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Best Architecture Book Publishing Companies

Showing 38 publishers that match your search.

Thames & Hudson

Genres: Picture Book, Art, History, Architecture, Math & Science, Photography, DIY, Children's, and Nonfiction

Location: London, GB

Website: https://thamesandhudson.com/

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Plague, Pestilence and Pandemic

Peter Furtado

1001 Bees

Joanna Rzezak

Out to Sea

Helen Kellock

Pelican Publishing Company

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Young Adult, History, Biographies & Memoirs, Cookbook, Architecture, Humor, Sports & Outdoors, Children's, and Nonfiction

Part of: Arcadia Publishing > Pelican Publishing Company

Location: New Orleans, US

Website: https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/imprints/pelican-publishing

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Cicada's Song

Ariane O'Pry Trammell

We Really, Really Want a Dog!

Susan Holt Kralovansky

Who Dat Baby?

Allison Dugas Behan

Africa World Press & The Red Sea Press

Genres: African-American, Math & Science, Art, Architecture, History, Biographies & Memoirs, Health & Wellbeing, History, Religion & Spirituality, BIPOC, Diverse Literature, and Nonfiction

Location: New York City, US

Website: http://africaworldpressbooks.com/

Diversity: BIPOC, Diverse Literature

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
Voices of a Black Nation

Theodore G. Vincent

My Life, My Ethiopia

Mary Tadesse

Ubuntu for Warriors

Colin Chasi

ACC Art Books

Genres: Art, Architecture, Business, Picture Book, DIY, Cookbook, Travel, Nonfiction, and Children's

Location: London, GB

Website: https://www.accartbooks.com/us/

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Indie publisher

Mid size

💥 Hit titles
David Bowie: Icon

George Underwood


Hugh Nini & Neal Treadwell

Best Buildings Britain

Matthew Freedman


Genres: Architecture, Art, Biographies & Memoirs, Business, Comics & Graphic Novels, History, Humor, Literary Fiction, Mystery & Crime, Religion & Spirituality, Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Self-Help, Nonfiction, and Fiction

Location: Bangalore, IN

Website: https://pothi.com

Accepts unagented submissions

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Indie publisher

Small press

💥 Hit titles
How to Make Money With Breakout Trading

Indrazith Shantharaj

You Can Have A Jumbo Memory

Amrut Jadhav

Intelligent Fanatics of India

Rohith Potti & Pooja Bhula

Phaidon Press Ltd.

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Architecture, Art, Cookbook, Travel, Photography, Children's, and Nonfiction

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://www.phaidon.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Mid size

💥 Hit titles
The Story of Art

E.H. Gombrich

The Silver Spoon

Stefano de Pieri

Annie Leibovitz at Work

Annie Leibovitz

University of Georgia Press

Genres: Academic, African-American, Education & Reference, Art, Architecture, Biographies & Memoirs, DIY, Health & Wellbeing, Sports & Outdoors, Humor, History, Middle Grade, Young Adult, Law, Medical, True Crime, Travel, Religion & Spirituality, Self-Help, Photography, Business, Law, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Children's

Location: Atlanta, US

Website: https://ugapress.org/

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC

Accepts unagented submissions

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University press

💥 Hit titles

Celeste-Marie Bernier

Public Religions in the Future World

David Morris

An OutKast Reader

Regina Bradley

Prestel Publishing

Genres: Picture Book, Art, Cookbook, Photography, Architecture, Middle Grade, History, Politics, Biographies & Memoirs, Nonfiction, and Children's

Part of: Penguin Random House > Random House > Prestel Publishing

Location: New York City, US

Website: https://prestelpublishing.penguinrandomhouse.de/PublishingHouse/Prestel/58500.rhd

Accepts unagented submissions

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Mid size

💥 Hit titles
Behind Bars

Vince Pollard

To Asia, With Love

Hetty McKinnon

A Visual Protest: The Art of BANKSY

Gianni Mercurio

University of Illinois Press

Genres: African-American, Jewish Literature, Architecture, Art, Business, Environmental, History, Humor, Law, Math & Science, Photography, Religion & Spirituality, Sports & Outdoors, Diverse Literature, BIPOC, and Nonfiction

Location: Chicago, US

Website: https://www.press.uillinois.edu

Diversity: Diverse Literature, BIPOC

Accepts unagented submissions

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University press

💥 Hit titles
The Revolt of the Black Athlete

Harry Edwards


José Ángel N

Dockworker Power

Peter Cole

Tuttle Publishing

Genres: Picture Book, Middle Grade, Art, Architecture, Business, Cookbook, DIY, History, Manga, Travel, Health & Wellbeing, Religion & Spirituality, Children's, and Nonfiction

Part of: Periplus Publishing Group > Tuttle Publishing

Location: Woodstock, US

Website: https://www.tuttlepublishing.com/

Accepts unagented submissions

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Small press

💥 Hit titles
My First Origami Kit

Joel Stern

Buddhism Plain and Simple

Steve Hagen

A Geek in Japan

Hector Garcia

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