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Get your book reviewed by a professioanl reviewer for $50!
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Showing 85 blogs that match your search.
The only genres I don't accept are erotica and religious books. I accept eBook, Paperback and Audiobook copies. I also offer author email interviews, guest blog posts and more promotional opportunities for free.
Blogger: Anthony Avina
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 30
👀 Average monthly visits: 800 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Please be aware that I get a lot of requests and will only reply to people on the books that I can commit myself to. If you have not had a reply within 2 days of sending me an email it will more than likely be that I am unable to take on more books at the present time.
Blogger: Sarah
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 36
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
We typically read Young Adult, New Adult (relatively clean please, some explicit content is okay), and some fantasy or thriller/mystery novels. We may branch out and consider other novels, but it just depends on if it seems like something we might enjoy.
Blogger: Haley and Becca
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 32
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
On this blog you can find reviews about any books set in Italy.
Blogger: Italy Writers
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 12
👀 Average monthly visits: 100 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Genres: I will only read and review books that peaks my interest. Books from the erotica genre will be featured on my sister book review blog site: Jersey Girl Sizzling Book Reviews. My favorite genres are: Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, Christian Fiction and Mystery Suspense Thrillers. I do not like Children's's Books, Poetry, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal or Horror books, please do not send me a request for review for the books in these genres.
Blogger: Kathleen Higgins-Anderson
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 30
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Crime Fiction Lover was set up by two journalists who love reading crime stories - everything from atmospheric noir to thriller mysteries and police procedurals. The rise of Kindle, eBooks and iBooks interests us a great deal. We hope to discover and share some of the best reads on these new formats, but by no means will we overlook traditional print. There's nothing like the feel and smell of a freshly printed book.
Blogger: Catherine Turnbull
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 42
👀 Average monthly visits: 59,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Here at Chapterinmylife I am always happy to accept books for review. Any reviews I provide are only my opinion and are always constructive. I will try my best to explain what it was I enjoyed about the book or why it was not to my taste.
Blogger: Sharon Bairden
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 27
👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Mail
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
There were over 391,000 books self-published in 2012. That's a lot of company (and competition!) for any author.åÊIndieReader offers the best value for reviews, bar none. IR's reviewers & some of the best in the field & will let you know if you've achieved what you set out to do. Charges may apply. IR also recommends titles to the HUFFINGTON POST and USA TODAY.
Blogger: The IndieReader Team
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 49
👀 Average monthly visits: 15,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
A Thin Slice of Anxiety is an independent publication which strives to nurture and promote the best up-and-coming writers of our generation.
Blogger: Cody Sexton
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 16
👀 Average monthly visits: 2,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Independent Book Review is a celebration of small press and self-published books.
Blogger: Joseph
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 21
👀 Average monthly visits: 2,500 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
For the most part, I am avid book reader. I will try a wide range of books, with one exception: romance. I have never been able to engage with books of this genre, so please keep this in mind when requesting a review.
Blogger: The BB Team
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 17
👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
Bookangel started as a London bookclub's private site to swap book recs and highlight free books. It opened to other users a few years back after realising that there weren't many sites that focus on UK readers.
Blogger: Book Angel Team
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 29
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
I am currently open to review requests but I'm being selective in what I accept due to running this book blog alongside dealing with medical stuff. I like to read most genres of book but my favourite genres are: contemporary fiction, literary fiction, women's fiction, thrillers, crime and mystery, young adult, chick lit/lad lit, and biographies.
Blogger: Hayley
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 29
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? No
Jeyran Main is a professional book editor, marketing advisor, and book reviewer. She has had the pleasure of making friends with many publishers & authors throughout her life and career. Her passion is to spread positive energy to anyone who needs it, and in return, she would love it if they forwarded it to someone else. Please email her for book review requests, with the title and summary of your book.
Blogger: Jeyran Main
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 23
👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
The Book Nanny gives readers a look inside their book without spoilers. We give information about the violence, adult content and language a book contains so readers can find books that fit their media standards.
Blogger: Emily Campbell
Genres: Crime
🌐 Domain authority: 3
👀 Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo
💌 Preferred contact method: Email
⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes
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