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Best Book Review Blogs in 2025

Showing 223 blogs that match your search.

As for reviews, my preferred genres are general fiction, fantasy and scifi, as well as nonfiction on important topics like equality, disability, fair treatment of individuals. I also love middle grade reads.

Blogger: Evelina

Genres: Children's, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Humor, Non-Fiction, and Science Fiction

🌐 Domain authority: 31

👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Thank you for your interest in having me review your book! I accept complimentary books direct from publishers, agents, or authors in exchange for an HONEST review. I know how hard it is to get reviews (I'm a writer too, folks!) and I know how important word-of-mouth is for a book, so I always try to give a good review, but, of course, I cannot guarantee it.

Blogger: Sandra

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery/Thriller, Paranormal, and Horror

🌐 Domain authority: 28

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

It may not come as a surprise to you that I like books and I read quite a lot of them Ð mostly contemporary, literary and translated fiction. I love stories with unreliable narrators and my greatest fear is running out of books to read. I don't accept review copies of self-published books. However, do feel free to contact me with all queries via email or Twitter. Please be aware that I may not be able to respond straight away.

Blogger: Clare

Genres: YA, Crime, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction, Paranormal, New Adult, Children's, LGBT, Humor, Horror, and Urban Fantasy

🌐 Domain authority: 26

👀 Average monthly visits: 7,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

Hello. My name is Emma and damppebbles is my baby. I’m in my…ahem…early forties and live in South Oxfordshire with my husband and two young children (my 6 year old son gives me a run for my money in the book loving stakes). **I am currently closed to new review requests but thank you for your interest in**

Blogger: Emma

Genres: Crime and Mystery/Thriller

🌐 Domain authority: 34

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Apart from book reviewing, I share author interviews, excerpts, added to my own writing (flash fiction, short stories, and poetry) and a bi-weekly writing prompt

Blogger: Nada Sobhi

Genres: Children's, Fantasy, Mystery/Thriller, Romance, Science Fiction, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 31

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Read and Rated, where all good books come to be reviewed! Find me on twitter too @ReadandRated

Blogger: Lisa Hall

Genres: Children's, Christian, Contemporary Fiction, Crime, Erotica, Fantasy, Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humor, LGBT, Mystery/Thriller, New Adult, Non-Fiction, Paranormal, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Sports, Urban Fantasy, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 17

👀 Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

A book blog that is dedicated to celebrating and bringing attention to diverse books and authors. Bookish Brews is helping people diversify their reading one book at a time.

Blogger: Amanda Khong

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, LGBT, New Adult, Romance, Science Fiction, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 11

👀 Average monthly visits: 2,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

We do professional engaging book reviews and effective book promotion. We connect readers with authors. Readers and authors love our award winning website. Visit our website for more information and to read our great reviews.

Blogger: Jewel

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Crime, Erotica, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humor, LGBT, Mystery/Thriller, New Adult, Non-Fiction, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 22

👀 Average monthly visits: 32,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

If you would like to request a review, please send me an email with a brief description of your book and the buy links. Please DO NOT attach any files to your request for review. I will let you know if I'm interested in reviewing your book. I cannot review every book submitted to me because of the overwhelming number of submissions. Please, no horror, true crime, memoirs, or children's books.

Blogger: Debra & David

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, and Science Fiction

🌐 Domain authority: 35

👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

STACKED welcomes your input and accepts material for review. We are honest and critical in our reviews, but acknowledge the five laws of Ranganathan. We believe that nearly all materials have an audience, and it is our goal to help identify that audience.

Blogger: Kelly & Kimberly

Genres: YA, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction, and Non-Fiction

🌐 Domain authority: 50

👀 Average monthly visits: 15,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

I’m Joanne and I’m passionate about reading! I enjoy a wide variety of books but would say my favourite genres are contemporary fiction or thrillers and I also enjoy a good love story.

Blogger: Joanne Baird

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Crime, and Romance

🌐 Domain authority: 34

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Started at the beginning of 2012, Ana's Attic brings honest romance book and audiobook reviews, as well as new releases, sales, freebies and preorders. We continue to post at least 4 times a week.

Blogger: Ana

Genres: Romance

🌐 Domain authority: 35

👀 Average monthly visits: 34,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Connecting voracious readers with their next great read since 2018. Other than book reviews, you will find bookish discussions, lists of upcoming releases, and guides & resources for readers/bloggers. As an advocate for reading diversely, all of my reviews will list representation in the book, as well as content/trigger warnings.

Blogger: Kal Rochelle

Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 25

👀 Average monthly visits: 7,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Bookangel started as a London bookclub's private site to swap book recs and highlight free books. It opened to other users a few years back after realising that there weren't many sites that focus on UK readers.

Blogger: Book Angel Team

Genres: YA, Crime, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction, Paranormal, New Adult, Children's, LGBT, Humor, Horror, and Urban Fantasy

🌐 Domain authority: 29

👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

The Lesbrary is a book blog all about les/bi/etc books. Yes, this often means lesbian books (hence the name), but includes anything in the broad ‰ÛÏdoesn't identify as a man and is at least some of the time attracted romantically and/or sexually to others who do not identify as a man‰Û category. Lesbrary books don't have to be written by a queer author, though it helps.

Blogger: The Lesbrarians

Genres: Contemporary Fiction and LGBT

🌐 Domain authority: 37

👀 Average monthly visits: 7,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Discovery | Pro Book Review | 2021-03

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