al

S. Chand Publishing

Genres: Education & Reference and Children's

Location: New Delhi, IN

Website: https://schandpublishing.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

Yes Book proposals - View guidelines →

Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
S. Chand Atlas

S. Chand

P C Wren's Grammar

P C Wren

Primary School English

Wren & Martin

Dial Books

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Young Adult, Diverse Literature, and Children's

Part of: Penguin Random House > Penguin Young Readers > Dial Books

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.penguin.com/dial-overview/

Diversity: Diverse Literature

Accepts unagented submissions


Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Mildred D. Taylor

Darius the Great Is Not Okay

Adib Khorram

I'll Give You the Sun

Jandy Nelson

Ktav Publishing House

Genres: Jewish Literature, Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction, Fiction, and Children's

Location: New York City, US

Website: http://www.ktav.com/

Accepts unagented submissions


Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
The Tree of Life Haggadah and Songbook

Deborah Weiss

Eclectic Thoughts of Meaning

Shmuel Kaplan

DNA in Halakhah

J David Bleich

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