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Get your book reviewed by a professioanl reviewer for $50!
Get your book reviewed by a professional reviewer
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Showing 58 blogs that match your search.
Hi, I am Kriti and I write at Armed with A Book. I am an avid reader and I view all my interactions with authors about their books as a relationship. I have much to learn from you and your stories and hope that I will be able to get across the message you are conveying with your work. Please review my ‘Work with Me’ page for more information.
Blogger: Kriti Khare
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 29
👀 Average monthly visits: 8,500 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
We will consider all subgenres of speculative fiction (and related nonfiction), regardless of author or medium, including self-published work, but we are especially interested in seeing more books by and about women, people of color, LGBTQIA, disabled people, people with nonwestern languages and religions, and other under-represented groups.
Blogger: TFF Team
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 45
👀 Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Read and Rated, where all good books come to be reviewed! Find me on twitter too @ReadandRated
Blogger: Lisa Hall
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 17
👀 Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
A book review site featuring a diverse Hive of voices reading and sharing, we have a vast palette. We welcome both indie and traditionally-published authors - at no charge for reviews, ever.
Blogger: The LitBuzz Hive
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 7
👀 Average monthly visits: 300 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
The Lesbrary is a book blog all about les/bi/etc books. Yes, this often means lesbian books (hence the name), but includes anything in the broad ÛÏdoesn't identify as a man and is at least some of the time attracted romantically and/or sexually to others who do not identify as a manÛ category. Lesbrary books don't have to be written by a queer author, though it helps.
Blogger: The Lesbrarians
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 37
👀 Average monthly visits: 7,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Please read the instructions carefully. Failure to follow them will result in your submission being ignored with no acknowledgement. All reviews are final. Prior to submission, we would advise reading this post and the Guide to Reviews, as well as getting a general feel for the book review blog.
Blogger: Al & Pals
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 43
👀 Average monthly visits: 18,600 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Quill & Quire is the magazine of the Canadian book trade. The magazine reviews around 400 new titles each year, offering the most comprehensive look at Canadian-authored books in the country.
Blogger: The Q&Q Team
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 57
👀 Average monthly visits: 81,500 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Mail
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
Established in 1976, the Midwest Book Review is an organization committed to promoting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing.ÊWe post our reviews on the Internet with a number of thematically appropriate web sites, databases, and online discussion groups such as Print books are reviewed free of charge. However, there is a charge of a $50 "Reader Fee" for reviewing ebooks, galleys, pre-publication manuscripts, uncorrected proofs, ARCS and .pdf files
Blogger: James A. Cox
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 48
👀 Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
A book blog that is dedicated to celebrating and bringing attention to diverse books and authors. Bookish Brews is helping people diversify their reading one book at a time.
Blogger: Amanda Khong
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 11
👀 Average monthly visits: 2,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
9th Street Books is the place to go for everything about the literary life, including book reviews, lists, and more.
Blogger: Grace Pursel
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 14
👀 Average monthly visits: 1,800 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
WELCOME BOOKLOVERS! I’m Jo, an Aussie book reviewer. I started this website in 2009 and quickly realised I enjoy writing and blogging about books almost as much as reading them. Hope you enjoy browsing my book reviews & following my reading adventures.
Blogger: Joanne
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 36
👀 Average monthly visits: 4,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
I worked in the Canadian publishing industry for 7 years, and loved every minute of it. Now I write book reviews for various publications, and I'm the books columnist for CBC Calgary's Homestretch. I'm the Past President of the Writers' Guild of Alberta Board of Directors and I host various literary events around the city. The majority of the books I review on this blog have been sent to me from the publisher in exchange for an honest review, and all opinions are my own.
Blogger: Anne Logan
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 23
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
I enjoy reading somewhat eclectic range of book, but I especially enjoy reading paranormal, science fiction, fantasy and contemporary romance in both adult and YA books. I'm not a huge fan of horror I also don't read much erotica or anything overly graphic, abusive or with a blatant amount of excessive violence.
Blogger: Brogan
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 11
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Please be aware that I get a lot of requests and will only reply to people on the books that I can commit myself to. If you have not had a reply within 2 days of sending me an email it will more than likely be that I am unable to take on more books at the present time.
Blogger: Sarah
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 36
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
The Book Nanny gives readers a look inside their book without spoilers. We give information about the violence, adult content and language a book contains so readers can find books that fit their media standards.
Blogger: Emily Campbell
Genres: LGBT
🌐 Domain authority: 3
👀 Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
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