Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2021

Author bio

Good evening, I am RIC and I've been eyeing this website for quite a while. Now, I finally decided to dip my toes into this community, both for practice and to hopefully (one day) win. I am grateful for every like and comment I receive. Knowing that someone liked my work enough to let it be known that they did makes me smile. And I hope to continue making others smile with my ideas. Have a lovely day, Rebecca. Some of my stories are connected to one another. I thought it would be cute to make little series out of them. You don't have to read any specific one first, I try to make each story its own dependent thing. But who am I to stop you? Note: The names of these "series" are not set in stone. I will most definitely change them into something more professional sounding. The Zodiacs - Those Who Control The Water - Cat Naps The Apocalypse - The Year of Disaster - The Bunker Kid The Longhorn Rancher - The Longhorn Rancher and The Wannabe Anti-hero... and her Girlfriend - An Attempted Festival Date - Tap Tap Tap - Ballad of the Anti-Hero and her Girlfriend - Deal with the Devil - Blackouts and Harassing the Mayor -An Attempted Festival Date Redux - Birth The Omnipotent Ones - Your Wish is my Want - Don't Cross Me