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Best Crime Book Review Blogs in 2025

Showing 85 blogs that match your search.

My first love has always been BOOKS. My blog features my reviews, author interviews, book spotlights, and other bookish events. I read nearly all genres, according to my mood.

Blogger: Shalini

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 25

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Social media

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

The Lesbian Review is the home of book reviews done by women who absolutely LOVE lesbian fiction and who are not just going to read and enjoy every lesbian novel out there. We read a lot and are a tough crowd to please. But that is great news for you because it means this book blog only showcases lesbian fiction books that are really good. If we don't like it, we don't review it.

Blogger: The Lesbian Review

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 37

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 10,200 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Lovely Loveday was created because of a love for books. I love to share my thoughts on books I have read and authors I have discovered along the way in hopes that others will enjoy reading as much as I do. I enjoy reading any genre both indie and traditional books.

Blogger: Lovely Loveday

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 26

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 50,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

The Creative Muggle is a place for anyone who wants to read books. You can find fascinating reading lists to have a productive reading time in your busy life. From charming romance novels to propulsive thrillers, you are in for a literary treat!

Blogger: Stephy George

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 20

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 20,500 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Publishers and authors: I am more than willing to review almost any kind of book, so please contact me via the email address below!

Blogger: Stephanie

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 19

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

The blog was initially designed to share a few thoughts about the books I read and that's the aspect I still enjoy most. I don't give star ratings as my 5 stars might be someone else's 3 so I say what I thought instead, trying to be as honest as I can and I make the review personal to me as a reader. After a few months of blogging I realised just how hard it is for smaller publishers and independent authors to get their books noticed so I'm always willing to feature them if I can.

Blogger: Linda Hill

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 39

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

I am a book lover and reviewer. I’ve always loved reading and remember the joys of reading the Famous Five, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. I prefer crime fiction and psychological thrillers but also have a soft spot for chick-lit and women’s fiction and anything else that catches my interest.

Blogger: Sandra

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 27

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Hi, my name is Jo and I love reading which is why I set up My Chestnut Reading Tree in February 2016 so I could share my thoughts about the books I read with the world! I read mainly crime and psychological thrillers but I also love women's fiction...basically I just love a good story and will review most books apart from sci-fi or horror.

Blogger: Jo

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 30

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

The Bookish Elf is a site you can rely on for book reviews, author interviews, book recommendations, and all things books.

Blogger: Mitul Patel

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 40

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 30,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Give your indie book the launch that it deserves! Submit your book to over 150 reviewers and gain exposure to thousands of readers in your genre. If our reviewers like what they read, your book will get a high-quality review and will be promoted on the Discover feed, where readers upvote their favorite titles. The top books from each week will be featured in our weekly newsletters.

Blogger: Reedsy

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 78

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 600,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

We are not an exclusively book reviewing blog. We write about culture, writing, and history too. Most of our reviews are in the mystery/crime genre.

Blogger: Lars Walker

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 39

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 2,500 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Social media

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

Established in 1976, the Midwest Book Review is an organization committed to promoting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing.ÊWe post our reviews on the Internet with a number of thematically appropriate web sites, databases, and online discussion groups such as Print books are reviewed free of charge. However, there is a charge of a $50 "Reader Fee" for reviewing ebooks, galleys, pre-publication manuscripts, uncorrected proofs, ARCS and .pdf files

Blogger: James A. Cox

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 48

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 6,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

We're always interested in hearing about new books, but even with a stable of writers across book blogs we can't get to everything. So if you'd like to tell us about something, shoot us an email. Before sending something for consideration, take a look around the site to get a feel for who we are, who our readers are, and how we go about things. Bonus points will go to submissions that have looked at our contributors and can suggest which contributor might be a good fit for the book.

Blogger: Book Riot Contributors

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 80

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 995,200 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

It may not come as a surprise to you that I like books and I read quite a lot of them Ð mostly contemporary, literary and translated fiction. I love stories with unreliable narrators and my greatest fear is running out of books to read. I don't accept review copies of self-published books. However, do feel free to contact me with all queries via email or Twitter. Please be aware that I may not be able to respond straight away.

Blogger: Clare

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 26

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 7,000 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

Book Vue was born out of the editor's restless desire to share with the world thoughts and opinions on some of the greatest books out there. The honesty behind each review is the essence of the blog.

Blogger: Chitra Iyer

Genres: Crime

🌐 Domain authority: 5

πŸ‘€ Average monthly visits: 100 p/mo

πŸ’Œ Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

So you want to find a book blog?

If you’re a voracious reader, you might think of a book blog as an oasis in the middle of the desert: a place on the Internet that brims with talk about books, books, and more books.

Well, good news β€” we built this directory of the 200 of the best book blogs to satiate your thirst. Take a walk around, use the filters to narrow down your search to blogs in your preferred genre, and feel free to bookmark this page and come back, as we do update it regularly with more of the best book blogs out there. 

If you’re an aspiring author, you might see a book blog more as a book review blog: a place where you can get your yet-to-be published book reviewed. In that case, you’ll be glad to know that most of the book blogs in our directory are open to review requests and accept indie books! We expressly designed this page (and our book marketing platform, Reedsy Discovery) to be useful to indie book authors who need book reviews. If you’re wondering how to approach a book blog for a review request, please read on. 

You’ve found a book blog. Now what? 

Let’s say that you’re an author, and you’ve found a couple of book blogs that would be perfect fits to review your book. What now? Here are some tips as you go about getting your book reviews:

  • Be sure to read the review policy. First, check that the book blog you’re querying is open to review requests. If that’s the fortunate case, carefully read the blog’s review policy and make sure that you follow the directions to a T.  
  • Individualize your pitches. Book bloggers will be able to immediately tell apart the bulk pitches, which simply come across as thoughtless and indifferent. If you didn’t take the time to craft a good pitch, why should the blogger take the time to read your book? Personalize each pitch to up your chances of getting a response. 
  • Format your book in a professional manner before sending it out. Ensure that your manuscript isn’t presented sloppily. If the book blogger asks for a digital ARC, you might want to check out apps such as Instafreebie or Bookfunnel. 
  • Create a spreadsheet to track your progress. Wading through so many book blogs can be troublesome β€” not to mention trying to remember which ones you’ve already contacted. To save yourself the time and trouble, use a simple Excel spreadsheet to keep track of your progress (and results). 

Looking to learn even more about the process? Awesome πŸ‘ For a detailed guide, check out this post that’s all about getting book reviews. 


Discovery | Pro Book Review | 2021-03

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