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Get your book reviewed by a professioanl reviewer for $50!
Get your book reviewed by a professional reviewer
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Showing 85 blogs that match your search.
I worked in the Canadian publishing industry for 7 years, and loved every minute of it. Now I write book reviews for various publications, and I'm the books columnist for CBC Calgary's Homestretch. I'm the Past President of the Writers' Guild of Alberta Board of Directors and I host various literary events around the city. The majority of the books I review on this blog have been sent to me from the publisher in exchange for an honest review, and all opinions are my own.
Blogger: Anne Logan
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 23
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
A book review site featuring a diverse Hive of voices reading and sharing, we have a vast palette. We welcome both indie and traditionally-published authors - at no charge for reviews, ever.
Blogger: The LitBuzz Hive
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 25
👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Hello! My nom de plume is Raven which is either (a) glamorous and mysterious or (b) a harbinger of doom depending on your viewpoint! In reality I am but a humble bookseller (16 years and counting) and this is a selection of reviews and crime news from one criminally-minded reader to others.
Blogger: Raven
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 32
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Welcome to Beyond the Bookends, a blog for modern Moms who love to read and wish to inspire a love of reading in their children.
Blogger: Jackie and Kirsten
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 16
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
I am an award-winning book blogger with a love of reading and passion for books, I love writing about books on my blog and getting involved in this wonderful community!
Blogger: Beth Bartholomew
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 21
👀 Average monthly visits: 7,200 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
If you’re looking for the next great read, or you’ve heard of a book I’ve read and you want to know if you should read it too, you are the person I’m writing this blog for – so please, sign up to follow me using the links provided on the site.
Blogger: Davida
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 22
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
We review books, conduct author interviews, and have monthly book awards.
Blogger: Thomas Anderson
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 30
👀 Average monthly visits: 12,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
I'm a specialist reviewer in Crime, and Scottish crime fiction in particular.
Blogger: Sharon
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 27
👀 Average monthly visits: 2,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
BookPage reviews almost every category of new books, including literary and popular fiction, nonfiction, children's books, audiobooks and gift books. We rarely review poetry or scholarly books, and we do not give review consideration to self-published books, print-on-demand titles or books from presses that lack major distribution.
Blogger: Book Page Contributors
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 67
👀 Average monthly visits: 135,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Mail
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
I read and review primarily YA fiction. I make exceptions to that rule, mostly for middle-grade and adult crossovers, historical mystery/romances, crime, and other genre fiction. I do not review self-help, inspirational memoirs/Non-Fiction, erotica, or medical texts.
Blogger: Leila Roy
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 32
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
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